Chapter 14

827 Words
The whispers and stares started the second we drove into the parking lot. Who would come to school in a Porsche? Who even owns a Porsche? The answer is this girl right here. Tess opened her door, clearly confusing everyone. They didn’t know who Tess was, so they were unsure of why she was here. She grabbed the backseat’s door handle and stepped aside for us to walk out. Their confusion quickly turned to shock. They didn’t expect anyone to come to school in a Porsche in the first place, but what really shocked them was who walked out. It was Zack. Of course, as my mate, I made sure to run a background check on him and his family, and this includes the fact that his family did not have a lot of money, certainly not enough to be able to afford a Porsche! Of course, I was perfectly fine with this because that meant that I could spoil him rotten, but what set me off was the fact that Zack was being made fun of because of it. I grabbed Zach’s hand and had to almost drag him into school. He was frozen from fear. I guess he didn’t like being in the spotlight. I lifted my head up to give him a quick, reassuring peck on the cheek, and his cheeks and ears turned a delectable shade of red. “Where is your locker?” I asked. “Over there,” He pointed. “Can you wait a sec? I need to use the ladies’ room.” I laughed. Zach nodded and I walked over to the bathroom. I was relieved to find that no one else was in there. Is it just me that gets self-conscience whenever I’m going to the bathroom and the sound of me peeing echos throughout the room for all to hear? I mean I can handle naked women when we have to train or are shifting into our wolves because we need to take our clothes off to shift which means that we shift back naked, but I just can’t quite handle people hearing me pee. I walked out to find Z slammed against his locker, a bunch of burly looking guys surrounding him. If I had to take a guess, they were all on the football team. “Now boys, is that any way to treat a classmate?” I chuckled, slipping past them to stand next to my mate. “You must be the new girl.” One of them said as the rest checked me out. “What's a hot as hell girl doing with a nerd like him? I can treat you like a real man should, baby girl. I'm single but could gladly satisfy your needs.” Another one said licking his lips. “It's no wonder why you're single.” I snickered.  All his friends started laughing and the one who just spoke was turning red, either from embarrassment or anger. I think that it was a mix of both. “Har har, very funny.” He glared at his friends who only laughed harder. “Let's go, Z.” I grabbed him and led him to another hallway. “What's your first class?” I asked, wanting to see if we had any classes together.  “Spanish,” he mumbled, probably shocked that I was able to deescalate the situation. “Good, that's my class too.” We walked into class and all eyes were on us. My wolf was not happy with this. Rosie was clawing at my control to stab all of the females who dared to look at what was ours. And if she could tell which guys were gay, they would be on her hit list too. There were five seats left, none of which were next to each other. I surveyed the room and walked up to a boy that was sitting next to an open seat. “Hi, suga.”I greeted him, putting my hands on the desk and leaning forward.  “H-hi” he stuttered. Poor thing, it was as if he had never been approached by a pretty girl before. He was blushing and could barely keep his eyes focused on my face and not my t**s that were almost in his face. “Could you do me a favor and switch seats?” “S-sure.” He said as he hurried to switch seats. It seems that Zach didn't like other boys near me and wrapped his arm around my waist, showing I was taken. “You can sit down now, baby,” I whispered into his ear and gave him a kiss on the lips, surprising him into letting me go. I gave him a little smirk and plopped my ass down at my desk. This may be more fun than I had first thought.
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