Two. The Curse

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Sinister watched the older woman with careful eyes, judging her every movement, she looked harmless, weak even and as she cradled her sick mate in her arms, he sneered in disgust. The woman had been caught trying to heal her mate with occult powers, she was a Witch. A very powerful one according to his men that had watched her make the incantations by the river. Although weakened by age, witches were never to be underestimated. With only a few whispers they could have the entire earth collapsing on itself. They were very powerful beings and the scariest things about them was their quiet, unsuspecting ways of life. It was hard to detect them as they were excellent at hiding their scents, it was even harder to detain them as they usually casted heavy spells and manipulated their ways through troubles. It was the reason why they could hardly ever be found in packs and kingdoms as they were usually banned or killed on sight, depending on the pack leaders and their rules. Sinister had just acquired a small pack that he had defeated in a raid and although he had carried out a thorough sweep and had tried to pick out all of the Witches and Elements, this particular one had been able to hide it. That angered him even more. “Please. I beg you, I mean no harm, I’m just trying to save my dying mate. Please Alpha.” She said over and over again. It was piteous, the look on her face. Anyone who didn’t know the manipulative ways of a Witch would fall for it. Tears and snot streamed down her face and she seemed to be choking on her tears. It was almost believable. Almost. Sinister watched her without saying a word. Watching her limp mate in her arms as she held on tightly to his form. Sighing internally, he rubbed his forehead trying to chase away the throbbing that had begun to form behind his eyes. “What is your name?” He asked finally, watching her intently for any form of sudden hostility. “A-Aerith.” She replied. Her head bowed. Sinister furrowed his brows in surprise. Different beings with different unique names, but this was certainly one that he had never heard before in all his years on earth. He eyed her once more, almost deciding to set her free, maybe banish her from his land so she could go away with her mate, but at least not killing her. But then he saw it. As she cradled her mate’s head to her chest, whispering quiet soothing words to him, she had tilted her neck a little to the side and the mark was visible. It was an infinity sign that was the trademark of the most dangerous and powerful line of witches. The Singe Family. This woman belonged to that bloodline, her kind had been responsible for wiping away his ancestors, almost making other beings extinct. Sinister growled deep in his throat not missing the surprise that shone in the woman’s eyes. She was a good actor that was for sure. “Take them to the dungeons and chain them both.” He growled our to the guards that had brought them into the room. “No, no please. I mean no harm, please I beg you. He is going to die if I don’t help him. Please I don’t want to cause any trouble, let me go please. I just want to help my mate. Please Alpha please.” Her screams had echoed through his walls till she had been dragged forcefully out of the room. Sinister was itching to have her blood on his hands, he would be doing the earth a major favor by wiping off another dangerous Singe from its surface. As soon as he stepped foot into the dungeon to execute the woman and her mate, she had started begging again, pleading that she was harmless and didn’t use her powers for bad. Begging that he spared her mate since he didn’t share her bloodline, but they were mated so he had to suffer the brunt of his wrath as well. Sinister had killed her mate right before her eyes, watching as the woman eyes widened in horror and her trembling increase ten folds. Once her mate had dropped lifeless on the floor, her eyes had turned a sickly shade of red, and she had begun chanting furiously. The wind in the dungeon had gone crazy and Sinister felt a great power surge through the room. Quickly he had seized her by her neck, squeezing forcefully and forcing her to stop her chants, instead all she could do was wheeze painfully, her face turning blue at the pressure on her neck and her eyes fading out as she struggled to get air into her lungs. Sinister applied as much pressure as his large hands could allow and just before she had dropped in death she had whispered the words that had haunted him for years after. Sinister, Son of Hood, you shall never enjoy the joy of finding a mate. For centuries to come, you shall wallow in loneliness, pain and and Ak ak ak.” Her words had faded out, as he squeezed the last of her life out of her throat before flinging her against the wall. Panting in disgust as he eyed her lifeless form on the floor. —— Till date, Sinister had dealt with the pain and madness that came with being an unmated immortal Alpha. He had for centuries ruled and in and out through generations he had hoped to find a mate or at least someone to love him. As the years went by, the Alpha and his pack grew in strength, size and wealth but one thing remained the same. He remained alone through it all. “Your name is Aerith?” He asked the young beautiful maiden that was sat in front of him. Closely observing her neck for any signs of a tattoo, but her pale neck only held her necklace. She nodded once, still carefully attending to his burns that now felt so much better. “That’s a rare name. What family do you come from?” He asked suspiciously, barely able to keep the edge out of his voice. “I’ve lived with Elina all my life.” She replied simply and that confused him even more. That was not the answer to his question, he suddenly felt uncomfortable in her presence. “I understand that you have lived with Elina for a long time, but where do you come from? Your family, who are they?” Sinister asked once more. The healer had no children, well as far as he knew she was unmated and had no children. She had Aerith in her care for a long time but for the first time, especially upon hearing her name he wondered where the girl had actually come from and who her real family were. She ignored his questions and went on with cleaning him, almost as though she had not heard him speak. With anybody else, they would have been dead for trying to ignore him but Sinister couldn’t even bring himself to touch a strand of hair on her head. He wasn’t sure what it was that made him completely powerless and almost weak in her presence, but he couldn’t shake it off and that scared him. “I’ll be leaving these potions behind, though Elina will be here to help you apply them and check on your healing progress come morning but if you feel uncomfortable or they start to hurt again, just apply them like I have done and you would feel better.” Aerith said, packing her things into her bag without so much as a second glance at the Alpha. He watched as she strode out of the room in silence and not until he heard his front door close, did he feel relief. It suddenly felt the air was easier to breathe and the tightness in his chest eased all at once. Sinister frowned in anger and confusion. What was that? How did this even happen? The first Aerith he had met had cursed him and the only other one he had met, hundreds of years later, was a powerful being that he had no control over and he also couldn’t detect what kind of being she was. He settled into his bed, turning on his side to stare at the wall and think. He felt exhausted from fighting for so long and from the burns he had sustained, which felt so much better with whatever she had applied on it, but it seemed like sleep had decided to evade him. He turned and tossed and hissed at himself at the discomfort that he felt. And it wasn’t from his burns. His mind was racing with amethyst eyes and silky voice. He struggled internally within himself at the presence that seemed to be edged in his mind. What the hell was going on? Sinister shot out of his bed in frustration, mind linking his Beta immediately. Cullen has arrived to meet Sinister pacing the length of his room and whispering maniacally to himself. The sight scared the Beta. Being unmated for so long would eventually drive the being insane. It was the reason why soulmates were created in the first place. The other half of one’s soul and without that half, they felt incomplete and an itch began in their minds, the older they got, the stronger the itch felt, nagging in their minds and distorting it, until it finally drove them over the edge. Cullen feared that was happening to Sinister already. It was a wonder that the Alpha had been able to survive this long with the itch. “Sinister? Are you okay? What’s the problem?” Cullen asked approaching the man carefully, just in case he had truly lost it. “No! I am not okay.” The power that the Alpha released into the room with that shout shook The Beta’s frame and almost brought him to his knees. He struggled for breath and held onto the post of the bed frame for support. “Wha-what is t-the problem?” Cullen stuttered out, trying to block the Alpha’s powers to ease its effect on his mind, but it was difficult. His eyes were glowing golden, a sign that his wolf was on the surface. That was never a good sign. “Get Elina here this instant.” His boom reverberated through the room, bouncing off the walls and causing the Beta to scurry out of the room as fast as he could.
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