Chapter - 12

1030 Words
(3rd person P.O.V) The following day, Olivia woke up at 9:00 A.M. with her phone ringing beside her. "Hello," Olivia said in a sleepy voice. "What happened to you? Why are you not coming to the office?" Roy asks from the other side of the phone. "I was busy investigating this case last night and slept late, and now I have a headache," Olivia said in a sleepy voice. "Did you find anything useful?" Roy asks him. "Yes, and before you ask anything, you will know soon. Good night now," Olivia said and hung up on him without giving him any chance to reply to her. He tried to call her again only to find out that she had switched off her phone. "Tch!! This girl really irked me," Roy said to himself, annoyed by her behavior, and started getting ready for the day. Olivia got up at noon, brushed her teeth, took a shower, got ready for the day, and drove to her favorite cafe to have brunch. After having brunch, she drove back home and started working on the information she had gathered after making a raid in Collen's office. When she was finished arranging everything in order, she packed everything in her case and drove to David's office to discuss everything. "Knock knock" "Come in," David said, looking at the door, and Olivia walked inside his office. "This case goes much deeper than we thought. Not only employees but the mafias are also involved in this case," Olivia said after taking a seat in front of him. "Here, have a look at these files," Olivia said, taking files out of her bag and handing them over to him. One file contains information about people involved in illegal activity, and another contains the list of drugs and weapons Collen is smuggling with the mafias and other information. "There are other documents too, like agreements made between them, and the vouchers, account register, etc., in his waterport office. But we weren't able to size them all due to the lack of time, but we will be able to do that once we arrest them and issue a search warrant for them," Olivia said to him. "So, what are you planning to do next? It would be hard to arrest them all separately, and they can also run far away if we do that," David said to him. "I have a plan, but I am going to need your help with it," Olivia said while smirking at him. "What is it?" David asks while grinning at her, and she shares her plan with her.   "Nicely done. I didn't expect anything less from you, Olivia. I am so proud of you," David said while grinning like an i***t after listening to her plans. "Thank you, sir," Olivia said, smiling back at him. She shakes her hand with him and walks away from there. *Ring Ring* "Hello," Olivia said after picking up the phone. "Hello, princess, how are you doing?" a voice asks from the other side of the phone. "Papa," Olivia said with a big smile on her face. "I am fine. What about you and others," Olivia said while opening the door of her. "I am good, and so are others. We are just missing you; it's been a month since you visited us last time. You even didn't attend the family dinner last month due to some urgent work," Nate complains to her. "I know papa, I am sorry, I promise to visit you as soon as I finish this case," Olivia said while pouting on the phone. "Why don't you come and visit us today?" Nate asks her. "Why?" Olivia asks him. "Come on, don't tell me that you forgot that today is your mother's birthday. I called you to tell you that you should come and attend her birthday party, even if it's only for half an hour. Otherwise, she will get angry at you and didn't talk to you for months," Nate said while looking behind him to make sure Mia didn't hear him reminding Olivia about her birthday. "I have totally forgotten about her birthday. Thank you for reminding me, dad. I will be there by 7:00 P.M.," Olivia said to him. She talks to him for some time, then hangs up and drives to the mall to buy a gift for her mother and goes home to get ready for the party. (Olivia P.O.V) Thank goodness, dad reminds me of her birthday. Otherwise, mom would have been distraught with me. She was so happy to see me after such a long time that she hardly let me out of his side. The party was fantastic as always, and I had so much fun with friends and family. The Next day went like a blur, and the day of the party came, and right now, I was standing outside of my apartment building waiting for his driver to come and pick me up for the party. * It's already 7:10 P.M. What took him so long* Olivia thought while looking at her watch. Suddenly, a black Sedan stops right in front of me, and the driver comes out from the car. "Sorry for being late, ma'am. I was stuck in the traffic," the driver said to her while opening the door for me. "It's okay," I said while sweetly smiling at him and getting inside the car. *Ring Ring*  "Hello,"  "Hello, Olivia, we have reached the party and have made all the arrangements," David said from the other side of the phone. "Did you find the snipper?" I asked in a code language so that the driver didn't understand us. "Yes," David said to me. "Keep your eyes at him. Don't do anything to him until I reach there and wait for my signal, okay?" I ask him in a code language again. "Okay, but how long will it take for you to reach here?" David asks me. "I am on my way. I will be there in no time," I said and hung up on him and tell to hurry up a bit. He nodded at me and increased the speed of the car.
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