Chapter - 5

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(3rd person P.O.V) Olivia was in her house going through some files regarding the current case, she was going through when she heard her phone started to ring and she picks it up and put it over his ear without looking who is calling her. "Hello," she said on the phone. "Hello, Miss. Nara, this is Mr. White," a familiar voice said on the phone. "How can I help you, Mr. White?" she asks him. "Miss. Nara, I have a suspicion in someone, he always stays in the club," Mr. White said on the phone. "I don't need your help, I already know that, Goodbye!!" Olivia said and hang upon him. "Be ready for your worst nightmare, Roy, you won't able to find who bite," she said with a chuckle and get ready to go to the club. On the other side, Mr. White was sitting in his office and looking at his phone after she hangs up on her. "What did she say?" Cole, Mr. white co-worker asks him. "She said she already knows who the culprit is," Mr. White said to them. "Cool, I would like to know how Vicktor Adams would able to handle her," kale said while grinning at them. "I am worried, what if they notice or find out that she is an agent," Cole said worriedly. "As I said, she was the dangerous one here, they wouldn't know what bites them," Mr. White said smirking at them. "I can't wait to see her move," Kate said smirking at them. After getting ready, she grabs all the things she needs and leaves for the club. "Hey Aria, do you know that guy, he is so handsome," one of the waitresses asks her friend who is a bartender in the club while looking at Roy dreamingly. "Yeah, that was Roys Adams, he is the most popular customer here," Aria said while serving a customer. "He is also the CEO of the Adams enterprises, always get what he wants, but it was not easy to seduce him, he has a different taste for girls and woman, generally prefer high-class girls or models or actresses," Aria said while making a drink for a customer. "Hey, Roy, look at those girls, they were looking at us," Dered said to Roy and he lazily looks at them not interested in them at all. "Wanna take them for a ride?" Dered asks him with a smirk on his face. "Shut up, will you?" Roys said annoyed on his nosy friend. "Wow, relax dud, why are you so grumpy all of the sudden?" he asks dumbfounded by his behavior. "Tsk, I am not in the mood dobe, you better keep quiet, or I am gonna kill you," Roy said completing his drink and putting his glass on the table harshly making a thud voice. Seeing his friend so angry Dered decided to keep his mouth shut, not want to make him angrier than he already is, while Roys was lost in Olivia thought thinking how she dumps him in the cafe in front of everyone while making fun of him. Frustrated he gets up from his seat and about to walk out of the club when he saw her the boys whistling at someone and drooling at someone and turn around to see its none other than Olivia herself. Olivia ignores the boys and keeps walking inside the club. "Isn't it the same girl who plays you in the cafe yesterday?" dered asks while looking at Olivia and drooling at her himself. "Hey miss, are you new here?" the manager asks her while walking towards her. "Yes, but I am just waiting for someone," Olivia said while looking around the club. "Who?" the manager of the club asks her. "That is none of your business, you better shut up, if you know, what is better for you," Olivia said and walk away from there. "She is so rude," the manager said and walk away from there. "Have you seen, Roy Adams anywhere?" Olivia asks the bartender. "Master Roy Adams in the special table in a corner," the bartender informed her. "What business do you have with him anyway?" the waitress asks her. "I am his fiance," Olivia lied while smiling at her. "Fiance, wow, I have never thought, he is engaged," the bartender said to her. "Yeah he is, and someone told me that he is with a different girl every night," Olivia said smiling at her. "And you are here to caught him red-handed and punish him, right?" the waitress asks her. "Right," she said smiling at her. "Oh, I guess he wouldn't expect you to find him here," the ender said to her. "Yes, because I wanted to surprise him, anyway thank you for your time girls, I will take my leave," Olivia said and walk towards the washroom. She was getting ready to catch him when she heard a knock on the door. "Wait, just one minute, okay?" Olivia shouts from inside the washroom. Suddenly the door opens and Roy walks inside the washroom. Olivia turns to see who was the person when she heard the door open by someone. "Oh god, not you again, are you following me?" Olivia asks smirking at him. "Why? Goat a problem with that?" Roy asks smirking at her. "Didn't you miss me?" he asks still smirking at her. "Hmph, it's not the time to play, so you better get out of my way, if you know what is better for you," Olivia said starting to get serious. "Too bad, because I am not getting you out until I am done with you," he said still smirking at her. "Oh, I didn't know that you are that desperate to take me out," she said smirking at him. "I am sorry, boy, but you are not my type boy," Olivia said still smirking at him. "Are you sure?" Roy asks smirking at her, then he grabs her hand and pulls her towards her and forcefully kissed her. "You bastard, you forcefully take my first kiss," Olivia said pushing him away from her. "Oh, really, then you are the lucky one, that I am your first kiss," Roy said smirking at her. "Shut up, if you wanted to stay alive," Olivia shouted at him. "Roy," Dered calls his name, trying to find him. "Damn it!! What a timing like always," Roy said frustrated with his friend. "Are you, Roy Adams?" Olivia asks her. "Yes babe, why? Wanna go on a date with me?" Roy asks answering his own question while smirking at her. "No, you gonna come with me," she said pointing her g*n at him. "Interesting," he mutters his breath. "Why do you have permission to arrest me?" he asks her starting to get serious. "No, but I am a special case," She said smirking at him. "That I have noticed, okay, I will go with you," he said and she leads her to her car, ties his hand so that he didn't do anything stupid, and drove him to her office.
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