Chapter - 6

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(3rd person P.O.V) "Can you tell me why you are arresting me?" Roy asks her. "You will know everything when we reach the office," Olivia said while calling Mr. White. Mr. White picked up and answered the call. "Hello, Mr. White, Olivia here," Olivia said on the phone. "Yes, Olivia, have you finally caught the culprit?" Mr. White asks him. "Yes, sir, and I am taking him to your office," Olivia said on the phone and hung upon them. It takes 15 minutes to get there, and she gets out of her car and walks inside the office where everybody is waiting. "Here is the culprit of your company, which deals with illegal items," Olivia said while making Roy stand in front of them. "What? the culprit of the company, who deals with illegal items?" Dered asks, puzzled by the information. "Shut up! Dobe or I will kill you right here," Roy said, feeling pissed off for being humiliated like this in front of his co-workers. "I am sorry, sir. I will talk to her about this," Mr. White said while freeing his hand from the handcuff. "What do you mean, huh? Are you both kidding me!!" Olivia asks him. "Sorry, Miss. But he is not that kind of person, and he is a very respected person," Josh said to her. "The truth is, he is the one who claims about this problem," Josh said to her. "And how did you think, he is the mastermind, Miss. Trap?" Kale asks in a taunting voice. "Because he is the owner of the blinding," Olivia said to her. "Yes, he is the owner of the building, but the problem is, there is another person on his back, his name and that person is using his mane, so they can allow exporting those illegal items in other countries," Mr. White explains to her. "Mater Roy is the highest person here in New York," Mr. Whited added to it. While they were busy talking, Roy asked someone to bring her file to her and read it. "So you are Olivia Nara, huh?" Roy asks while looking at him. "So what?" Olivia asks arrogantly. "You have a beautiful name," Roy said, smirking at her, making her speechless. "Anyway, I don't have any more time to waste. Make sure you keep your people well informed. This mistake should not happen again," he said, looking at Mr. White. "See you later, Miss Trap, and oh, I almost forgot, next time if you want to kiss me....then just ask for my permission, okay?" he asks her with an indifferent face. "Don't steal it as you did to me in a club. It is bad manners," he said with a stern expression and walked out of the building with a smirk on his face when he heard her shouts, you bastard. Then Olivia walks out of there and goes to her apartment. The next day she got a call from her boss, that he wanted to meet her, in his office. After getting ready and eating breakfast, Olivia goes to her office, walks towards David's office, and knocks on the door. "Come in," a horse and a tired voice said from inside the room. She walks inside the room to see MR, and white is already there talking with her boss. "You called me," Olivia asks his boss. "Yes, I want you to quit this case," David, her boss, said to her. "What?" she yells at him, not believing in her boss. "Are you kidding me, David?" Olivia asks while shouting at her. "Damn, Olivia, Don't shout, will you? I heard you," David said to her. "Then, can you explain to me why you want me to quit this case?" she asks him. "Is it because of my one mistake?" Olivia asks, answering her one question. "Miss, trap, why don't you let David get some rest first? He had just come here after his flight land," Mr. White said while trying to calm her down. "Olivia, we can talk about this later. I am exhausted right now and want to get some rest," David said to her. "I didn't tell you to follow me here, David, So I don't care," Olivia said to her. "Miss. trap," Mr. White said while trying to calm her, but she cut him off. "Shut up!! I am not talking to you," Olivia shouted at him, cutting him off. "Enough, Olivia," David shouted at her, getting annoyed by her attitude. "I am sorry for this, Will. Can you give us some space?" David asks while looking at him. "It's okay, I understand," Will said and walked out from there. "I had kept telling you for being patient and being nice to them, and what with that attitude, it's not like you at all?" David asks her. "I don't care, just tell me why do you want me to quit this case," Olivia asks him. "Tsk, because it was too dangerous for you, Olivia," David said while running his hand over his face. "You don't trust me, do you, David? Have you forgotten who I am? " Olivia asks her. "Olivia, that's not the point. I have received another information about the person involved in this case," David said to him. "He has contacts with the people who are in a very high position like Mafia and military. Not only that, he has his spy everywhere, and we don't know who they were. I can't put you in danger, Olivia. I promised your brother and father that I would not put you in trouble, " David said to her. "And what about Roy Adams?" she asks him. "And that was also a problem. I come here for a personal apology," David said to her. "Apology? are you kidding me? For what?" She asks him. "Because you have arrested one of the most respected people in the country, Olivia, how can you think that he is the suspect? Have you ever google him before going after him?" David asks her. "Didn't you told me to be wary of his moves and be careful of him," She asks him. "Yes, I said that, but I didn't say that he was a criminal. I said that because he was a playboy and is dangerously handsome, I didn't want you to fall in love with him and get hurt," David said to her. "as if I ever will," She under her breath. "And what makes you think that I will fall for him?" She asks him. "As I told you before, Olivia, he is dangerously handsome and a good player too," David said to her. "Can you stop saying he is handsome, it's annoying, and can you tell me, handsome on which side?" she asks him. "Handsome in all sides," Roy said near her ears making, her jump in fright.
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