Chapter Two

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Andre's P.O.V *Ring* *Ring* “Hm” “Andre, my man” A voice from the other side of the phone rang into my ear, causing me to almost cuss. Who else but Jack, one of the bones in my throat? “What is it? I'm working” I replied, pissed that he was being disturbed as he hated to be disturbed while working. “Remember that event I told you about a few days ago?” Jack asked and I frowned. This was definitely disturbing till I accepted. “The one I told you I was clearly not interested in,” I replied with a knowing look. Jack was trying to pull me from work. To have fun, Jack said. What he doesn't know is that I don't need fun right now, what I need is to get busy. Not only did I need to finish with these, I needed to get back to my pack as soon as possible. I had come here for business and nothing else. I don't understand why Jack would even think I'll go out, especially when I had limited time here. “I tell you, Andre, you'll find this really amazing. Just this once. You don't have to be stone-hearted” Jack tried to reason with me, but he knows me. I don't want to leave here, or else I'm home. “Jack, I won't say it again. Do not invite me to any nonsense—” “Okay, fine. Do not come. Just know that—” I could hear the change in his voice. I rolled my eyes before cutting Jack off. “Fine. Just this once and that's it”. “Yes!” He exclaimed under his breath. I shook my head, that's Jack for you. Very annoying friend. I'll just attend the event but leave on time with one excuse from work or the other. Immediately after work, I didn't bother to go back home, I changed in the office before making my way out. The i***t had already called again to know whether I was on my way already. “Lucas,” I called from the back seat, and the man on the left sitting in the front answered, “Alpha” “Tell me about the event we are going to” I ordered as I scrolled through some mails. Lucas began to relate the information to me, “It's an auction ceremony where—” “Auction? When is Jack interested in that boring charity work?” I asked cutting him off, but Lucas, my beta and right-hand man, replied, “It's the auction of the humans, my Lord. It's done every Friday night. Only the wealthy and powerful are allowed in. The owner happens to be Miler”. “Why does that name ring a bell?” I asked. “Miler Waltz. The man owing some billions and ran away two years ago” Lucas related, making me raise my brows. “Oh, oh, today is your lucky day” An auction of the humans, interesting… Now, what's Jack doing in such a gathering? “We are here,” The driver informed me after a while. I raised my head to see a large building before us. I came down after Lucas as I looked around. The i***t, Jack, who was standing not too far, rushed to us. “Alpha Andre, welcome” he bowed slightly, and I rolled my eyes at him “Jack, human auction, really?” I asked and he gave a nervous smile. “Trust me, you'll like this one," he said to me, acting all suspicious. I tried not to furrow my brows at him, so I just shook my head and began to walk ahead of all of them. And to think that the large building isn't where the event was held but an underground arena. I was about to step into the elevator when a security man tried to stop me. I flashed him a cold glare, and he gulped in fear. “F-Forgive m-me, my lord!” he squeaks. “You can enter!” I rolled my eyes at him before making my way inside the elevator along with Lucas and Jack. Why do I feel Jack wasn't allowed her, and so he wants to use me to pass these security men? When I stepped into the place that looked so much like a tavern, a bartender nodded at me as I passed by, but as always, I ignored him. These kinds of people lick one's shoes just to get you to favor them. I stepped into the arena only to come face to face with hundreds of patrons seated. Wasn't this meant for only the rich, as Lucas has said it? I turned to Lucas, and he shrugged, then I turned to Jack, but the i***t had already left my side to find himself a seat. I knew it, he was doing it for access. Looking around, I saw werewolves of all ages. Some were alphas of highly important packs, while others were from the nobility who were looking for new flesh. The men hold important ranks. I shook my head as I knew many and their wives. “Low lives” I cussed under my breath. When it comes to carnal desires, these men will stoop low enough to torment their mates and take up mistresses for themselves. Most of their mates are helpless and endure the pain of betrayal in silence. The physical pain and mental anguish they suffer is inexplicable, but it is better to be tortured than rejected. Such is the law of the Moon Goddess, after all. Thinking about it, I've decided to make this worth the time, I'll wait quietly for the i***t who keeps doing this. According to Lucas, Miler is behind it, a foolish infamous slave trader. Today, his stupid business was over. I sat calmly as I watched what was going on. The place was noisy and if not that I had not found a reason to stay, I would have left already. “I heard today they'll be placing a girl with blonde hair on sale” someone beside Andre spoke to his neighbor next to him… “Hm, I heard she's a virgin. I can't wait to see her” he chuckled. “Did you hear that the crown prince, Jaime, was the one who sold her? And guess how much? Ten million dollars” Another man spoke. “What the f**k!” The two men cursed simultaneously with wide eyes. This caught my attention when I heard what they had just said. Who's the girl? Even I wish to see who they'll pay Ten million to get. I took out my watch to check the time, I sighed but just then, I heard, “Gentlemen!" the chubby host with rotten teeth exclaims, “Tonight, we have all gathered to see the auction of a rare beauty!” The men in the hall cheered at those words. I scoff before crossing my legs to watch the show and plan how I'll destroy it. “Presenting to you the exquisite virgin…" My eyes snapped open as I felt the strong scent of fresh apples hit me. The scent was so enticing that my wolf, Donti, couldn't help but want to find where it was coming from. The scent only got stronger, more seductive, and lulling, so I blinked severally. No one needed to tell me what that meant. “Mate,” I whispered and that same minute, a lady was pushed onto the stage. “Anita Roseanne!" The host finishes.
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