Chapter - 7

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(3rd person P.O.V) "I am sorry if I am late," Roy said while walking inside the office. "It's okay, Mr. Adams. I am glad that you came," David said while smiling at him. "What is he doing here?" Olivia asks her boss. "Why don't you miss me?" Roy asks while smirking at her. "What do you think of yourself, miss my a*s, you i***t," Olivia said, pissed at him. "Well, well, well, I love what you said because I love that part of your body," Roy said, smirking even widely. "What the hell? Stop dreaming because your not my type at all, you i***t," Olivia said to him. "Watch what you say, young lady," Roy warned her. "That's enough, Olivia," David gives her a warning. "hump, lucky bastard," Olivia mutters under her breath, but her boss hears her. "Olivia," David shouted at her. "Fine, I am out of here," Olivia said and walked out of here. *Man, she is tough to break, but you know what people say? The more challenging they are, the more you enjoy breaking them* Roy thought as he watched Olivia walking out of the office. "Why are you keep challenging her?" David asks Roy once Olivia is out of the office. "Because it's fun to see her get all rile up," Roy said with a smirk on his face. "Be careful. She might shoot you one day if you keep challenging her like this," David warn him. "Huh, I would like to see that," Roy said, widening his smirk. "Can we discuss the important things now?" David asks him. "Sure, I want you to cancel my request and arrange my meeting with your licenses," Roy said to him. "Why do you want to meet him?" David asks him. "I want to take hold of your agency licenses since you didn't provide me with satisfactory services," Roy said with a shrug of his shoulder. "What? But I already apologized to you, Mr. Adams," David said in a panic. "Do you think that is enough? Don't you know who I am?" Roy asks, getting serious. "But it's too much if you hold my agency licenses then. Can't we talk about it, please?" David asks desperately. "Okay, then tell me, what can you do to make me change my mind?" Roy asks while folding his hands to his chest. "I don't know," David said while holding his face in his hands.  "Then, I am leaving. You are just wasting my time," Roy said while standing up from his seat. "Then tell me, what do you want me to do?" David asks him. "You know what I want, right?" Roy asks while looking at him. "Yes, I know, okay, I will handle this case," David said to him. "Do you really want to piss me off? You know how sensitive this case is, don't you? Then why did you send an idiotic agent? " Roy asks while glaring at him. "I'm very sorry for saying this, Mr. Adams, but Olivia is not just any simple agent," David said to him. "Are you kidding me?" Roy asks him. "It's true. She is my best agent and the highest rank to all agents in New York," David said to him. "Really?" Roy asks doubtfully. "Yes, if you don't believe me, then you can check her files," David said and passed Olivia's file to him. "I think there must be a good reason for her to arrest you like that," David said to him. "Okay, I have a plan then," Roy said while looking through her file and handing it back to her, getting impressed at her after seeing her progressive reports. "I am all ears," David said, sighing in relief. "I am going to give a second chance to her," Roy said to him. "But I said I will handle this case," David said to him. "No, I want her to handle it," Roy said while smirking at his idea. He shares his opinion with him and then walks out of there. "What have I gotten myself into? I will be the one who got sacrificed between them," David muttered under his breath while massaging his head and call Olivia and tell her to come to his office. "You called me, David," Olivia asks, walking inside the office. "Yes, I want you to become Roy's secretary and solve his case," David said to her. "What! What! What! What! You deal with him," Olivia said to him. "No! No! No way. There is no way I am going to do that! Do I look like a dog to you, huh, David?" Olivia said while shaking her head at him as David opened his mouth to reasoned with her. "Olivia, it is just a deal until the case is solved," David said, trying to make her understand his situation. "I can accept the case, but not to be his secretary," Olivia said through gritted teeth. "It's your fault, Olivia," David said to her. "Yeah, it's my fault that he like me," Olivia said while narrowing her eyes at him. "I told you to be careful around him, but you didn't listen to me," David said to him. "Damn, David, they call me beauty trap, not a dog trap, and that i***t wants to take me, huh," Olivia said, annoyed with this arrangement. "And be nice to him, Olivia. I know you very well," David said, knowing very well what she is capable of doing. "Oh, I will be nice, as long as the case is not solved, but after that, I will kick his a*s and hand it over to him," Olivia said while cracking her knuckles as she daydreamed of knocking Roy on his a*s. "Remember that you are a simple girl and not an agent. So act innocent and be careful," David said to her. "I will," Olivia said beside him. "Don't worry, Mr. David, we will have her back," Mr. White said while walking inside the office. "I don't need anyone guarding my back," Olivia said while looking at him. "I see, you still as stubborn as before," Kyle said while smirking at her, while Olivia just glared at him. "Anyway, I am leaving David. I have to prepare for tomorrow," Olivia said to him and walked out from there.
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