Chapter - 11

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(3rd person P.O.V) The next day, in the morning, one of Collen's men informed him that he had found a snipper and set an appointment with a snipper for him at 10:00 am. So, after getting ready for the day, Collen decided to go and meet the snipper before heading to the office. "Knock, Knock," "Come in," the snipper said while looking into his phone. "Sir, Mr. Adams is here to meet you," one of his men said to him. "Let him in," the snipper said, putting his legs down from the table and sitting straight on his chair. "Thank you for having me here, Mickle," Collen said after walking inside his office. "Thank you for coming here, Mr. Adams. How can I help you?" Mickle asks while shaking hands with him. "I wanted you to kill someone for me," Collen said to him. "Here is the photo of the person. I want you to kill me," Collen said and gave him Roy's photo. "But isn't he, your's brother? Why did you want me to kill him?" Mickle asks him. "Is none of your business," Collen said to him while narrowing his eyes at him, while Michel just chuckled at his reaction. "My father has arranged a party after two days on 5oth Aniversary of our company. I want you to kill him on that day, and I will message the location of the party," Collen said and put a bag full of money in front of him. "Here is your 1,00,000$ in advance, and I will pay the rest of the payment when the work is done," Collen said to him. "Then think it's done, it's nice doing business with you, Mr. Adams," Mickle said, forward his hand to shake hands with him. "Same, here, Mickle," Collen said and walked out of his office. While at the same time, Olivia knocks on Roy's office door. "Come in," Roy said, and Olivia walked inside his office. "Why are you so late?" Roy asks while looking at her. "It's none of your business. What do you want?" Olivia asks him. "Mind your language, do you forgot that you are working for me?" Roy asks her. "Will you shut your mouth. I was busy observing the employees working here," Olivia said to him. "Last warning Olivia, watch your mouth, or you will receive the worst punishment from me," Roy warns her. "Oh, I forgot to tell you something," Olivia said, pretending to remember something. "What?" Roy asks while smirking at her. "Stop dreaming," Olivia whispered while smirking at him, making him even more annoyed and pissed at her. "Now tell me, what you want? I have other important things to do," Olivia said to him. "Tch! My father had arranged a party two days later, on our company's 50th anniversary," Roy informed her. "So?" Olivia asks while pretends to be bored. "You are my bodyguard, remember, you are going to stay with me at the party," Roy said while smirking at her. "Excuses me, Let me remind you, Mr. p*****t, I am a special agent, not your dog," Olivia said, offended with his comment. "Then let me remind you, my sexy agent!! We have a deal," Roy said while smirking at her. "And you have no right to refuse me," Roy said with a serious expression. "I will send my driver to your place to pick you up at 7:00 pm, don't be late," he said to her and walked out of his office to attend the manual meeting. *Ring Ring* Olivia's phone rang. "Hello," Olivia said, picking the call. "Hello, ma'am, Collen is planning to kill Mr. Adams at the party night, which will be two days later," Ronnie informed him. "Thank you, Ronnie; anything else?" Olivia asks him. "Yes, ma'am, Collens men change their shift between 1:00 am to 1: 30 am. It was the best time to go and investigate them," Ronnie informs her. "You know where his office right?" Olivia asks him. "Yes, ma'am," Ronnie said to her. "Good, I will meet you there at 12:45 am. Send someone else to spy on him while you were me, okay?" Olivia asks me. "Okay, ma'am," Ronnie said and hung up on in.  On the following night, as promised, Ronnie meets her in a parking plot at 12:45 am and hands her work clothes so that no one suspects them sneaking inside the port if they get caught by someone. Olivia changes her clothes, puts a cap on her head, hides a folding knife and g*n inside her shoes just in case, and sneaks inside the port. Ronnie led her to the area of the port and to an old dusty storeroom, which was not currently in use, using the vessels and trucks to hide and sneak inside the port. After entering the storeroom, Ronnie presses a button that leads to a small cabin hidden inside the storeroom. There is a small old computer, and a small self contains the files and registers on it, beside it, there is a Xerox machine. "You check the files and drawer while I check in the computer," Olivia said and took a seat on the chair and opened the computer. It takes 15 minutes for her to c***k the password. On the computer, she finds all the information regarding the employees, mafias, and other people involved in the smuggling. Olivia attached the pen drive to the CPU and copied all the information in it. "Ma'am, the files contain all the information of the drugs and weapons they smuggle, and vouchers and agreement related to it," Ronnie said while still going through some files. "It would take a lot of time to take a xerox of all of them, and if we walk out from the port carry all these files, then it will ring warning bells in people's mind, then what should we do?" Olivia thought while absentmindedly running her finger on her lower lips. "I think we gathered enough information of the people involved in this. We will come here again to gather more information after arresting them and issuing a search warrant for them. What do you think?" Olivia asks while looking at him. "I think you are right; besides, we are running out of time now. We should leave before someone finds us," Ronnie said to her. "Your right," Olivia said and helped Ronnie to arrange the things they were before they came inside the cabin and walked out of there. After reaching her apartment, Olivia messaged Roy, telling him that she wouldn't be able to come to the office because she was not feeling well and fell asleep after changing her clothes.
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