two sides to every story

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Jeremy's pov Watching her for the past few months had seemed rather boring she didn't do much other than work on the cabin, maybe she was just a regular human and nothing to worry about Jeremy thought to himself. He was sitting in the edge of the woods when he heard the branches in the distance snap, he quickly turned his head and spotted a group of three wolves creeping twords the cabin. This is what his father was worried about, this human is in the middle of two packs and easy pray for some no good young wolves; before he could think to call for back up he was caught off guard by one of them that some how managed to sneak up behind him. The wolf took a good swipe at his side, but he managed to take care of it, and took out the other three shortly after, but he was in pain something was off with the cut in his side it wasn't healing as it normally should that's when he realized that there was wolfs bane in the cut. The only thing he could think to do was to limp over to the cabin and hope the young woman wouldn't be too afraid to help him. "What happened to you" was the first thing she said when she saw me, not that I could respond in this form I thought to myself. She ran back inside and came out with a towel and pressed it on my cut, I felt a warm sensation run threw my body then all of the pain went away. Before I realized what had happened she pulled the towel back and looked confused that's when I realized it was her she healed me, I had to leave before anyone else showed up; because everyone else would get rid of her and then ask questions later. After I arrived home I explained to my father everything that had happened leaving out the magical healing for now until I found out how it had happened. Quickly excusing myself to do some research to try and figure out what had happened, because the only thing that could heal others like that would be a fairy, but they had all been killed off years ago. Jeremy ended up falling asleep for the night at his desk only to wake to screeching out side. What is that I thought as I shot up to look outside there was a small black and white kitten in the pound in my back yard. There is no way. Jeremy quickly rushed down stars scooping the kitten out of the pound. "well if this isn't the perfect excuse to talk to her and find out more about her then I don't know what is" he thought to himself rushing off through the woods to the young women's house who he had been thinking about non stop for the past few months since their chance meeting. He knocked on the door and waited patently for her to open it, to his surprise she opened it only a crack, and grumpy asked him "How can I help you?" He was rather surprised because most women would be excited by his presents but then again he thought to himself she really isn't like most women. "Ummm" He was at a loss for words which never seemed to happen to him other than around her. "Well are you just going to stand there, or are you going to tell me why your knocking on my door when I have signs on my property clearly stating do not enter" Wow Jeremy thought this women is one of the grumpiest people he has ever met, finally gathering his words he said "Well I was just returning this little guy actually" As he pulled the soaked little kitten out of his jacket, poor thing was shaking when he first got him out of the pound but his jacket was very warm so Jeremy thought it was the best spot for him. "Oh my goodness what happened to him I thought he was inside, thank you so much" She said her whole demeanor had changed. She seemed much more at ease with animals then with people Jeremy thought to himself. "Well I actually have a cottage a few archers away, and found him trying to swim in my pound, not that he was a very good swimmer, the collar had your address on it. Also I want to apologize for my rudeness a few months ago. I was hoping to sooner but I never got the chance to see you again, that day I was having a pretty rough time with some personal things. I also would like to introduce myself properly my name is Jeremy Storms its a pleasure to properly meet you" He said and stuck out his hand, but to his surprise she rejected the hand shake stating "I actually prefer not to shake hands, I umm I am kind of a germaphobe" which did not seem right to him because she was literally covered in blood just last night from the wound in his stomach that she magically heald. But, her wasn't going to press her further. "Oh well then I hope you have a good day I should be off" He said and stood waiting to hopefully get her name as well. "Oh sorry have a good day Jeremy, good bye" Was all that he got before the door was quickly closed in his face. Well that was awkward Jeremy thought to himself as he turned to leave. He didn't even get her name how was he supposed to find out anything about her this women was seeming to become more trouble with each passing day he thought, as he made his way back to his house.
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