Chapter 20

875 Words
“So…” Zack ventured. “Do I even want to learn about your past?” I inquired. He was caught off guard by my question but didn’t answer. “What am I even saying? Of course, I want to know. But the thing is, you have a couple of options here. Whatever your decision is, I will eventually find out about your past.” He remained silent, trying to figure out what my train of thought was. I just gave him a grin and carried on my way. “Okay, so option one would be for us to find a private place and you tell me, starting from the beginning, the whole story. Do you like that option or would you like another option?” “Uh… Another option?” He asked. “Alright. So option two would be for me to send out my girls to investigate you and then they’ll report back to me with their findings. You like that?” “Next, please.” He whispered. “You’re so picky! Alright, option three. You talk about your past on your own time and the truth will come out a little at a time.” “What’s the catch?” he cautioned. “My, why aren’t you a smark cookie!” I laughed. He gazed at me with a cautious look, wondering what I had up my sleeve. “The catch is that I get to play a game of twenty questions with you, and you must answer them. With the truth.” “I’ll take option three if instead of twenty, it’s five questions.” “Ten.” “Six.” “Ten.” “Seven.” “Ten.” “Eight, and that’s my final offer.” “Ten.” He let out a huff and nodded his head in resignation. “Fine…” “Good. Now I’ll make you another offer since you were so adamant about having fewer questions. In exchange for two questions, we take a little trip to your house and meet your parents.” “Wait, what? Why?” he stuttered. “Do you accept or not?” “Uh, um…” “I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll be seeing you later then, mate. We both should get back to class. Don’t miss me too much!” I giggled. *~* “S-so um… we kinda came in the same vehicle.” Zack started. “We did.” “Could you um…” He trailed off. “Could I what, Z?” I teased. I couldn’t help messing with him just a little bit. He is such a cute, little cinnamon roll. I had a soft smirk as I noticed his light blush. “Could you, y’know, call someone or something?” “About what?” “A-a car?” “Are you asking or telling me?” “Telling?” “You sure?” “Yes?” “You sure are adorable, mate. Don’t worry, my driver is on her way.” He sent me a playful glare, which I only laughed at. I mean, it was just cuteness overload. *~* We got to his house to find that his parents were still at work. He fumbled with his keeps and tried to shove the wrong keys into the keyhole. I couldn’t help but wonder whether or not this was all just an act. I mean, I was already suspicious of his past, and I had reason to believe that he was hiding something big. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. We walked in and the insides were just as I had predicted. He lived in a townhouse in the less well-off side of town, which reflected into the house. The furniture seemed at least twenty years old but appeared to be in good condition. The tv in the living room wasn’t one of the newest editions and probably couldn’t play Blueray. The carpet was a tan color and the walls were a porcelain white. The kitchen was probably from the 1980s and the appliances could use an upgrade. Other than that, my only complaint was that it was a bit too small for my liking. Both floors combined were probably equal to the size of the lobby in my mansion. It’s alright. He would be moving in sooner or later. “Sorry, I know this isn’t what you’re used to,” Zack mumbled. I chuckled and made my way over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a little peck on his nose. “You don’t have to apologize to me, baby.” He let out a little sigh relief. “Unless you did something really, really bad. Then you better get on your knees and beg for forgiveness. Understood?” He swallowed and took an audible gulp. “Words,” I commanded. “Yes, ma’am!” “Good.”
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