Chapter Three

1178 Words
Anita's POV “Move!” One of the men yelled at me as he pushed me from behind. Since they brought me here, they haven't given me food or water. When I asked for water, they gave me liquor. Very horrible people. It makes me wonder if they wanted me to die. “Move faster!” The man roared behind me. How can I move any faster? I was weak and tired. They pushed me from behind in the direction I should go, since I was still blindfolded. And even though the blindfold was still on me, I could notice the bright spotlight that shone on me when I stepped on goddess knows where. Not only the light but the crowd's noise. The hair on my body stood as my heartbeat increased. What's going on? The screams and hailing from the crowd made swallow air. The clothes against my tears, once again soaked with tears. “Take off the blindfold!” Some screamed from afar. “Not just the blindfold, take off her clothes!” I heard another loud cry and my eyes widened. Take off my clothes? Moon goddess, please don't let them embarrass me like this. Please moon goddess. Before I knew it, the cloth against my eyes was taken off and the bright light hit me, and I had to close my eyes and turn my face away. “She's shy!” A man with a mic poked loudly and the rest of them chuckled. My eyes were glassy as I stared at them in fear, the crowd was more than a thousand people there. They looked at me hungrily and lustfully, I could see it. “Rip off her clothes” I heard a loud scream from the crowd and soon everyone was screaming the same. I gulped as I looked from the crowd to the man with the mic. The men behind me were laughing at me. They wanted the same, the man who spoke to me yesterday made it clear, after all. “No!” I murmured when I felt a hand touch me from behind, only to look back and see nothing. I was tense. I have never been so vulnerable and scared in my life. “Well, we'll only do what our masters tell us, right?” He was looking at me. I shook my head desperately, but the crowd screamed a loud yes. Everyone began to scream yes, and I bowed my head to cry. No matter how I pleaded with my eyes and mouthed a No, I heard the man with the man say to the men behind me without the mic, “Take off her clothes, but do not let the audience see what's underneath. We need to put them in suspense”. Before I could protest, I was dragged out of the stage like an animal. They ripped off my clothes from me. “Stop!” I screamed, tears rolled down my eyes as I tried to stop them, but my hands were tied. I couldn't fight all three of them. “I said stop!” But they all turned deaf to my words. They ripped off my clothes, leaving me with my panties and my bra. “Move it!” One of them screamed at me as he pushed me from behind. I walked with my head low, tears rolling down my cheeks. I fell on my knee. “Oh, moon goddess…” I cried. The crowd began to scream, “We can't see her. Make her stand!” The man with the mic came to my side and jerked me up for proper display. I tried to cover myself, but to no avail. The spotlight came shining on me, making me feel so vulnerable and ashamed. I didn't know if I was angry, sad, and hurt or what, I felt, was pure hatred for the crowd. How can they do this to someone? “Look at that beautiful face,” the man with the mic said to the crowd like he was advertising his product, “Don't you think this porcelain skin is worth millions of dollars?” The people, both Alphas and kings, cheered in unison, I could hear their cheer and I couldn't help but wish to be dead instead of facing this kind of shame. I wasn't seeing their faces, but I could feel their piercing lustful gaze on me, making me want to shrink to the ground. “We will start the bidding at Seven million dollars!” The man began with a smirk on his face. Even I had my eyes wide open when I heard the amount he called. Who would want to buy me for seven million? I don't have anything to offer. “Ten million!” One of the Alphas offered and I gulped. He was a large man in his sixties with a sleazy look, fear gripped me when I saw his appearance. Not him, moon goddess, please not him, I cried mentally. Now I don't even know the kind of prayer to make to the moon goddess. “Fifteen million!” A nobleman yelled. His beady eyes stared at my body, I could feel it even though I couldn't see his face clearly. “Twenty million!” “Thirty!” “Thirty-five!” They kept calling out money I never knew just one person could possess and just wasted on me. I prayed to the moon goddess, that even though I want to be sold, these lustful and ugly men shouldn't come my way. In fact, I don't want to be sold. I need to escape. “Moon goddess, please help me. Casios… help”. He was the only one who helped me back when I was little, I'm used to calling him every time I need help. Today isn't any different. I need help more than I have ever needed in my life. “Forty million dollars!” A Knight shouted. I kept hearing the call from them. I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my eyes. My body was shaking terribly. “Forty million?” The man with the mic asked. “Any other bidders?” Everywhere was quiet. No one would want to buy me for more than that amount. I searched for the man who had called the amount and saw how he looked at me. I felt nothing but disgust for him. If he takes me, I'll have to kill myself. There's no way I'll survive knowing I'm living with a disgusting monster. “Forty million going once!” I gulped. “Forty million going twice!” My eyes widened as I looked at the crowd. As if pleading for someone else, anyone. Just anyone else, I prayed with my eyes closed. “Forty million going–-" “One hundred million dollars.” I heard someone say, and I snapped my eyes open. I felt hope, not until I heard someone scream, “It's the lycan king” and my heart fell to my stomach.
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