Episode 11

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Just as they had finished surrounding us, the backup I had requested arrived in various cars. Their cars varied from Lamborghinis, SUVs, motorcycles, and some other sports cars. About 25 girls in total walked out and I would be lying if I said that they weren’t sexy. I’m straight, but you would have to be blind if you didn’t think so. They all had hourglass bodies that any man would love to worship while any woman would kill to have.  They were from different cultures and so had different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors, but they all had one thing in common. There was a glint of determination in their eyes. No matter the height of each girl, they were all intimidating. They were all walking with their heads held high and each had a  resting b***h face. If you really got to know them, you’d know that this was just a facade. At least for most of them. “Who do we have here?” One of them smirked. (Ashley) “Interesting friends you keep, Zack.” Another one laughed. (Keke) Just like the other kids had done earlier, my girls were surrounding our little group. By then we had gathered quite an audience. Passer byres that were curious about how things were going to turn out. Some of which were from my organization and were one order away from stepping forward and eliminating the threat, however small the threat was. Zack’s “friends” were so utterly stupid. None of them had any clue that they were being surrounded, too busy gawking at the girls that had just arrived.  Oh, I'm sorry. There was one. It was a boy with jet black, raven hair, brown, almost black, eyes, and was staring at me. Well, more like at both me and Z, but still. Something in the way he was looking at us. He was hiding something. I wasn't sure what but knew I intended to find out. Whether the boy felt pain or not during the investigation, it was up to him. With a firm hand, I grabbed onto Zack’s elbow and practically dragged him over to the raven-haired boy. The boy saw us coming and tensed, not sure what I was going to do. “Name,” I commanded, getting straight to the point. “Jordan.” He responded after a moment’s hesitation. “Real. Name.” I gritted out, annoyed at the authenticity of this kid. Like, seriously. He knows he’s surrounded, and probably knows that we have means of getting an answer, whether he’s the one who tells us or not. “Zeke.” He finally spoke, after a few seconds of an internal battle happening in his mind. “Well, Zeke, me and my friends would love to talk to you about something, if you don’t mind,” I asked sweetly. But he knew he didn’t have a choice in the matter. ~*~*~ He was tied to the chair with a thick, black blindfold covering his eyes. He had been sitting there for over half an hour. Just sitting there. He had no idea where he was or what his captors were going to do to him. He had no idea that fifteen other people were in the room. No idea he was not alone, for they were completely silent, did not speak a peep, did not shift from foot to foot. He couldn’t hear their breaths or feel their presence. I came up behind him and whispered into his ears, “Who are you, really?” And I swear he jumped a foot in the air. I slowly untied the blindfold and let it slowly fall from his eyes. His eyes peeked open and slightly widened when he realized just how many people were in the room. Everyone, besides me, had a stoic stance and a stony expression with no emotions in their eyes. “Now I will only ask you each question once.” It would be pointless trying to withhold anything from me, and he knew it. They always knew. “What organization are you from?” He didn’t answer, choosing to be silent overlying. “Get the answer out of him.” Normally I would try to coerce the answer out of him myself, but given the fact that Rosie just said, “Jeez, how much longer can this go?”, I knew that I had to hightail it out of there. We had progressively become hornier, so I knew what was coming. Heat. We were going into heat.
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