Chapter 8

1151 Words
BELLAS POV I sighed ally yes b i think they are mates are up to no good well dem but dom something crawled up his ass and dyed ally laughed. Maybe soo but hes still our mate hes a alpha king so hes more possessive and Protective of us. He is alot more dominating then dem but he will soon melow out i hope i sighed cutting off the link and the door opened "hello luna" she bowed her head "please just bella" she looked at me funny "ok bella im the doctor jen how are you feeling" "im fine but id like to go home now" "im sorry bella but you cant the kings told me not to let you leave this room till you 100% better" i sighed "of course they did" she walked to me and took my IV out "can i at least have a change of clothes" i asked and she pointed to the chair there was clothes, then jen left i got up and picked the clothes up and went to the bathroom. After a shower i needed i put the shirt on its was big as f**k i sniffed it, its was dems i put the shorts on then went into my room. I closed the door behind me then i was pushed against the wall and lips cashed into mine it was rough and hungry i felt sparks tho He trailed the kiss down my cheek to my ear then to my neck kissing my sweet spot where my mark of the twins would go i moan lightly, he pulled away and i looked up to see Dom. i was shocked honestly but the kiss was wow. i looked into his eyes they were full of sadness "bells please listen to me" he spat out I sighed "ok" "look im sorry for commanding you i shouldnt have you are right your my mate and my equal and you do need to defend your self im sorry" i looked in his eyes to see if he met it and he did i raised my hand to touch his cheek but he flinched i felt sad he thought i was gonna slap him. I put my hand on his cheek he closed his eyes and fell into the touch "i forgive you" i said and his eyes shot open and smiled He picked me up and spun me around i laughed and put my arms around his neck and hugged him. he put an arm around the small of my back and pulled me up i wrapped my legs around his waist and in haled his scent. it was breath taking, i heard a chuckled behind me i turned my head to see dem. "damn with out me i fell hurt" he looked down i pushed away from dom and ran and jumped on dem he caught me i wrapped my legs and arms around him "happy" i said He kissed my neck "very" i felt shivers down my spin. then sparks on my back i turned my head to see dom i was sandwiched between them both. I purred in enjoy meant. "come mate youll sat with us tonight" i just nodded dem carried me to the castle i didnt bother looking around i was enjoying being close to my mates. i snuggled into dem and hid my face in his chest. After a few minutes i felt my self being put on a bed i snuggled into the bed "come on babe gonna let us in" i looked up to see dom i pulled him down then i pulled dem "happy" i smirked I lied between them both dom was in front of me and demmy behind me i cuddled into both the best i could. Soon enough i fell asleep. I dont remember much of my dream but i know before bed i thought how me and the twins would mate i mean its gonna be weird one of them is gonna take my v card. I woke to dom shaking me i looked up at me "what time is it" i asked "its only 2am" i hid my face into dom "whyd you wake me" i asked He smirked "your arousal" i blushed "what were you dreaming of mate" he said in a husky voice " i a nothing" WARNING - s****l FROM HERE ON TILL THE END READ IF YOU WANT IF YOU DONT THEN JUST CLICK OFF ITS s****l TILL THE END OF THE CHAPTER ******* he suddenly crashed into my lips out lips moved in sinc he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance but denyed him, he didnt like that one he growled yup hes definitely the dominant one he sent a slap to my ass i opened my mouth to say something but he pushed his tongue in our tongues danced around together. He worked his hand up my shirt and cupped my breast with his left hand then he took my n****e in his hand. he pulled away as i moaned lightly "enjoying it little mate" he cooed at me I buried my face in his neck and moaned as he pulled and twisted my n****e, i felt another hand on my ass i turned to see demmys eyes full of lush, he moved his hand around to the front of my shorts with in seconds he pulled them down along my panties. I moved onto my back dom continued to play with my n****e and bit my neck which caused me to moan more. Then i had dem rubbing my little bud with his hand. "wet already mate tisk tisk tisk" dem whispered into my eat. Then his fingers worked its way down to my entrance he pushed a finger into me. i ducked my hips up at the action i moaned louder i put my hand over my mouth to sepress my moans. Dem moved his finger in and out of me he soon picked up his pace "go tight" dem cooed He soon pulled out "dom see for your self" i gulped they switched Dem was alot for gently but dom was more rough, dem pulled my shirt off and pinched my n*****s, i wasnt paying attention to dom but i felt him push two fingers into me. I gripped onto the sheets as it hurt "god damn so f*****g fight baby" he groaned He pushed in and out of me rough and fast. i soon felt my orgasm building up dem moved his hand to my little bud and rubbed it "c*m for us cara" dem said biting me neck soon enough my orgasm released i moaned as i came. dom let me ride out my high them fell next to me. I was breathing heavily i felt their erections on my legs. i smirked "tonights gonna be a long night"
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