Chapter Five

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Two days after his discussion with his sister, Finley decided to give his wife a special surprise, she has always told him what she wishes most in life so he decided that if he could make her dream come true, she would understand how he loves and cherish her. He calls his sister and asks her to call his mate and take her to the beauty parlor. " Hello," Finley says when his sister picked the call. " Hi," Zoe said on the other end of the phone. " I need your help with Eva, I have decided to give her a special treat as you suggested," " What do you need me to do for you?" " I want you to invite her over and take her to a beauty parlor. I want them to fix her up like a beauty queen," " I can see you want to go all out to give her the best," " Sis I realize I need to do this, the silent treatment is killing me, she is refusing to talk to me, and I want it to stop before it got out of hand." " That is good to hear, is that all you want me to help you with?" Finley explains some other things he would love her to do for him. He wants Eva to know how much she was to him and was ready to break the bank for her. After chatting for some time Finley decided to end the call so he could go take care of the surprise he had in stock for his mate. " Thanks for accepting to help me out with the kids too, they will be staying with you, and we will come to get the kids the following day. " You are welcome, and make sure you are able to convince her," ***** When the call came to an end, Zoe decided to call Eva and invited her over to her house so they can both go to the beauty parlor. An hour and a half later Eva came over with the twins. Zoe has asked her husband to help look after the twins while he took Eva out for a makeover. " Hello," Eva says while entering Zoe's house with the boys who immediately, run to hug Zoe before going over to hug Bob. After hugging Bob, he raised his hand toward the boys and shouted, " Hey! guys, high five," " Uncle, high five, to you too," they both chorused and raise their tiny hands to welcome Bob's hands while they giggled, Zoe knew they always love coming to her house because of the special treatment given to them like princes. Whenever Zoe's children were around on holiday it was all fun all the way and she loves having them in her house. She saw Arthur and Loe immediately swing into action by asking Bob to go on all four while they saddle in his back. They took turns in mounting him on his back while Eva and she looked on with a smile on their faces. " Boys, go easy with my mate, don't give him too much stress," Zoe said while looking at the way they were both going on without pity as they catch fun in her mate's back. " Aunty, uncle loves us and loves to have us on his back," Loe who likes to talk a lot said in defense of their action. " Honey, leave them be, they are my champs and I love playing the horse with them," Bob says het, he loves children and does not see them as bothering him. " Well, we will leave you to it while I take the beauty here with me," She said while holding Eva's hand and dragging her towards the door. They both observe that the boys were not bothered that they were been left behind by their mother as they continue to have fun playing with Bob. " Uncle, let go hide and seek," Loe's voice rang out as they continue with Bob Arthur immediately went to hide when he heard his brother make the suggestion. " You can not find me," He shouted from his hiding place while he giggles " Uncle let's go look for him," Loe says holding onto Bob's hands. " Where are you? Arthur, we will find you soon," Bob says while looking around with amusement in his eyes. Arthur on his part was a smart kid, he didn't say anything so Bob will not be able to know his hiding place while Arthur continued to smile in his hiding place. After a few searches, Loe saw Arthur's legs from underneath the chair, he uses his hand to shun, Bob," Shh," He said and he pointed in the direction where Arthur was standing at the back of the door. They both giggle looking at his legs They both silently went towards the door and both of them shouted, " Caught you," They both brought him out of the door laughing at him. " You lose, it is my turn, so both of you close your hide and I am going to hide," Loe said while checking on Arthur to ensure both eyes were closed. Satisfied, he quietly went to hide in one of his nephew's rooms. A few minutes later, they both went in search of Loe but it seems it was difficult to find him because they didn't know he was hiding in his nephew's room. While they were still in search of him, they heard the doorbell ring, so Bob went toward the door and open the door to find Finley and Hazel by the door. Hazel rushed over and hug Bob, she was glad to see her uncle because this was the only place she could come and feel welcome. It also gives her the opportunity to play with her brothers too. This was the place where she gets to bond with her brothers. Zoe always ensures to bring the kids to her house so they can get to be together and learn to love each other so there will be no discrimination between the kids, though it was not an easy task to do, she always has her way with Eva who in the end allows the kids to come to Zoe's house. The kids love themselves and know that Eva does not want them together, so they stay away when Eva was with then *********** In the meantime, Eva was wondering where Zoe was taking her, but she refuse to tell her. " You know we can not leave the children with Bob for too long, it will be too much for him to handle," Eva said because she knew how her kids love to trouble Bob, and it will not be happy to know they caused him any stress. " You heard what he said, so stop worrying about the kids, and rather think about you for once in your life," She said to her. Eva knew Zoe was right, she doesn't leave her sons in the hands of someone else because she cares about them a lot and it made her incomplete when they are far away from her " You have been so obsessed with the care of those kids that you do not bother about your looks, so today is dedicated to you," she heard Zoe declare to her. " So where are you taking me," She asked hoping she was going to tell her. " Curiosity they say kills the cat, why not wait and see," Zoe says to her refusing to tell her. They continue to drive until Zoe made a stop at a beauty parlor and asked her to get down while she led the way to a salon where she hope they give her a makeover. Eva has neglected her body since she gave birth and saw this as an opportunity to make her look beautiful and help her gain back her confidence and beauty. " What are we doing here?" Eva asked when they both entered the salon. " Why not sit down while they do what they do best, you need to look beautiful today and this is my treat, you don't have to complain because I want back my sister-in-law," Zoe orders her Eva knew there was no way she can get out of this, so she agreed to sit down while they took care of her hair, nails, and feet, she knew she has not paid much attention to herself, she has been so devoted to the kids that she didn't bother about herself, so she decided to accept the treat.
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