Second meeting

1357 Words
Rushing outside Rae was met with a startling sight, on her deck there was a giant wolf bleeding and whimpering in pain. Rae was never afraid on any animals, and because of that she instantly went over to find the source of the bleed to help the poor thing. Upon looking she found a giant chunk was taken out of its side, she quickly went inside and grab some towels and went to cover the wound. "What happened to you" Rae said as if the wolf could respond to her. There was blood all over her deck it looked like it must have been a bad wound she wasn't sure how much she could help, the wolf would most likely die before she could get it proper help. But, as she pulled the towel back from the wound to examine it, the wound was gone. She sat there confused not sure how that could have happened. There was blood everywhere and a giant hole in the wolfs side how could it be suddenly gone she thought to herself. The wolf must have been thinking the same thing because it suddenly jumped up and stared at her almost in disbelief, just before it ran away. Rae just sat there looking at her hands not quite sure of what to make of that whole interaction, and after a few minutes a little meow brought her back to reality. She quickly got up and started cleaning all of the blood up, pondering to herself how that poor thing ended up getting hurt that badly. All of a sudden she had the realization that if there was one wolf that big out here there must be more, she is going to have to keep an eye out on star she couldn't have him getting eaten. After getting everything all cleaned up she started a pot of tea to clam her nerves. The question of how the wolf healed to quickly kept circling in her head, it just didn't make sense. Could it have been here? not that wasn't possible that kind of stuff was just in fairy tales, but what other explanation was there. Her tea was done so she poured herself a cup, before thinking about it she took a sip and it was way too warm burning her mouth, but when she went to blow on the tea it was all of a sudden an icecube. Rae dropped the mug making it chatter on the floor. "Am I going insane?" she said out loud looking at the chattered mug and ice on the floor. She went back to the tea pot and it was still burning hot. She decided to test something by touching the side of the tea pot, and all of a sudden it was frozen. Her eyes grew wide there was no way, how was that possible she thought to herself. Then, she gathered the broken mug slowly placing the pieces back together, and every time she placed a piece it looked as if it was never broken. Rae put her head in her hands and sat at her kitchen table, this wasn't possible she thought to herself, yet here she was seeing it with her own eyes. Rae sat there all night trying to make sense of it, until she fell asleep. Big brother where did you go? "Im right here Rae, mom and dad have been looking for you everywhere, they were worried you ran off again. Don't you remember that you were supposed to stay inside what were you thinking coming out here by yourself?" "Well I thought I head you call my name big brother" "No I never said your name Rae what are you talking about" all of a sudden there was a scream from afar "Rae hide don't come out until I come back and make sure it is me and nothing else" "But big brother that was mom is she okay, what's going on, big brother where are you going, no come back I need you no please don't leave me. Not like mom and dad, no please" Loud knocking coming from Rae's front door woke her up starling her. She was confused because she didn't remember that happening, and her parents never left her; not like they were ever around to begin with. Her parents where always indifferent with her and her big brother, she never felt super close to them either so why would she have a nightmare like that it didn't make much sense, but then again nothing was making much sense lately. Quickly getting up to see who in the world could be banging on her door, she moved to the middle of nowhere for a reason, but apparently it wasn't far enough. Opening her door only a crack to see who it was, for it to be no other than the rude man she had ran into a few months ago right before she moved. " How can I help you?" Rae asked him in an annoyed tone because for one she didn't want any visitors, and two how in the world did he find out where she lived. "Ummm" He cleared his thought and almost seemed lost for words which was confusing to her because he seemed pretty sure of himself their last interaction. "Well are you just going to stand there, or are you going to tell me why your knocking on my door when I have signs on my property cleaning stating do not enter" Rae said unimpressed with his presents. "Well I was just returning this little guy actually." The man said as he pulled star out of his jacket soaking wet. "Oh my goodness what happened to him I thought he was inside, thank you so much" Rae said rushing to get the door open and bring her little kitten into their warm cottage. "well I actually have a cottage of my own a few archers away, and found him trying to swim in my pound, not that he was a very good swimmer, the collar had your address on it. Also I want to apologize for my rudeness a few months ago. I was hoping to sooner but I never go the chance to see you again, that day I was having a pretty rough time with some personal things. I also would like to introduce myself properly my name is Jeremy Storms its a pleasure to properly meet you" He said then stuck out his hand to shake hers. Thinking back to the events of last night she wasn't sure if she should shake his had what if she froze him like her tea. "I actually prefer not to shake hands, I umm I am kind of a germaphobe" She said quickly hoping to get this conversation over with. "Oh well then I hope you have a good day I should be off" Jeremy said with a smile, a quite charming smile Rae thought. No I cant think that he was so rude out last interaction, but he is apologizing for it now. Quickly Rae realized she was in the middle of an internal battle while Jeremy just stood awkwardly in her door way. "Oh sorry have a good day Jeremy, good bye" Rae said quickly closing her door, bringing her poor little star into the house. The poor thing was freezing he must have been outside all night, she couldn't believe she fell asleep before knowing he was inside safe and sound. She started a nice fire in her wood stove to warm up the little guy, and go some towels to dry him off. " Now what were you thinking star, trying to go swimming in someones pound you know you cant swim you silly boy" Rae said to her little kitten and in response she got a little meow knowing that was his way of saying he really didn't know what he was thinking. She laughed to herself, and realized she never told Jeremy her name she kinda just closed the door in his face. Wow she thought who was the rude one now.
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