Chapter 12

532 Words
He was just standing there, reading a book. I found it adorable how I had a little bookworm of a mate. Or at least I think I do. Given the fact my head was full of desire, there wasn't much room for complete thoughts. I could only think of pouncing on him and ravaging him, over and over and over again. I wanted to o****m again and again. And make him o****m. Make him scream in pleasure. Scream d name. And most of all I wanted to mark him. To claim what was mine. Because he is mine. No one else may have him. All this time I had been slowly prowling toward my prey and was about to spring when he turned around.  “Hey!” Z said, “I didn't see you there!” It took him a minute but he finally realized that I had changed. My eyes were a deep red, along with my hair. I surely was a terrifying sight. But he wasn't afraid. If anything, he was turned on. And that was when I knew that we were perfect for each other. “Did Rosie take over or something?” He joked. “You bet I did,” Rosie responded, her voice dripping with lust. “So what's up?” He asked. “Oh, you know, nothing much. Just my heat.”  She was barely hanging on. Any second now and all of her restraint would go flying out the window. “So then why are we still standing here and not on our way to your bed?” Oh, he really shouldn't have said that.                       *~* I had him pinned to the bed, with his arms tied to the headboard. I ripped his shirt off and all but moaned at what I saw underneath. Washboard abs and bulging muscles. This wasn't a boy’s body. It was a man’s. With a breathy laugh, he said, “What a shame, I quite liked that shirt.” A light smile adorned my face at his comment. I put a finger on his lips, which silenced him, and slowly, teasingly, dragged my finger down his lips, chin, neck. Which would be where I would lay my claim, where my mark will go. Then I dragged my finger down between his juicy, sexy, muscular pecs. Next came his six-pack, which practically had me drooling. I went agonizingly slow here. I smirked as I felt him shiver under my touch. I was half tempted to continue my path, but I knew it was too soon. He was in high school after all. “Baby, why'd you stop?” He asked in a half lust-filled haze. He sleepily cracked open his eyes which he had closed at one point. They slightly widened when he saw me lifting my shirt over my head. “What? Can't we both be half-naked?” I whispered into his ear, half innocently, half lustfully. I saw him flexing, tugging against his restraints. He so badly wanted to touch me, wanted to fondle my breasts. I wanted him to, but the urge to make him a moaning, groaning mess was only slightly more appealing.
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