Chapter 11

1085 Words
BELLAS POV Me and Randi stayed up most of the night but we planned to get the boys back. I know i know how childish are they to fight of a teddy bear. Well thats us. I woke Randi up its around 5 30 the guys get up at 6 somedays "come ray" i pushed her off the bed "what the hell bella" she growled "we are getting the guys back remember" That was all i needed to day and she was up, we had got some stuff for the prank i grabbed some feathers and flower while randi gotten glue and maple syrup, i grabbed my phone to record it. We tip toed into the room lucky the guys are heavy sleepers or we would be caught. i put the feathers on the fan then put the flower on top. Randi put the glue and maple syrup on the guys carefully. I set my phone up in the corner of the room and we ran out slamming the door making sure it was loud enough to wake them up. we sat down stairs waiting, listening closely to for them. "aaa what the f**k" dom growled "BELLLLAAA" dem yelled "Randi your so dead" matt snapped we both started laughing we stopped when we heard them come down the stairs once they turned the corner we laughed even harder. they were covered "that turned out better then i thought" i laughed At this time everyone was waking up Max turned the corner "whats wall the fus-" he looked at the twins and matt then laughed "oh man they got you guys good" he laughed holding his stomach. "this isnt over mate" dom growled and left with matt and dem "oh boy that was great" Randi said "come lets get breakfast before our mates kill us more" i laughed 20 MINUTES LATER Once we finished breakfast we went to the twins office they said they needed to talk to us. I knocked on the door "come in" I opened to door, i went in with matt and randi. randi closed the door behind her and we sat down on the sofas. "so whats up" i asked "well soon we are gonna hold your ceremony for joining the pack and becoming the Luna Queen" dem said "i thought that wasnt gonna be for a while" i said "yes well with us asking you to living with us its only a matter of time before the pack asks questions we have already told them to stay away from the castle till we knew you where ready to meet everyone" dom added "but with the pack being away from the castle they are already asking questions normally the pups and teens are here all the time, along with the parents or other pack members, youve seen the dinning room it fixs all our pack members and the pups have their own table so with them no being here they suspect something" dem said "i didnt need everyone to stay away you realize i am a alphas daughter having a pack around doesnt bother me, im use to it not to add i grow up with a big family" i raised a brow "so wait why am i here" matt asked i throw a pillow at him "cuz your the beta dip s**t" i growled "down luna s**t" matt throw a pillow at me "ill get you back" i said with a evil look "are you two done yet" randi asked rolling her eyes "he started it" i muttered Dom cleared this throat "ok now children we need to start planing" i rolled my eyes and we got to work. We went over the pack list, we were inviting all the alphas and lunas, only cuz when a person joins into the royal pack or takes the king or queen rank, they need to be there so they know who else is in charge. For this there was over 1000 wolfs i felt nervous thinking about it but on the plus side my whole family is coming, thats gonna be a s**t show of course. I mean come on having 8, 14 year olds as is, is a pain mixed with other wolfs from packs thats just gonna be a s**t show, plus my 3 other cousins plus my older brother, we are the older 5 but we still act like children. Its been about 3 hours now and honestly im bored out of my mind, we need to go over food flowers decorations etc all the fun stuff not. The twins were gonna do the ceremony but we needed the elders present for it. Dominic and Demetri were still the kings but they respected the elders. I looked up and the guys were sleeping i looked to randi and shook my head rolling my eyes "and they tell us to get to work" i whispered "come on lets go eat plus we need to get your phone to see the guys reaction to our prank" randi said so we went to the kitchen, i opened the fridge and grabbed water and apples i tossed one of eat to randi and we went to her room to grab i know. I had set it to record for 5 minutes which it did. Thank god the guys didnt see it. I tapped the play button and it started it showed us leaving the room and the guys jumping out of bed they turned the light on. Thats when the feathers and flower went all over them, they looked like they saw a ghost. "your room needs hell cleaned" i said "ill get the maids to do it" she said calling the maids and she pointed to her room and their mouths dropped open all i could so was laugh. "well lets go so they can clean its gonna be a while we f****d this room but" i laughed. We headed down stairs to watch tv, i kept replaying the video and laughed my ass off. It was to perfect, then it clicked my parents dont know where i am "s**t" i muttered randis head snapped to me "what" "i forgot to tell my parents were i was the lat thing i told my brother was i was going for a run and that was a few days ago" "well bells we will go see them in a few once the guys wake up" i just nodded my mother is gonna kill me
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