Jeremy's pov

1066 Words
Today has been the worst day in a long time, first I find out that my girlfriend of five years has been using me this whole time just to go up in ranks, and now I have to go deal with a security breach at work. Just one thing after another. All of a sudden he self something small bump into him just what he needed another problem today. "Oh, I didn't see you there, Im sorry" A small meek looking women said to him. Yeah sure he thought just another women probably trying to use this as an excuse, to try an get him to give her money or say he did it on purpose, well that's not gonna happen not today. "Oh, of course you didn't, and you didn't do it on purpose either right to try to talk to me" Jeremy said frustration in his voice. He really didn't want to deal with anything today all he wanted was to go to the gym and blow off some steam. "Ummm.... Im sorry. I don't know who you are and why I would bump into someone on purpose. Also, you don't have to be so rude. Who do you think you are the pope?" She small women said with conviction, and quickly started walking away. Wow was all that Jeremy could think he has never had anyone talk to him like that let alone a women, most women fell at his feet other than his mother, but she was his mom and the most important women to him other than his girlfriend up until a few hours ago. He was never rude to his mother thought because if he was his father would have his head. He just stood there mesmerized by this tiny women who just told him off, he watched as her hair bounced as she quickly walked away. thinking he should chase after her to apologize his phone started to ring it was his father on the line, great he thought just what he needed another problem for him to deal with will this day ever end. "Jeremy you have to get home right away there is someone coming close to the border of our pack, and we have to access weather or not they are a threat, we can deal with the company late" His father said in a rushed tone "Yes father I will be there right away" Jeremy said hanging up and heading back to his SUV this has to be something serious because his father didn't put much before the company, well other than his mother their relationship was so mushy goshey, but what can you expect from mates. As he got back into his car he realized he had been standing in that spot staring off into the distance for about two hours, what in the world happened to him no one has ever had that effect on him not even his girl friend, and he was going to purpose to her until he found out she was cheating on him with her mate and she was only with him for his title. Quickly speeding back to his territory, he met his father at the gate of the pack grounds. To any outsiders looking in the pack grounds just looked like a big town that kept to themselves mostly they never really got any visitors mostly just people passing by to get to the city's and such, some times people would stay but that would only be when they got lost or something. They never turned anyone away just preferred to keep to themselves, since they were wearwolf's after all and most humans would freak out at the size of them let alone what were. "Father where is the person that has come close to the border I thought we had rerouted all of the ways here so no one comes close due to our fighting with our neighbours" Jeremy said confused because this fighting has been going on for months and this is the first time they have had any problems with someone coming close. "Yes we did but apparently someone has bought that old run down cabin on the very edge of the border, I honestly never thought it would be a problem because I didn't think it was livable but a young women was just seen moving her things in there." Jeremy's father said frustrated because frankly there was nothing they could do about it now where she had already brought the cabin. "What would you like me to do father" Jeremy said not quite sure what his father needed him for to begin with. "I would like for you to go down to the cabin and keep an eye on it, make sure that the human that has moved in there doesn't get hurt due to our fighting, and make sure you keep someone rotating watching her, the last thing we need is a human getting mixed up in our mess" his father said matter of factly not beating around the bush. "Yes father right away, I will be back with information about the human that has moved in" Jeremy said as he left to shift and run to the woods by the cabin. As he sat there watching he realize it was the same girl that he had run into earlier in the day. How was it possible he thought maybe it was fate that she was the one who moved here so he could see her again, he wanted to go over and talk to her, but he realized it might seem like he was stalking her. He had to wait and find a way to go introduce himself without seeming creepy, after sitting there for a few hours and watching her move all of her things he returned home to report back to his father well he should really call him alpha but when it was just him and his father he just called him dad. The whole way back all he could think about was that little human, and how beautiful she was; then it hit him she wasn't intimated by him how was that possible all humans were that's just how the alpha aura worked. He was going to have to keep a very close eye on her because something wasn't right, maybe she was a spy.
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