Chapter 5

791 Words
“Listen here, b***h! You better show some respect to your superiors! I could crush you right now! But I'm not going to, cause I have somewhere where I gotta be. Avery and Marissa. Take her to where she can learn not to mess with an alpha, especially if that alpha is me.” I growled.  By the time I was finished with my little rant, you could hear whimpering coming out of the little traitor’s bitchy mouth. I only smirked, loving that this smartass finally realized that she wasn't as smart as she thought, but also relishing in the fact that I still had it in me. I could still scare the sh*t out of any motherfucker who dared to f**k with me. I love myself.  “So there you go. If you wish to join me, just know that you can NEVER betray me and must show me respect, ‘cause sometimes I can't fully control my wolf and she's an alpha by blood and by heart.” I warned, happy with the reaction I got from the crowd. They were frozen, even the ones who had seen all of this before were shocked. I don't usually burst out like this, but that girl, she just pressed all my buttons. Then the big red one that has a glass case over it that says, “DON'T. PRESS.” All caps and glowing, too. Too bad people just can't take a hint. What a dumbass. “So who's willing to join my pack?” I asked. Silence greeted me. Then a single hand raised up and I had a feeling, not good nor bad. Just, a feeling.  “Step forward.” She did so. And like the red sea, the crowd parted for her, and I came face to face with someone I thought I would never see again. It's not like I thought that she was dead or anything but I thought that she was in my past, the life I led before I became ME. That life was of enslavement, this is of freedom. The freedom to do things and go places and live life, the way I want to. But also to accomplish things, for My purposes and for Me, not just for other people’s gain. I've been high on this realization and freedom and this way of life for 5 months. But back to the person who reminded me of all that I've gained… “So it seems that you've made quite a name for yourself.” She commented. “Yup.” I fired back, popping the p.  Only someone highly trained in detecting emotions would be able to detect the hint of suspicion, but also hint of hostility in my voice. If any of my girls heard my hidden emotions, then they didn't show it. “It's good to see you again. Really good.” She said smiling as she opened her arms up wide and walked to me for a hug. Her arms dropped when she saw that I took a step back for every step that she took forward. She could also sense the tension that was arising between us, quickly building and thickening and engulfing us in its suffocating environment. You could practically see her anxiety rolling off of her in waves, beads of sweat forming and dripping down her forehead and neck. She knew she should not have come. “So, then WHY am I seeing you again?” I questioned, clearly showing my suspicion in my voice. If she was smart, she'd try not to piss me off at this point. “U-um, on my, umm, way h-home one night I was j-jumped and d-dr-drugged, and the next thing I knew I woke up, here. And I h-have b-been stuck in this hELlhOLE ever since.” She stuttered the whole time, probably due to the intense glare that was being sent her way by quite a few of my girls ever since they realized I was suspicious of her. “For ol’ time's sake, I'll help you. But if you betray my f*cking trust one more d*mn time, so help me God, you will be six feet under quicker than you can say f*ck you.” I calmly stated, which was way, waaay more terrifying than if I were to scream it out in pure rage. But after a minute she burst into tears repeating thank you, over and over and over again. She was on her knees, smiling up at me with a grateful smile spread wide on her face. Other than her, everyone else was looking at me tense, waiting for how I would respond to this seemingly sudden change of events.
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