Chapter - 9

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(3rd person p.O.V) The following day, Olivia sat next to Roy in conferences and pretended to write something on the paper, waiting for others to join the meeting. Collen comes into the conference room, takes a seat in front of her, and stares at her. "What?" Roy asks, noticing him staring at her. "Nothing, I am just surprised to see a new face in the company," Collen said to him. "She is my new secretary," Roy said to him. "Hi...I am Olivia Nara. Nice to meet you," Olivia introduce herself in a sweet voice. "It's nice to meet a beautiful lady like you in the office," another employee said, trying to flirt with her. "Oh, that's so sweet of you," Olivia said while sweetly smiling at him. Roy gets annoyed with their flirting and kicks her leg under the table. "Ouch!!" Olivia screamed and rubbed her leg where Roy had kicked her. "Hmmm, what's wrong?" Collen asks him. "Nothing, it's just a bug bitting me," Olivia said while faking a laugh. "Now that everyone is here, then shall we start the meeting," Roy said while glaring at her. *I swear once I finish this case. I will kick your a*s and hand it over to you,* Olivia thought and pretended to write on the paper again. "Yesterday, I talked with the CEO of sss company, and he promised me to send some of his people to guard our items so that it exported it safely," Roy said to them. "That's good news," Collen said to him. "Yeah, hopefully, our items will be delivered safely now," another employee said to him.  Olivia keeps writing on paper and suddenly drops her pen. She bent down to pick up the pen and saw Collen silently recording the conversation done in the meeting under the table, and then she kept an eye on Collen. After the meeting, she added Collen's and another employee's names to her suspicions list and kept her eye on them the whole day. After her working time is over, she borrows the information file from Mr. White to read it at home at drove back home. After getting a shower and having dinner, she started reading the files and found that Roy's father didn't hand over his business to his elder son Collen because of his involvement in drugs and other things like that. *Collen Adam's, huh? So it is a family issue* Olivia said, giggling at her success. *But I can't arrest him as I arrest Roy, just because I catch him recording the meeting on his phone. I need more providence evidence to arrest him. I'm also going to need the list of the people involved in all this* Olivia thought, closing the files and called her boss. "Hello, boss," Olivia said on the phone. "Yes, Olivia," David said on the phone. "I think I know who the culprit is," Olivia said on the phone. "Who is it?" David asks, paying all his attention to her. "It's Collen Adams, Roy's big brother," Olivia informed her. "Olivia, you know, you can't arrest him as you did with Roy, without any strong evidence. If you did that, if you did, he would destroy you and my agency," David said in a panic. "I know, boss, I am not going to did that. I have called you to ask you to keep an eye on him 24/7 and tell them not to arrest him on the spot if they find the evidence. They are more people involved in this than one person, and we need the list of them and arrest them if you want to finish this case for once and for all," Olivia said on the phone. "Okay, I will have Ronnie keep an eye on him," David said to him. "Tell him to stay in touch with me when he was at it," Olivia said to him. "I will," David said to her and hung up on her. Then he did what Olivia told him to do and had Ronnie follow and kept an eye on Collen and follow Olivia's instructions. While on the same time, Collen and the employee Roky who was flirting with Olivia, decided to meet in a bar, unaware that someone was watching them. "I am sorry, man, but we can't take this anymore. Either you remove your little brother out of your way or return our money to the boss," Roky said to him. "I know you guys are worried about your deal, but please give me some time. Once my father was convinced that I could take care of the company, he would hand it over to me," Collen said to him. "Your brother arranged the guards to guard the product. How would we expect that drugs and weapons to reach the client safely? Roxy asks him. "I will bribe them or blackmail them or will find some way to have them by my side. All I need is some time," Collen said to them. "We don't have much time. I am sorry to say this, Mr. Adams, but if we do not receive our drugs or money by next week, then we will destroy both you and your company," Roxy said to him and then walked out from there. "Now, what are you going to do, boss? We have spent all the money in purchasing the drugs and weapons; we don't have any money left to pay them back," another employee who works for Collen said to him. "Then I have no choice. I have to take my little brother out of my way, find the best snipper for me, don't worry about me," Collen said to him. "Yes, sir," that employee said and walked out from there. Collen's phone started to ring, and he picked it up. "Yes," Collen said on the phone. "Sir, the drugs you have ordered have arrived here," another voice said on the other side of the phone. "Okay, start loading it to the storeroom. I will be there in no time," Collen said on the phone and hung upon him. He finished his remaining drink in one go and drove to his company port.
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