chapter 5

1076 Words
Anita's POV The minute his strong hand touched mine, I trembled. It can't be that I'm his mate. I belong only to Casios, how come I had another mate? It's Casios and him alone! As much as I didn't want to believe it, I could feel it, his touch on my skin, his scent, I was his mate, he was mine. How? We walked out of the hall and went through the elevator. Everyone who saw him as we left bowed to him. “Andre, you didn't tell me you were going to participate in the auctioning” A man spoke from behind us and I felt him pause. He didn't turn, but I guess he was speaking to the man. “Do not ever invite me to a gathering like this again” With that said, he pulled me with him, only for me to trip and fall. My eyes turned teary, I was weak and tired. Those idiots refused to feed me, and I'm drained from lots of crying. He bent down to meet me, “Don't worry, I'll carry you,'' he said to me before picking me up in his arms like I was paper. I'm not sure if he was even stressed at all. He walked calmly into the elevator like someone who hadn't just killed a man. Before my eyes, I watched this man rip the heart off someone. And he was carrying me like a princess, people like this can be so dangerous. They are not to be trusted. And to think that he is the Lycan king. I have heard so much about the Lycan king, he is one of the most powerful kings in the whole of the North East. I swallowed when I recalled how he had dipped his hand only to pull the man's heart out. That was so horrible. The car was opened for him, and he placed me in before closing the door. He walked over to the other side and I said to myself, this was my chance to run away. But I was rooted in one spot, I couldn't move even when I wanted to. When he got into the car, the driver ignited the car and drove off. My one chance of escape went down the drain. He looked pissed about something, although he didn't say it nor did I see anything in his eyes, but I could feel it. The energy he was dispensing was scary. “Fred, let's go home,” he said “Home?” The man in the passenger's seat asked as he looked back at the man beside me, I don't even know his name “Yes, home. My work here is done”. I didn't say a word as I sat on the edge watching everything play before me. He looked stressed, his eyes were closed as he rested his head on the chair rest. Even though I was so hungry, I just couldn't speak up from fear of what would happen to me. Only for my stomach to sing the anthem of the country! My face turned red in embarrassment. Why does this have to happen? He didn't say a word, neither did he open his eyes, so I suspected that he was sleeping. I released a breath of relief, only to hear, “Stop by the nearest restaurant, Fred” I snapped my eyes at him, his eyes were still closed and he looked relaxed. He definitely heard my stomach growling then. The car was so quiet, I prayed inwardly not to have my stomach screaming again. With his eyes closed, I observed his face, his firm jaws, I saw his scarlet beautiful eyes earlier. His hair was combed to the back, his shoulders broad. He is a god designed in perfection. I only realized I was staring when he opened his eyes. I quickly turned my face away, only to see that the car had stopped. We didn't get out of the car except for the two people in the front seat, making me feel more nervous than I have ever been in my entire life. “Are you cold?” I heard him ask, and I quickly shook my head without speaking up. I dare not look at him. My entire body faced the opposite side. After a while, the two men came back inside the car, I didn't know when I sighed in relief. I was walking on ice when he asked if I was cold. I didn't know if my reply would cut a rope that would cause him to unleash anger on me. I've heard so many of his stories. He was without mercy. I won't be surprised if he was taking me to his home to kill me as a display to his people of fear and respect. Anything can happen, he had killed someone in my presence. “Eat!” He said, and I jerked. The food was stretched to me by the man in the front passenger's seat, and I took it in fear that my heart would be ripped off if I didn't take it. I didn't think I'd have any appetite to eat, even though I hadn't eaten anything since the previous morning. “Eat!” He ordered again, and I jerked before quickly opening the plate of food. The aroma made my eyes shine, I picked up the spoon and took a spoonful into my mouth. I forced myself not to moan from the sweetness of the food. Before I knew it, I had completely forgotten that I once didn't have an appetite. I didn't only finish the food, I wanted more, but I just couldn't ask. There in the car, a hand passed me a bottle of water. I dare not look at that hand, I could already tell that he was the one. I took the bottle and downed the water. When I was done, I stretched the water back, and he took it before saying, “We have a long journey ahead of us. You can rest while we're on our way” I dare not close my eyes. The moment I close my eyes, that might be the end of me. First, I let out a yawn, then another. I tried to keep myself awake, but I was failing woefully. I tried to raise my eyelids but just couldn't, and before I knew it, I was off.
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