Chapter 8

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As I get out the door, I take the steps in front of the school two at a time. When my feet hit the black pavement of the parking lot, I took out my phone and dialed my driver, Teresa, ‘s phone number. She picked up on the third ring, answering with her normal response. “Which and where?” she answered.  “My new high school and Aqua Streak.” I automatically shot back.  You see, I name my cars. Aqua Streak is my aqua Camaro with dark blue racing stripes across the entire top of the car. Of course, I have plenty of other cars my Aqua tops them all, in my opinion. Sure, I have nicer cars, but this one was my first new and nice car. My first sports car.  “5 minutes out.” she said as her ‘goodbye’. ‘She knows us so well.’ Rosie sighed, content with having people be there for us, but I also noticed something else bubbling up inside of her. It was an emotion that she was trying to keep hidden, but we can't hide squat from each other. ‘What are you not telling me?’ I bluntly asked. She sighed, knowing I would find out anyway. ‘I-I feel something.’ she whispered. ‘You feel something?’ I questioned skeptically. ‘I feel like something is coming. Something big.’ ‘Is it that bad?’ ‘N-no! Actually, it kinda feels, I don't know, amazing for a lack of better words.’ ‘And you were anxious about this feeling because…?’ ‘Because it feels like what I felt the day we found out that Rowan was our mate…’                     ---FLASHBACK--- 1 and ½ Years Earlier My eyes flew open at exactly 4:59, just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the- oh, you get the point. I've had to wake up at the c***k of dawn for years now. Ever since… “Nope. Not gonna even think about it.” I whispered to myself as I slipped on the nicest clothes that I own.  A camo t-shirt and a pair of black leggings without a single hole or a stain anywhere! It's amazing, right? Who am I kidding? It's just sad that I'm this excited about this. But I'm still excited because today is different. It's special… BECAUSE IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, BITCHES! Oh, yeah, that's right. It's me b-day, it's my b-day, it's me b-day! Whoop whoop!  I skipped down the steps, a wide grin spread across my face. I quickly gathered the supplies I needed for breakfast. Since today is special, the reason for it being special varying from person to person, I made pancakes. Now usually I just scramble some eggs and toast some toast, or make oatmeal and set out cereal. Did I forget to mention none of this is for me? Well, it's not. There are about 450 pack members living in the main packhouse and in the houses around the perimeter of the main packhouse. But anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah. So today is different, and it's not just any birthday, it's my 16th birthday! I get my wolf today and can start looking for my mate! I'm sooooooo excited! Is he gonna be hot? Smart? Athletic? I didn't care, just as long as he was my mate. ‘Well we also don't want him to be a jerk.’ someone whispered. I mentally gasped, knowing exactly who spoke. ‘You're my wolf!’ I exclaimed to her. She mentally beamed at me. ‘What's my name? I don't have one yet but is there one you would like? A nickname perhaps?’ ‘Hmmm… I think I like Roselletta.’ ‘That's pretty! And there are so many possibilities for nicknames. There are Rose and Rosie. Elle and Letta.’ I silently chuckled as I finished making the peach pancakes. I had already made plain, chocolate chip, blueberry, and apple. I quickly flipped the last peach pancake and went on to cutting up the fruit for the pancakes and also grabbed the whipped cream and maple syrup. Just as I was finishing up plating and placing the food on the long dining room table that could fit everybody, HE walked in. VROOOM, VROOM!    I was suddenly brought back to the present when someone revved their engine not five feet away from me. I knew exactly who it was but simply ignored her because she decided that she wanted to be rude. A group of guys was coming out of the building and when one of them saw the Camaro, he called to the others, “Man, check this out!” They all turned their heads and some of them let out low whistles. I giggled to myself, and not because of the boys either. I knew that Teresa was probably about to lose it pretty soon because I was just standing there while she was being gawked at by random boys, whether they were aware of it or not. Most likely the latter. After all, the windows were well tinted.  And just as I was about to pocket my phone, guess what Tess does? She opens the driver’s seat door and slowly walks out of the vehicle. She slowly rotates to face me and a scowl could be easily seen on her face. The boys that were gawking took a few steps back, afraid of what she would do. She glared at me and spit out through gritted teeth, “Get. In. The. Car.” Needless to say, I cracked up laughing and my laughter didn't die down until a good five minutes later. The guy that had first spotted my car whispered, “What the f**k?” Not wanting to push any more of Tess’s buttons, I quickly slid into the backseat. Teresa followed suit and got back into the car. She sent me a heated glare through the mirror, probably recalling past incidents. Ahhh… memories.  “Where to?” she said, deciding to ignore her anger for the moment.  I thought for a second before my wolf suddenly took over. My eyes turned a deep crimson and Teresa flinched from the sudden burst of power that was now radiating off of me, rather Rosie, in waves. “Leave the school and turn right,” she commanded.  When she goes commando on me, I am not in control of my body and can only retake control when she calms down or gets where she wants to go or what she wants. “Yes, Alpha,” Tess whispered, unable to even think of going against a direct order from her alpha. A Few Commands Later…  As soon as we entered the little diner’s parking lot, Rosie gave me back control. I looked around confused as to why I was here. After I gathered my bearings, I quickly got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. I knew better than to take my time when my wolf so clearly wanted something, or someone.  “Not even be right back?” Tess called, giving up on being annoyed with me. All she got was laughter as a response. I grabbed the handle, opened the door, and held it because a family with four kids was leaving. The youngest one, probably 4 or 5, tapped my leg and got on his tippy toes. I got the idea and bent down to his level so that I could hear what he was going to whisper. “Day is havin’ a fight in ‘dere! It's thrwee versus ones! And day is beings very big meanies.”  