Chapter 6

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“Who and where.” I simply responded. “My little girls.” She whispered. I rose my eyebrow to indicate that I didn't have all day. She gave me a slightly puzzled look, then quickly caught onto her mistake, “They’re umm- they're in a townhouse in Chicago.” Many were still suspicious and many suspected that she had randomly blurted out, but I knew she was telling the truth. She wouldn't lie about this. I know her. Or at least I did, at some time or another. “Alright. Daphne!” I called. “Yeah, boss?” she responded. “Take care of the situation.” “Already on it.” She grabbed the new recruit and went on her way to fulfill her mission. “I told you I'd see you soon.” A masculine voice called, barely three feet behind me. “Ah, sheeit! Who the f**k decided it was a f*****g good idea to let this damn asshole in here! I gave specific orders to f*****g arrest this son of a b***h on site! I swear if someone let this motherfucker in, they better hope to God that I don't find them, especially in the mood that I'm in.” I seethed. Everyone, except for the man who just walked in, was absolutely petrified. They knew bad things happen when I am in a mood like this. In fact, the damn man was smirking! “Damn! You're just as cute as the last time I saw you.” He said, holding back a laugh. What he will never know is that his voice, his very presence put me in a good, or at least better, mood. “What. The HELL. Are.You. Doing. HeRe.” I growled. “What? I can't visit my boss without a reason?” He asked, his voice dripping with ‘innocence’. “Mark. I caught you SPYING; spying on me! 24/7 for four months. Four months! For. Four. MONTHS! You can't just say that you are sorry and act as if nothing happened. Sorry but no.” I stated matter-of-factly, my voice void of emotions while my face showed my silent rage. “Look. I know you felt betrayed by me, as your secret lov-” He started, but was suddenly cut off by laughter filling the air. And that laughter? It was coming from me. Cause I was once again rolling on the floor, clutching my sides in order to try and lessen the ache of laughing my ass off, again. Cause this was so damn precious.  “WOW. Wow wow wow wow WOW. You are clearly so f*****g blind, dumbass. I never loved, let alone Liked, you. You were just a shield, a rumor I spread to keep all the other dickheads at bay. Why else do you think I chose you? You're tall, well built, and hot. You were the perfect fake boyfriend! But I did feel kinda sorry for using you until I found the cameras, of course. But seriously! A woman deserves respect. Especially if they can kick your ass and make you wish you were never born.”  My comment was then followed by “Oh!”s and “Burn!”s and “Roasted!”s. Also, did I forget to mention he’s gay? He’s not quite out of the closet yet, but him being gay was another reason why he would make a good fake boyfriend. Anyway, here's a little something about Markey here. He was my first and most likely last ‘Prince'. You know how I have princesses and ambassadors? (Author’s Note: You can go back and reread Chapter 2 if you need a recap about ambassadors and princesses.) Mark was a test of sorts to see if I could trust a man in one of my positions. He was actually doing fairly well, but then again he was using the cameras to spy on me so all his hard work of moving up the ranks and becoming prince went down the drain. But I wasn't stupid. I knew he knew quite a few classified things and he was also good at his job. Oh who am I kidding? He was one of my best! That man could do anything that was asked of him, sometimes faster than you can say the order, not to mention his leadership skills.  *Sigh* I don't actually hate him. In fact, he is often there to make me laugh when I'm pissed and help me out of sticky situations, which he rubs in my face every. Time. No matter how many times I beat him up. It's all play fighting, though. In the end, I like his company. He's a good friend to keep around. Also, did I forget to mention he’s gay? He’s not quite out of the closet yet, but him being gay was another reason why he would make a good fake boyfriend.  And he knows it, too. He knows I don't actually hate him and I've forgiven him about the whole spying incident, ‘cause I know he meant no harm by it. He simply did it because he found it funny that I hadn't noticed the cameras for so long. He also knows that I trust him, and he doesn't take it for granted either. Anyone who truly take my trust for granted, which Mark didn't really do, gets the death penalty or torture, whichever I feel is the fit punishment for their betrayal. Let's just say I can count the number of people who tried to betray me on one hand. Emphasis on the try. No one has truly outsmarted me in a long time. But anyway, I’m getting off-topic. Mark’s expression was mostly perplexed. He didn't quite understand why I kept acting like I didn't give a d*mn about him and never actually liked him. *Sigh* He may be smart but he, nor anyone else, could really understand how I did things. Tsk, tsk, tsk. “I didn't, and don't, like you,  fucktard,” I said, trying to get a message through his extremely thick skull. “You know I want you, and I always get what I want.” He said, his voice slightly hoarse, some lust showing through his nonchalant facade. “Uh-huh. Sure you do. That's totally not the most cliche line you could ever say.” I snickered. “But anyway, you wouldn't come here just to tell me that. So what's up?” “The sky.” I facepalmed myself, immediately regretting trying to speak to him civilly.  A few giggles were heard, along with the noise someone makes when they are trying not to laugh. My girls (the ones we're not recruiting right now) knew that he was the only man who could annoy me without getting hurt or killed. The ones who are killed tend to be the ones who get too handsy or call me b*tch; which my girls can tell you is one of those words that just rubs me the wrong way, just gets under my skin. Of course, there are other words but we're not gonna get into that just yet. “I'm here to let you know that Squad #0562 was ambushed on a mission.”
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