Chapter 19

451 Words
*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Cli- “Will you stop that insistent clicking!” -ck* “If I hear one more click I swear I will send you to the principal’s office!” The clicking stopped and after a moment Mr. Riples got back to writing notes on the board. “Now I want these problems done for home-” *Tap* The teacher sent a glare around the room. Then let out a sigh. “Will any of you need assist-” *Tap* He crossed his arms and sat back in his chair. “Just come to me if you have any quest-” *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* “WILL YOU STOP THAT!” *Tap* “That’s it! I was going to go easy on you since you’re the new kid, but now you’ve really tested my patience! Sit in the hallway this instance.” He seethed. With a scoff, I gathered my things and left the classroom. There was no way in hell would I ever sit on the damn floor, so I decided that I would take a look around the school. My tour just happened to pass by the biology lab where a certain someone was dissecting a frog. The way he was handling the blade brought a smirk to my face. His cuts were so precise and he seemed completely comfortable holding a weapon. My mate was certainly hiding quite a few secrets, and I would have so much fun uncovering them. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the teacher opened the door and glared down at me. “May I help you?” She questioned. “I’m sorry, it’s just, I’m new here and my guide, Zach, must have forgotten. He was supposed to help me around the school and give me a tour.” “And why didn’t I hear of this?” The teacher asked, suspicious of me. “Cause the student counselor told me that I could pick any student and didn’t feel the need to tell every teacher if only a couple were actually affected.” She didn’t seem totally convinced, but let me and Zach go anyway. It was obvious she only cared to a certain extent and thought it was too much work past what she had already done. She knew that we wouldn’t do anything too crazy given the fact that we were private school kids. She also knew that a lot of the students here had rich and powerful parents to back their children up. These teachers need to be paid more for what they have to deal with sometimes. (Author’s Note: Only for this story am I stereotyping private school kids. I also know that everyone can get good grades and be a good student. I have friends who excelled in class and got straight A's when they went to public school. I personally went to a private school and know for a fact that there were plenty of kids who skipped class. I’m sorry if I offended anyone!)
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