I found how he pronounced certain words adorable and before I could respond, he ran back over to his parents.  ‘We'll have the cutest pups someday…’ Rosie sighed. ‘Yes, we will. Yes, we will.’ You know those places where you have to open two doors before you actually get inside? Well, that's this place, so only after I opened the second door did I smell the most amazing smell in the world. Scratch that. It was the most delicious, the most intoxicating, most addictive smell I had ever had the pleasure of smelling.  It was so good that I just took a moment to breathe in this alluring aroma. There were evergreen and honeysuckle, and a touch of spearmint. But all of this was coated in the thick scent of blood. My eyes shot open and I swiveled my head to where the scent was coming from. Roselletta was very there in my mind, on the verge of taking over, or worse. Shifting.  ‘You need to relax, Rose! We are surrounded by humans!’ I yelled at her. ‘But mate.’ she growled.  My eyes widened slightly at this little bit of information.  ‘He's human.’ My wolf added nonchalantly. ‘Interesting…’ I murmured to myself, my mind wondering.  Rosie caught onto my train of thought and a s**t-eating grin slowly spread across her face as she had her own train of dirty thoughts. Oh and this all happened in a matter of seconds.  A smirk flashed across my face as a plan formed in my head but I quickly wiped the smirk off my face as I started to make my way over to my mate who clearly needed backup. “Did you seriously skip school?” One of the guys that was ganging up on my mate sneered.  I immediately thought of little nicknames for each of them. The one who just spoke will be dumbass #1 and the shortest one will be dumbass #2. And of course, I can't forget the tallest, most burly one of them. Cliche, right? But anyway, since he was clearly the leader of the trio, he will be King Shithead. Just cuz. “You really shouldn't have done that.” Dumbass #2 laughed, seemingly to enjoy my mate’s fear. “Hey, baby girl! What are you doing here?” King Shithead winked, trying to sound seductive. Keywords. Trying.  I slyly rapped my mate's arm around my waist, killing two birds with one stone. One: showing that I was taken and anyone who tried to flirt with me will be turned to a deaf ear. Two: staking a claim on my hunk of a mate, cause whatever these douchebags are thinking is clearly not what is really happening right now.  While they thought that all of the teenage girls in the diner, which were a lot, were ogling over them when really they were after what was Mine. They were trying to get his attention and were pushing up their boobs and pushing out their asses. I swear, they looked like baboons. That still didn't stop my alpha from coming out a little bit, which caused them to subconsciously slightly bow their heads in submission.  I internally smirked while Rosie growled in approval. I suddenly realized that he had asked me a question and it had been a solid ten seconds before I answered him. “Oh, you know, just meeting up with my Bae,” I exclaimed enthusiastically.  I then used this moment as an excuse to wrap my arms around my mate's neck and smash my lips against his. Almost instantly the sparks that I had been feeling from his hand on my waist became 10x stronger and it took everything in me not to mark him right here and right now. I slowly detached my lips from his and looked into his eyes. I could get lost in those eyes, no, those emeralds. The rims were deep forest green and there was a starburst of a turquoise color wrapped around his pupil. They were, for lack of better words, beautiful. I was mesmerized by them for a couple of seconds before I caught my bearings and looked back at the guys who dared to threaten what was mine. “Would you mind explaining to me what you were about to do and how you know my boyfriend?” I questioned, a glare flashing onto my features.  They suddenly lost their confidence and looked at the ground mumbling ‘nothing'. Which may or may not have been me/Rosie spilling a drop of our power so that they at least sort of knew where they belonged. ‘Yeah, at the bottom of our shoes!’ Rosie snickered.  I mentally laughed at this.  “Well, if you have nothing better to do, then leave,” I growled, letting out a little of my annoyance.  They immediately turned on their heels and just short of ran out of there. You could practically see their tails between their legs. All the while Tess was watching the whole thing go down, a look of amusement on her face. I just gave her a smirk before I slowly turned to face my mate. For the first time in my life, I was self-conscious. I was scared that he wouldn't like my long wavy hair, even though it turned red when let Rose have control. And then there was the fact that my eyes were the dullest color brown out there, and I don't care what people say. My eyes are boring. I know they were just saying good things about me because they wanted to get on my good side. I had average height and I was a little overweight, but now that I'm thinking about it, I think my extra weight is just my muscles. But I don't know if I want to bring a mate into my life. It's not that I don't want one, it's just it will be dangerous for him and he's human. Human! That's like asking for him to get hurt! I had been staring into his eyes while all of this was going on so he was starting to squirm under my intense gaze. “T-thank you. For h-helping m-me.” He stuttered.  I gave him a shy smile, not showing that I was semi turned on by just his voice. I swear it was like music to my ears. “B-but you didn't have to pretend to be my girlfriend.” He whispered.  “It was my pleasure, baby,” I whispered into his ear, seductively biting it.  I was trying to look as sexy as possible by pushing my boobs up a little and putting a little swish in my hips. Ok, now I see why all those girls were doing all those things to get even an ounce of my mate's attention. “You don't have to act like you like me anymore. They're gone.” He said, scratching his neck. “Oh, I know. But I don't think you understand that I'm not acting.” I hinted, hoping that he was smart enough to catch what I was implying.  And I could tell he did by the look of realization that he had in his eyes.  “I don't want to interrupt, but I do recall driving you here and we might as well eat.” Tess butted in. “Sure! I mean, if you don't want to you don't have to, or if you already ate you can just leave or what…” I trailed off, knowing I was rambling.  “O-okay, sure. I'd really like that.” He replied, with a little more confidence than before. “Alrighty then. Let's go grab a seat, shall we?” Teresa once again butted in.
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