Chapter 9

2065 Words
Since it was seat yourself, we sat at a booth that was originally supposed to seat four, and btw, the booth was up against the wall and I was closest to the wall. I sat down next to my mate while Tess sat across from us. I took this as an opportunity to ask him some questions.  “So what's your name?” I asked while batting my eyes. “Z-Zack.” He practically whispered.  “Zack…” I repeated, testing it on my tongue. He visibly shivered when I said his name. My wolf purred at his reaction.  ‘He feels the bond too I see.’ I smirked to my wolf. “Can I call you Z?” I asked.  “Sure.” He smiled. He was definitely relaxing into the situation. He was calmer. “Alright, well, I'm Brianna, but you can call me Bree,” I said, resting a hand on his arm which was surprisingly really muscular.  He covered his body well so if I had to guess, the rest of his body was as well built as his arm. A few dirty thoughts popped into my mind at this observation which I quickly shook out of my head. “Hi! I'm Savannah and I'll be your waitress for today.” Our waitress, Savannah, was writing something down and then looked up at us smiling.  That smile quickly fell off her face as she gasped at who she was serving. “B-boss?” She exclaimed, obviously shocked as to why I was at my own restaurant. Tess looked unfazed while Zack’s head snapped to face me. “Boss?!” He gasped. “Yup.” I shrugged. Tess giggled at our little exchange. Savannah, who was a human familiar, cleared her throat before she started on her spiel. “S-so as I w-was saying, I-I’m Savannah and umm… What would you like to drink?” I almost laughed at her petrified state. “I'll take water,” Teresa answered.  “What kind of teas do you have?” I asked. “Unsweet, Sweet, Extra Sweet, Raspberry, Peach, Mango, Blackberry, Honey, Green, Strawberry, Triple Berry, Watermelon, Grapefruit, Hibiscus, Dragonfruit, and Pomegranate” She listed off, getting into her normal routine. “Oh, that right! This was the restaurant that I wanted to have a huge selection of teas. Ok, I'll take two shot glasses of each flavor. And I want five glasses instead of two for Peach.” Tess rolled her eyes because she had seen me do this before. Meanwhile, Savannah was surprising me by keeping up with my order. And then you've got Zack who was wearing a facial expression that bordered on surprised, confused and amused. I then swung my left leg over his legs and sat on his lap in a straddle position. I purred when Z’s heart rate skyrocketed at my semi intimate action. “What would you like to drink?” I whispered into his ear. “Blackberry.” His voice was so hoarse with lust that a shiver went down my spine. “Okay, and would you like any appetizers?” Savannah asked, mainly to me. I looked up at his eyes since I had had my eyes trained on my mate's lips and was about to reask the question when someone suddenly threw open the door screaming at the top of their lungs, “Oh, Z-bear!” My eyes shot to the girl that just walked in. She had blonde beach waves and icy blue eyes. With the deep blue eyeliner and mascara, she was wearing,  her eyes really popped, instantly making me jealous because I couldn't do eyeliner to save my life. She was wearing a sundress that accentuated her curves and how it stopped right above her knees made her legs that much longer. I mean I was tall but her… she just could pull it off better.  “Who is this?” I tried to keep my voice calm but I guess it sounded more on the deadly side so Savanna, Tess, and any other human familiar or werewolf flinched at my tone. “My friend Miya.” He said, seemingly unfazed by my barely concealed anger and jealousy.  He waved her over and that was when I smelled her. She was a vampire. And not the kind that I make an effort to like and to befriend.  You see, there are two types of vampires. You have the ones that will drink from whoever they want and whenever they want and will drink and drink until their victims are completely dry, and not to mention the fact that their victims are feeling immense pain during the whole ordeal. Then you have the ones that feed on animals or willing humans. A willing human is a human familiar who allows a vampire to drink from them. A vampire can only take enough blood to sustain them, that way the human familiar isn't harmed.  The ‘Good' kind are called Pure Flowers and smell like fresh flowers that vary from roses, violets, and other various flowers. Both are naturally beautiful to lure in prey, have supernatural speed and agility, have immense strength, and can walk out in the sun. The ones that suck humans dry are called Blood Beauties and smell like sickening sweet, pure sugar. They are the ones that spark our instinct to kill. Our wolves either take over or are on the surface until they kill the Blood Flower. And that is what is happening for me and Tess right now, except since we've come across so many of their kind in our line of work that we were able to keep most of the urge at bay. It was harder for me than usual to do so because my mate is here and he's human! “Z, baby, how many times have I told you don't need to always be nice to everyone that has a crush on you.” The blonde scolded. I only glared at her, using most of my energy to keep my wolf below the surface.  Then she sniffed the air and went rigid. She looked right at me and growled. Given the fact that Z didn't seem surprised enough about the animalistic sound that came out of this leech’s mouth, I knew that my mate was a human familiar. When the Blondie growled at her alpha, Tess instinctively got out of the booth and stood in front of her alpha and her alpha's mate. “Get out of the way, mutt.” She said mutt as if it was a dirty word, which it practically is in the supernatural world. “No way in hell, leech.” Tess retorted.  “Get out of my way, or you will severely regret it.” The blonde tramp hissed.  “Oh, yeah?” Tess egged on, wanting to fight. “Enough,” I commanded and the vamp flinched at the power behind my voice. “How do you guys know each other?” I asked in a less dominating tone. “Umm, well her family has been friends with my family for years, so we kinda just grew up best friends.” Zack filled in, either oblivious to the rivalry and almost fight that is happening right in front of him or he is choosing to ignore it. “Seeing as you know what she is, and from Tess’s little outburst you can probably piece together what she is, I'll just tell you what I am and why I am hanging on you and being very possessive.” I started, then paused, letting that little bit start to sink so that hopefully he can make some sort of connection between my behavior and who I hang around with. “You are a wolf.” He slowly whispered, looking at the table because he couldn't quite make eye contact with me. “Yes,” I said just as slowly.  He let out a breathless chuckle putting the last bit together. “And… I'm your mate.” He said before looking me in eyes. Again with those eyes. The ones that will be in my dreams for many nights to come. They just knock the breath out of me. His only answer was me smashing my lips onto his. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip and he hesitantly opened his mouth. My tongue immediately started exploring every inch of his mouth, relishing in his flavor. It was solely his, but I could also taste the watermelon gum he was chewing before. I sucked on his tongue, then let go as we started our battle for dominance, which I was winning btw. All the while fireworks were erupting everywhere our skin touched. I pulled back to let him breathe, but since I'm a werewolf, I could go longer without breathing. I slipped down to his jaw placing open mouth kisses here and there as I got to his neck and started sucking and lightly biting little love bites. I giggled softly as I felt his hard-on pressing on my stomach. Oh, what I could do with him hard like this… I pulled away so I wouldn't lose control and mark him. I lifted my head so that my mouth was level with his ear. “We can finish this later,” I whispered seductively.  I watched as a shiver went down his back at hearing my words, shortly followed by a deep tomato red blush. At some point, Savannah, our waitress, had left and now was back with our order. And I am pleased to say that she got my order correct. I thanked her and told her that we needed a few more minutes to decide what to order. I then slowly and unwillingly got off of my mate's lap and stood up to be face to face with this ‘Miya’ vamp. “So you know my mate?” I questioned while crossing my arms and glared at her. “He was supposed to be my mate, b***h!” She spat. Having my wolf already on the surface, she had finally had enough, and took over and grabbed the bloodsucker by its throat and lifted it up. “He. Is. Mine.” Rose growled. I, well really Rose, since she had taken over and was the one speaking, reached out and grabbed the little leech’s neck, ready to either suffocate her or snap her neck. It all depended on how merciful and if she got even more on my nerves.  “f**k. Off.” Rosie seethed, trying to get the point across her thick ass skull. My eyes had gone red because of Rose being in control, so I think the leech finally understood. She started whimpering and showing her neck in submission. Or well trying to. She couldn't really move her neck seeing as my hand was wrapped around it. I released my hold on her, acknowledging her surrender. Contrary to prior beliefs, I don't want to kill. I mean yes if I need to I won't hesitate to, but if I don't need to and the person apologizes, in a way, and the wrong that that person has done to either me or someone else who is close to me isn't too large, then I will spare them. “I'm so, so sorry, your highness!” She sniffled, already having tears in her eyes, now if they were fake, which I knew they weren't, she would've been dead by now. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I am so powerful that I not only rule over almost all of the werewolf world but also much of the vampire world. Well, at least the Pure Flowers. But I rain over so much that my ‘royalty’ kinda rubs off on the other people I'm not in charge of. Kinda like if you live in the U.S.A, but if you somehow meet the Queen of England than you are basically expected to treat them like royalty, which she is. “Your highness?” Zack asked, even more, bewildered. “Yup. Queen of werewolves and of Pure Flowers. And sort of Queen of human familiars.” Tess butted in, not wanting her opinion to go unnoticed. Heck, she just talks for the sake of talking sometimes.  By then I had regained control of my body and my eyes had gone back to their original, boring, ordinary brown. A flame of jealousy sparked in me for anyone who had exotic looking eyes, including this Miya character, who I am still debating on trusting, heck, I'm still not sure if I want to let her live. I quickly smothered the flame, not wanting my jealousy to get in my way. “Do you want to order any appetizers? Or do you just want to skip to the entree?” Savannah asked. She had seen that I had calmed down a little and wanted to get my order in. “Tess will take a B.M.T. and I'll have fish and chips,” I said turning back to Z, giving him a pointed look. “I'll have the same as you.”He answered. She quickly jotted down our order and scurried back to the kitchen. I quickly gave the Blood Beauty a look and she took that as an opportunity to get the hell outta there.
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