Chapter 7

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“What do you mean ambushed? Who could possibly pull it off? Sh*t, who would even Dare?” I sputtered. MY girls? Ambushed? There has to be more to the story. “I mean... someone got the jump on them and is now holding them hostage.” Mark enunciated every word as if I was a small child. “They're alive, right?” I questioned.  “Yes.” “Okay.” A few minutes passed and I didn't say another word. “Okay, what?” He asked, confused.  “Just okay. My girls can handle themselves just fine in situations like these.”  “Whoops!” I exclaimed. “I'm sorry! I practically forgot about you guys!” I did a hand motion that meant ‘dismissed' for us and my girls filed the new recruits out of the building and into the vans that we had arranged for them. “Oh and Katherine?” I called.  “Yeah?” She shrugged, her response dripping with indifference and nonchalance, putting up a front that said she wasn't affected by what all she had seen since I first introduced myself, even though she was clearly miffed.  “I can trust you with everything that I am in trusting you with, correct?” I knew that she knew the importance of every word that came out of my mouth, how my question could be taken many, many different ways, and I mean many, many different things. She knew the answer that she gives me to my question could most likely shape her entire future. It took her a moment before she was able to truthfully answer my question without semi-lying. “Yes. Yes, you can trust me with this. With everything.” Her gaze burned with a newfound determination as if her new job was a catalyst to the fire burning inside of her. Her determination to become stronger and make her life better, while also looking out for and supporting the ones she holds dear. Just. Like. Me. I smiled softly, knowing that she was going to make an amazing princess, and from me, that's a very high compliment. Not just anyone can just bypass the climbing of rankings process.  “But seriously! You are not even going to go and try to at least locate them?!” Mark asked, exasperated by the fact that I wasn't going to make any attempt to rescue them. “Oh, sweetheart. You may act like you know what's going on all the time, but you can be so clueless at times!” I chuckled. “Then explain it to me and not act like a b***h!” He mumbled under his breath. “I can hear you, by the way. Y’know, werewolf hearing?” I snickered.  He then in turn glared and stuck his tongue out at me. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. And how long have you been in the organization, again? You should know by now that all of my girls can handle themselves in these situations. In fact, they probably let them kidnap them.” “Do you really have that much faith in them?” He sighed. “Are you questioning their loyalty to me? Or their ability to survive in this world?” “Maybe I am.” He shot back.  I merely chuckled at his rash assumption that we were not as strong as we claim to be, that we simply have an overinflated ego. But that's what we want him, heck, that’s what we want the whole world to believe. We, my organization, use how they underestimate us to our advantage, turn it into… a weapon. “You know better than to,” I called as I turned around and walked to the helicopter that was waiting for me. I obviously could fly it on my own, but I didn't, whether it be because I have a lazy ass or I was tired and needed sleep so that I wouldn't fall asleep in class, I didn't know, nor did I care. So here I am lying down, asleep before the copter left the ground. Oh, and did I mention I go to school? Huh, guess I didn't. Whoops.  Three Hours Later… And I also forgot to mention that I got expelled from my last school so now here I am, the new girl at school, standing in front of the class, late. Y’know, the cliche scene for your first day of school. So the teacher is looking at me with an eyebrow raised looking annoyed. Why? I couldn't tell you.  I was only 10 minutes late, to my third period, might I add, which didn’t break any of my lateness records. You don't even want to know my tardiness or my absentee list for the last four months alone. But seriously? Why do we have to wear uniforms to this private school anyways? I was perfectly comfortable wearing my workout clothes even though they may have had an unknown dark red, almost black stain on my pant leg. “Just sit down Ms. Savage. Just. Sit. Down.” was all she said.  I gave her a smirk and plopped my *ss down in the seat. Basically just causing a scene. When I looked around the class, everyone was looking at me with weird expressions on their faces. They looked as if they hadn't seen a late student before. Who knows, maybe they haven't.  “Don't let me keep you. Go on, go on.” I said so that the class would get out its starstruck (I guess that's the word for it.) state. The next thing we knew we were watching a PowerPoint presentation on Ancient Egypt which was in no way shape or form exciting, causing even a few private school kids to doze off. The people that were actually paying attention were taking notes like it was an extreme sport, which I personally found hilarious.  As for me? I was just looking plain old bored. Or at least that's what it looked like. I was really paying attention to every single detail, like who and when people slept, who was on their phone the whole time, even though phones weren't allowed in the classroom, and even exactly what the extreme sport note-takers were writing, word for word.  And of course, I was also keeping tabs on the presentation as well. But the teacher didn't know any of this and was glaring at me like I had taken the last cookie from the cookie jar. Ugh. Now I want a cookie.  30 Agonizing Minutes Later… “Alright, class. I hope you were paying attention.” She started, specifically making eye contact with the ones who weren't paying attention or fell asleep, including yours truly, mwah. “Because I will be handing out a 20 question quiz that you will need to fill out within the last few minutes of class and since we have been studying this topic for the last three days and we just watched that presentation, this should be a breeze. No. Notes. Ms. Savage is the only exception and may use the notes she took on the presentation as help.” She had a very vicious smirk plastered across her face, no doubt relishing in the fact that she had outsmarted her annoying little new pupil. “I don't have any.” I nonchalantly responded, kicking my feet up on the desk, rebelliousness seeping from my every pore. “All of that and you didn't think to write one, single word?” She questioned, amusement shining in her eyes. “Well it with be 10 percent of your grade, so I hope you were somewhat paying attention.” She then, in turn, started passing out the quiz. Almost as an afterthought, she continued, “And if you finish your work early, you may leave to go to your next class.” She started from the back and started handing out papers. When she got to me, she had a dirty expression on her face and slammed the paper onto the desk, trying to look intimidating, I guess. With me having a photographic memory, all of those twenty questions? They were done before she was done passing out the quiz. “Teacher!” I called.  She didn't respond, only kept on walking to her seat. “Teacher!” She sat down. “Teacher!” She picked up her book. “Where do we put the quiz when we’re done?” I finally asked. She continued to read her, the book covering her most likely sh*t-eating grin. A few snickers were heard from our little exchange. Even I had a grin creeping up onto my lips. The girl diagonal from me just rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair to answer my question.  “You need to stick it in the blue metal bin on her desk.” She sighed. “Thanks, love.” I whispered, then I called the teacher, “That wasn't so hard now was it?” More giggles were heard from around the classroom, including from the that had answered my question.  I stood up and picked up my bag that had all my stuff in it. I walked up to the teacher’s desk and dropped the quiz in the bin. “Tootles!” I hollered as I skipped out of the classroom and into the hallway, making a beeline to the exit cause I knew I couldn't take any more of this h*llhole they call a school.
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