Chapter 9

1122 Words
BELLAS POV I woke not seeing my mates my wolf cried, i put on dems shirt that came down mid thigh, i opened the door and followed their smell down to the kitchen and dinning. I walked into the dinning room and i seen randi. "hey have you seen the twins" i asked she pointed to the kitchen i nodded and went into the kitchen to see the twins and matt cooking. "whatcha cooking" both the twins heads snapped towards me "bacon and eggs" dom said i walked over and kissed them both on the cheek and walked into the dinning room sitting with randi. "so you and the twins had fun eh" she nudged me i laughed "i dont know what your talking about" "girl you smell heavily of them and pleasure" she chuckled "ok maybe we did but you smell like matt so hush it" "thats cuz we are mates and i dont smell like i use to" i rolled my eyes then the guys came in with food good thing to i was hungry "thanks" the twins sat down a cross from me and randi matt sat next to us. the guys were to busy talking about pack things with me and randi off in are own world. Honestly i never seen guys plow food into their mouths faster then what they did. "did you even taste it" i asked "oh we did" dom said "i think i liked last nights food better" dem said winking at me "ewww gross" ray said we all laughed "so bells have you thought about joining the pack" randi asked as i took a bite of my food i choked i really didnt give it much thought. Did i want to join? Did i want to be with the twins? Of course i did but i just met them and i dont know it might be to soon but yet again i dont think ill sleep as well as i did last night. "bella" dom said snapping out of my thoughts "id have to talk with my parents about it, i dont think it will be a problem" i smiled seeing the twins look excited. i was about to talk when someone came into the room i turn my head to see Charlotte wearing a bra with red lace and a thong i fake throw up and randi laughed "new thing of the week dom" char smirked dom stood grabbing the plates and went into the kitchen char followed earning a growl from me. i stood up and peeked through the door dem was behind me as well. I watched as dom started washing the plates char walked over to dom and started touching him. Dom pushed her away "dont touch me" he growled in warning "awe come on baby your so tense" she tried to touch him again but i ran over and pinned her to the wall "dont touch my mate" i growled she laughed "oh your mate last i checked little nerd i was their mate" i growled "like hell you are" i pushed on her neck more when dem pulled me back he hugged me tightly as i started to calm down. "charlotte leave now if i catch you hitting on me or dem youll become a rogue" dom growled and char ran out of the room sending me a evil look. Dom walked over to me then i was sandwiched between them both i soon calmed down after in haling both their scents. "you can hang out with randi for a bit while me matt and dem have work to do" dom said i nodded and kissed them both runninng into the dinning room and pulling randi from matt "what the" "sorry matt shes mine now" he growled dom chuckled "what are we gonna do with her" dem said I pulled randi into dems and doms room "so whats the plan for today" ray asked "hmm lets go out" "where" she asked "to the mall" i chirped then she pulled me to her room lucky for me, randi was my size thank god. she went to the dresser and pulled out shorts and a shirt. i put the big shirt on it was the size of doms shirt i tied it up in the back making it not as long. i put on the black shirts and walked out of the bathroom. "damn girl lookin good" i laughed "come on" i said as we walked down stairs ray ran into the kitchen the came back with keys "come before the guys see us" she smirked we went out the door and to a ford white truck "yuck" i said "what" she raised a brow as we got into the truck "its a ford, they made a mistake then circled it" she laughed "its matts truck so he wont be going anywhere today plus" she paused pulling out a debit card "i have his card and the twins" she pulled out another card and tossed it to me "i cant use their card" "ill say i used it plus you need clothes if your gonna stay here" she laughed and started driving. she pulled her phone in and started playing halo by Beyoncé and starting singing "Remember those walls I built Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound" i laughed then sang "I found a way to let you win But I never really had a doubt Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now" "girl we on fire" ray laughed we pulled into the mall she turned the truck off and we dashed towards the mall. what can we say we are like kids. We both turned and looked at each other and said "food" causing us both to laugh. We were much alike we were thic but loved food. We went to the food court and ordered poutines. (For those who dont know what a poutine is its fries cheese and gravy its a Canadian thing) We sat and ate, once we finished we decided to ardenes (again dont know if anywhere else has it but its in canada) i walked around for a bit till i seen shirts that i liked i pulled a few batman shirts plus some sweats and leggings. I walked over to ray who has her hands full i laughed "what to clothing rakes throw up on u" i asked "maybe just a bit" we went to pay i really didnt want to shop anymore i just like food, not shopping but eh ray likes it so i guess i should to only for her sake
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