Chapter 4

1063 Words
Andre's POV “One hundred million dollars!” I've watched all I needed to. My heart was aching on her behalf, I could see the fear, I could feel it crawl inside my body, my blood, and bones, all of me screamed to help her, especially when she looked up at the crowd, at me like she needed a savior right now. And I am that savior because I haven't only come to destroy this event, I have come to destroy all of Miller's future business. But for him to play with the one my wolf chooses, that's a worse crime than the money he owed and ran away. I stood up and began to make my way to the stage when someone screamed, “It's the lycan king!” A smirk formed on my lips when I saw the way Miller's eyes widened. Did he think he had made it in life because I had bet one hundred million dollars? I had it, but would I give it to a debtor and a dead man? Absolutely not. The man looked left and right, ready to escape, but he must have seen that I had my men everywhere already. I should be thanking Jack for inviting me to someone's doom. I'll make sure to either leave here with Miler's heart or more than one heart, that's for sure. “Lyc… Lycan… Lycan…” he stuttered and I smirked, “Cat caught your tongue?” I asked the minute I stepped onto the stage. The f*****g i***t played with my mate! He didn't see anyone else, my mate. He really wants to meet his creator today. I could see the goosebumps on his skin when he tried to speak some more. His security men brought out their guns and I raised my brow, “Really?” I directed the question to Miller, who immediately fell on his face. “Lycan king, I beg you. I swear, I'll pay right this minute” I ignored his pretentious act and turned to the crowd. Everywhere had gone quiet. The once cheerful and noisy place had suddenly turned quiet. So they could be this calm? “So… Am I getting the girl?” I turned back to look at Miler. I wanted to desperately look at her, but not yet. Miller immediately stood to his feet as he took the mic that had fallen with shaky hands, “One… hund… hundred… million dollars once!” He stuttered, no one dared say a word. Not only because they didn't have that kind of money, but they were also shocked and what can I say, scared. “One hundred million going twice! One hundred million going thrice! Sold!” The crowd grumbled quietly but tried not to say it out loud. I could feel the fear of the girl. It was much worse than the one she had felt for the knight. Let's say, the fear everyone had for me had rubbed off on her. I'll have to take her out of here. “If you're done with the show, can I take my mate out now?” Everyone gasped when they heard it, including the girl. Yes, I made sure my voice was loud enough for them all to hear what I had to say. Again, Miller fell on his face, “I swear, Lycan king, I never knew she was your mate. I swear on my mother's life." He cried. I took the mic from his shaky hands and turned to the crowd, “The party is over. I give you ten seconds to vacate this place, else you'll join your ancestors” Everyone began to run out of the hall, even before I completed my statement, and I loved that. They should run and run very far because if I see one of them, I'll rip their heart out for even seeing my mate's nakedness. As for Miller… “Lycan… king… the one hundred… million?” The i***t still asked after everyone had left. I raised a brow before saying, “Oh yes, your money” and he nodded, ready to receive “Meet my beta, Lucas” he turned and was about to walk over to Lucas. In a swift motion, I plunged my hand into the man's chest from behind, creating a hole in it. Miller screams in pain as I grab his beating heart, squeezing it. Blood oozes out of Miller's chest, and he gurgles as he falls to the ground. I rip out his heart in one quick pull and crushes it to the ground. The crimson blood splatters everywhere, staining my clothes and skin, except my mate of course, he's not worthy to touch my mate. Like I said, I'll rip his heart out for doing this to my mate. I took the white handkerchief from Lucas, and I wiped off the blood from my hands, causing the handkerchief to turn red immediately. I looked around, blood filled the stage, and those men from earlier who had dragged my mate to rip her off her clothes had been captured by my men. I'll deal with them specially. I doubt there will be a next time for them in this business. They picked the wrong girl this time. I finally turned to my mate, her face wasn't only displaying the fear, but she was practically shaking. Wanting to ease her a little, I smiled and said, “Hello, my dear mate” “Ma…mate?” She asked as she stepped back when I stepped forward. “I won't hurt you,” I said to her, and her eyes moved to the dead man that was being rolled away by one of my men. She didn't need to speak, I could already guess what she meant by looking at Miller. I could kill that man in cold blood, who was she? “My mate” I repeated before reaching over her. She flinched thinking I wanted to touch her, but I was only taking the cloth Lucas was handing over to me. I wrapped her with it, I knew it wasn't cold that was making her shiver, but I still needed her covered. Her intoxicating scent filled my nostrils, I couldn't help but want to be near her. It was like a magnet. I stood up before saying, “Let's go home”
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