Chapter - 8

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(Olivia P.O.V) I woke up the following day with my alarm ringing next to me, and I shut it up and got ready for the day. "Lets' see, I have put my folding knife and g*n inside my shoes, just in case I need it," I said while checking all the things I needed for this case. "The recorder and the camera are already attached to my purse," I thought and checked the purse. "Keys - check, Mobile - check, charger - check, my cards and money - check," I said while checking all the things I would need for the office. I check all the doors and windows of my apartment and walk out of there. I grabbed my favorite coffee from the cafe and drove to the office. I called and informed my boss that I reached the office and walked inside the building after turning the recorder and crema on. "Excuses me, my name is Olivia Nara, and I am Mr. Adams's new secretary," I said to the receptionist who was busy typing in her computer.  "Give me a second, please," the receptionist said, smiling at me and then call someone on the phone. "Hello, sir, your new secretary has arrived here," she said on the phone. "Okay, sir," she said after listening for some time and hang up the phone. "Here is your office ID card, and the boss is on the 15th floor. You can use his private elevator," the receptionist said while pointing her finger at the elevator. I thank her, walk inside the elevator, and press the 15th-floor button. After few seconds, I walked out of the elevator and knocked on the door of his office. "Come in," Roy said from inside his office. "Good morning, sir," I said after walking inside his office. "Hi, I am Olivia Nara, your new secretary," I introduced myself with a smile on my face and smirked when I saw him astonished by my new look.  "hmm? Is something wrong, sir?" I ask while playing with my hair and slightly smirking at her. "N...Nothing! It's nice meeting you." He shutters a bit after composing himself. "Nice meeting you too, sir," I said with a fake smile on my face. "So, what's your plan now, my sexytary?" he asks to rile me up, but I control myself for Davids's sake. "Well, I was planning to finish this case quickly," I said, still smiling at him. "Why? Are you busy with other stuff?" He asks while making a disgusted face. I know what he is thinking, and it only makes me even much angrier.  "Look at yourself first before judging anyone," I so wanted to say it to him and punch him hard on his face, but I control myself. "Not, really. But I am worried about something," I said while running my finger on my lower lips seductively and moving closer to him. "Worried about what?" he asks me. "I am worried that you will fall for me, Mr. Adams," I whisper near his ears seductively and then move away from him. "Really? Is that a challenge Miss Nara?" Roy asks, smirking at me. "What is I say it is?" I ask while smirking and moving closer to him. "Then I gladly accept it?" he said while staring at my lips. "You know what?" I tease him while getting even more, closer to him. "What?" he asks; our face was so close to each other that we could practically feel each other breath on our face. "It's not the right time to make yourself a horny i***t, and it's time to work," I said, stepping away from him. His face was hilarious, and it was hard for me to stop myself from bursting out laughing at him. "Bye, baby," I said with a wink and walked out from there while giggling like an i***t. David and Mr. White had already told me where my workplace would be, so I walked to the empty reception right in front of his office and started working on my desk. (Roy's P.O.V) God, this girl will be the death of me. First, she made me speechless with her new look, then tried to seduce me and turned me on like it was a piece of cake, then shut me down and walked out of my office as nothing happened between us. She really is something. The name beauty trap really suits her, and there is no wonder David praises her so much. Well, okay then, Miss. Nara, I accept your chanllange. I'll play this dark game with you until you become mine. My thoughts were interrupted by the knock on the door. "Come in," I said after composing myself. "A name girl, Sasha, come here to meet you," Olivia said while peeking inside the office. *Sasha, one of my hookups is here, good I need someone to coll me down* I thought and told her to send her in. "Roy, baby, I have missed you so much," Sasha said while walking inside the office and sat on my lap. "Didn't you miss me?" Sasha asks while playing with my tie. "Of course, I miss you, baby," I said to her and kissed her. I press the hidden button on my desk, which opens the hidden bedroom inside of the office. I hold her in my arms and take her inside the bedroom. I closed the door after me and lay her down on the bed as I removed her clothes from her body; Olivia cute face flashed through my mind. I shook my head to remove her from my mind and started kissing Sasha on her neck, and before I could go any further, Olivia's face came to my mind again. * UGGHH! What's wrong with me? Why do I think about her when hooking up with someone else? Am I falling for her? No No No, it can't be* I get away from her and hold my face in my hands. *No No No. Thats not true. It can't be true. Maybe I am thinking about her because everything about her turns me on. Once I have her in my bed, then I will be able to stop thinking about her. Yeah, that's right. That is the case* I said to myself. "What's wrong, baby?" Sasha asks while running her manicured finger on my arms. But before I could answer her, I heard Olivia calling for me.  "What is it?" I ask her from inside my room.   "Mr. Shaker is here for the meeting," she informed me. *s**t, I almost forgot about this meeting* "Guide him to the conference room. I will meet him there," I said to her. "Yes, sir," she said, and then I heard her walking out of the room. "I am sorry, baby, but I have to go. I have an important meeting to attend," I said to her while grabbing my tie and jacket from the floor. "But can't you cancel it, baby?" she asks, putting her arms around my neck. "No," I said while pushing her away. She huffs at me, grabs her clothes from the walk, and walks inside the washroom. "God! I hate clingy girls. If it wasn't for the deal with Mr. Raychand still hanging on the papers, I would have thrown her away from my life a long time ago." I thought and walked out of my office to attend the meeting. The meeting lasted for 3 hours, and it was very hectic. We signed the papers, and I walked him to the elevator. "Olivia, I am heading home. You can take half-day off if you want," I said to her and woke towards the elevator after grabbing my things, already feeling tired for the day. 
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