Chapter 10

1097 Words
DOMS POV "is see your mate took mine" matt growled when we came back into the kitchen. I laughed "come on we have things to discus" me dem and matt headed to our office i sat down on the sofa as well as dem matt lied down on the other one always making him self at home. "so what we need to talk about" matt asked "1, we need to discus the rogues theyve been more active lastly along with the vampires, 2, we need to get ready for bellas ceremony. and 3 how the hell to we tell bella she a descendant of the moon goddess by her 21st birthday that oh happens to be in three months" dem said matt laughed "well you guys have you hands full" i growled "matt im serious what if the vampires know about bella come she was attacked when she was 6 plus the rogues and vampires are more active doesnt that tell you anything" he sighed "i know i know but the sooner she meets the pack and other packs know about their queen they will be more then happy to help if it means they get an hire along with a luna" "easier said then done your forget their are two of us so ones getting a kid before the other, its just complicated plus our mate is a little more strong headed and wont jump at the opportunity to get pregnant, plus with us being kings and her of alpha blood her pregnancy will be faster then others and she will find out the next day after s*x if shes pregnant" dem said "well yall are f****d ither way man" matt said laughing. "we need to get on the ceremony perpetration's and figuring how to tell bella about her mark we will have in a few months" i added BELLAS POV I groaned "come Randi its been hours and im tired" she shrugged "we should head back soon anyways matts gonna be wondering where we are along with the twins" We headed for the truck placing are bags in the back randi tossed me the keys i raised a brow to her "your driving" she said in a duh tone. i rolled my eyes and started the truck and pulled out of the mall parking lot. "you so made me drive so you dont get in s**t for taking matts truck" i said she laughed "yup" she said popping the p. i sighed and drove us home. We pulled in "i hope you know im throwing you under the bus when the guys ask where we were" i smirked I turned the truck off and was about to get out when the guys opened the door "great" randi muttered i got out and went to the other side of the truck and dom pulled to him by the arm he has a tight grip. "randi why did you guys not tell us where you were going" he growled "it wasnt her fault i-" dom growled and i shut up. i looked at demy who wasnt doing anything i mouthed help. "and taking matts truck without asking you know she just recovered and the rogues are around the malls isnt on around territory its everyones so a rouge could attack and we cant do s**t" dom snapped holding my arm tighter "dom i think you should calm down i understand your mad and it was stupid of them but yelling isnt going to do anything" dem said "plus i dont mind them taking my truck" matt added dom stormed off with me in his grip yelped as her jerked my arm "dom your hurting me" i yelped out and he stopped and sighed "im sorry bells i was worried" i hugged him "i know i should have told you but you need to chill out your more possessive and protective of me the demmy" He hugged me back "i know i know no need to tell me hows your arm" he asked pulling my sleeve up "its fine" i pushed his hand away i knew there was gonna be a bruise. "come on i have clothes" i headed for the truck and went for my bags but dom and dem got them. Dem raised a brow to me and i laughed showing them their card he chuckled and went into the castle. along with matt "well that went better then i thought" randi said "Right" we both laughed and headed inside. i decided to go unpack my clothes and get changed, i changed into a batman onesie. I also bought a teddy bear same with randi they both said best friends they were cute, then i cuddled up with it on the bed. Soon enough i went to sleep. DEMS POV We finished eating Bella said she wanted to sleep which was ok, me and dom went into our room to see our mate curled up in a ball cuddling a bear. We both changed into sweat pants and got into bed but bella didnt bother cuddling us i growled lowly "get rid of that stupid bear and cuddle us" her eyes shot right open "please" dom said she growled and pushed us both off the bed "sleep on the floor" she growled. I looked over to dom on the other side be was stunned as much as i was "seriously you dont mean that bells" dom whined "yes i do i swear both of you come on this bed i will cut your nuts off and feed them to you" she growled "its just a bear" i growled back "nope its my first bear i got with randi" "come lets go bug matt" dom linked me We left the room and went to matts i knocked on the door "come in" he growled I opened it up to see him on the floor and randi cuddling up to the bear "you to" i asked "oh hell yes" randi said "you guys stay here ill sleep with Bella" "what no babe stay" matt whined and she left BELLAS POV I heard a knock "i said no your not sleeping in here" i growled "well good thing im not the twins eh" randi said opening the door then shutting it and flopping next to me "let me guess matt did the same thing" "yup he called the bear stupid an wanted to rip it up" i laughed "they are something else hey slumber party and we are so getting the guys back early in the morning" "i agree"
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