New Paths

1334 Words
The rain was coming down hard. She had her long auburn hair tied up loosely in a bun. Not much bothered her now a days since her brother's passing, the rain pelting down on her back was a small pain to the sorrow she felt each day. As she rushed to get home before the moving truck arrived, she was not looking where her feet were taking her. She bumped into a hard wall in front of her, and as she lost her footing, she realized with dread that it was not a wall yet a large man she had collided with. "Oh, I didn't see you there, I'm sorry," said Rae as she gathered herself "Oh, of course you didn't, and you didn't do it on purpose either right to try to talk to me," said the tall, intimidating man in front of her. he seemed rather annoyed, and undstandably so she thought, but he didn't have to be so rude about it. "ummm.... I'm sorry. I don't know who you are and why I would bump into someone on purpose. Also, you don't have to be so rude. Who do you think you are the pope." said Rae, frustrated at his attitude and this whole interaction in general. All she wants to do is hurry up and get home. She peered up at him. He was handsome, tho he had light, blue, icey eyes, and dark, long black hair pulled back into a bun. too bad, she thought because his personality takes everything away from his looks. She quickly started walking again, making her way back to her apartment, not caring to finish their conversation. She hurried back to her apartment she needed to get everything packed as soon as possible because tomorrow was the last day of her lease. She loved her place and hated having to move but these past few weeks gave her no other choice. The reason she moved here in the first place was to figure out the story behind her brothers death, but she needs to leave before what killed him and his family takes her out too. Her brother died two years ago, the police said he had killed himself after killing his wife and daughter; but that didn't feel right to Rae. Her parents accepted it because there was nothing they could do to change it, but she couldn't let it go. But, that is just how she has always been she always had to find out the truth. The biggest reason was that she had talked to her brother hours before in incident, and he was happy she was going to come down and visit him soon and see her baby niece for the first time since she had been born. So, after two years of looking into it, and almost coming close to answers it all changed. She was coming out of the police station after finally getting the report on her brothers death when a car came out of no where almost hitting her, if she didn't have her intuition is what she called it she would have been a goner. The oddest part of the whole car thing was that no one was in the car or around it was 7 in the morning, and there was no reason for it. The police said it must have just slipped out of parking, but when she went into the police station there were no cars around, its not possible for it to appear out of nowhere. Then her car caught on fire just before she got into it, they said it must have been a malfunction, but things just kept adding up and not making sense. After enough she decided that it was safer for her and everyone else around her that she just disappear before who or what ever is after her finally gets her. As she made it up the last flight of stairs to her apartment she finally regained her composure, and quickly opened her door. Rae was happily greated by her little fluff ball of a kitten star. He got the name from the only speak of white he had on his forehead the rest of him was pitch black. "Hello my baby boy how are you." Rae greated her kitten as she entered the apartment. "Are you all ready to get packed up and hit the road." She asked as she set her things down on the table by her front door. Growing up Rae didn't have many friends other than her brother, and frankly wasn't very good at making them so she was always closer to the animals in her life. Packing up the last two years of her life didn't take as long as she thought it would, before she knew it she had everything in the moving van, and her and star were on their way to start the next chapter of their lives. The drive took about four hours to get to the little run down cabin she had bought, realizing as she was pulling into the long drive way if you could even call it that it was more like a old dirt path; But that was a good thing because it would mean no visitors. But, getting closer to the house it turned out she did not get the bargen she thought, the little cabin was some how in worse shape than in the pictures. "Well this is going to take quite a bit of work" Rae thought to herself as she came to a stop. Parts of the roof were coming off, the windows weren't really windows more so holes where ones use to be, and the door was hanging on by a hinge. "If this is the outside, Im worried what the inside looks like" She said to her fluffy passenger, and in return she got a little meow in agreement. She got out of the van and went to see if the inside was at least somewhat livable, and to her surprise it wasn't too bad. There was quite a bit of dust due to no one living here in a long time but it wasn't in too bad of a condition. The appliances were old, they would most likely need an update before she could really cook anything, but other than that the bathroom looked to be in good shape. It was more of a open complex, but she didn't mind that the only room closed off from the rest was the bathroom, but in reality it was going to only be her and star here so it would work. First things first she set out on getting it all cleaned up, once there was no more dust and everything was washed she started taping up the windows it was the begging of summer, so she could get proper windows in a few weeks. After she got the majority of things done she started moving all of her things in, she wanted to get the van back as soon as possible. Everything was going smoothly, and it almost seemed too good, because usually when it comes to things in her life there is always a problem that arises. But, everything was unpacked and the cabin was livable for now; Rae and star got back into the truck to bring it back and off they went. After retuning the van they grabbed their car and went to pick up the materials they would need to start the work on the cabin, the trip was a lot quicker than they thought it would be before they knew it they were back to their new home. Summer was coming to an end, and the house was just about finished everything ended up working out better than Rae had imagined. Their little run down cabin was now looking like it was bran new, everything was starting to look up until Rae heard a crash outside and her whole world shifted.
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