Chapter 10

596 Words
After the blonde left, the conversation came easier and I was able to learn things about him. Like how his favorite color is ice-blue, which is ironic since my favorite color is crimson red. And people say that fire and ice can't work out! We were hitting it off just fine, thank you very much. I also learned that he has an older brother in the army. Turns out he wants to study business and better his cooking skills so that he can open his own restaurant someday. Savannah came with our orders and scurried off, afraid to piss me off in any way. We started eating and with a mischievous smirk, I slowly slid my hand across the table and quickly snatched a handful of fries. Z’s head snapped to look at me so fast that I was afraid he would get whiplash.  I innocently batted my eyes while simultaneously stuffing my face with said fries. “And why, may I ask, would you steal my fries, when you have your own plate of fries?” He asked with playful annoyance. “Because my plate of fries isn't enough to fill me up!” I explained with a ‘duh' to my voice. Tess rolled her eyes but other than that ignored my antics.  We finished our meals and as Z was about to reach for the check, I quickly grabbed it. I opened it and peeked up at my mate who was semi-pouting and semi-stern faced holding his hand out for the check. His only response was me sticking my tongue out as I slid my credit card in and gave Savannah a twenty-dollar tip. “What's the use of being rich if I can't spoil my mate?” I laughed as I and Z left the diner hand in hand, with Tess bringing up the rear. Zack blushed, took a peek ahead of him and froze. “What. Now?” I growled.  There was a group of about 20 teens clustered in the parking lot. When they noticed us, more specifically Zack, smirks spread across their faces. They slowly slinked over to us, like predators playing with its prey. “So this is where you ran off to?” A quick glance at my watch tells me that we had been in there longer than I had thought and the school had let out, so if I had to guess these kids were our classmates. “Oh, are you Zack’s friends?” I asked with fake enthusiasm and a fake, cheerful smile. “You could say that.” One of them commented, an evil glint in his eyes. They were surrounding us and closing in on us, suffocating us. None of this affected me or Tess and we both kept bright smiles on our faces, seemingly unaware of their hostile aura. But Zack, on the other hand, looked very much affected and was slumping down, bowing his head, and scrunching up his shoulders, trying to seem as small as possible.  The need to protect surged in me as I watched him threatened, even though the threat wasn't, or wasn't yet, physical. I'd easily kill them rather than have them harm a hair on his very sexy head. I pulled him closer to me and both me and Tess sandwiched him in between us. I stuck my hand in my pocket, and with skillful fingers, texted my Department of Mate's Protection. And yes, I have an entire department of people, roughly one hundred thousand people, assigned to protect and watch over my mate at all times. I had created this department before I had met Z because I wanted to be ready to protect my second chance mate. NO ONE can harm what is mine.
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