Chapter Four

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The next day Finley took Hazel and registered her in a creche and told them at the creche that he will be the only one responsible for her and he will make them know if the arrangement changed. He was determined to keep Hazel safe and prevent his mate from maltreating her. When he left the creche he decided to go to his sister before resuming his pack duties. " Hello, sis," Finley greeted when he got to his sister's house. Zoe who was in the kitchen came out with a bowl of steaming tomato soup. " Fin, how are you and the kids? I hope you are getting well with the twins and Hazel, how is Eva taking things with Hazel?" She questioned him. " The kids are okay, the only one I am having a problem with is Eva, I do not know my mate anymore," He said sadly to her He could see that Zoe did not show any form of a surprise to hear him say what he said because she has suggested that he should look for Hazel's parents but he had refused to give in to the suggestion because he has grown fond of Hazel and also promised the moon goddess that he would take care of her. " I told you to look for her parents because I have seen this coming but you allow your love for Hazel to make the decision instead of considering my subjection, you are the cause of all the problems you are facing now," She said to him, but Finley felt should know better " I don't understand why she will suddenly go against Hazel being in the house with us, she has always shown love to Hazel and was always protective of her, why would she suddenly withdraw her love without considering that Hazel is only a child who needs love, I mean she was there for her when she had not a child of her own," Zoe look at him and see him sad and she tried to make him go out of the sour mood. " You know with the mate bond, Eva will have the feelings that Hazel is getting part of the love you are supposed to give her, she feels that all the attention should be for her, she doesn't see Hazel as her kid but a rival, so you need to speak to her so she understands that no one can take that love you have for her away," She advised him. " Are you telling me that Eva is jealous of Hazel? Isn't that ridiculous? How can she even think of such a thing, when she is the one I love the most in this world," He huffed and found it hard to believe that it was jealousy that is making her treat Hazel the way she does. " She doesn't see it the way you do, Hazel is not her daughter so she is a rival to her who is stealing her mate's love," Zoe throws more light on the problem but Finley does not seem to understand why Eva would have such feeling towards a mere child. " What do I do to make her know that she is my world," Finley find it strange that Eva could think that he doesn't love her as much as he does before Hazel came into their life. He said in frustration because he doesn't understand how he was going to handle the problem he was having with his mate. " Maybe you should start by trying to do those things you both use to do before the children came into your life, take her out, let her feel special," Zoe suggested to him " But the kids, where will the kids be, we can't go with them, it will be too stressful taking her out for a date with the children," He said, he felt the children should not be left on their own while he goes on a date with his mate. " That is the mistake you are making, my brother, being a parent does not mean you can not do what the both of you were doing before the kids came, the kids are part of you now and they are not a stress but a blessing to you both," Zoe said to him which made him see where the problem is and wanted her to resolve the problems he has with his mate. " Finley, bring the children to me, you know I love having them in my house and my mate too will not be opposed to it since he loves children," She told him, she was determined to make things work for Finley and his mate. " Are you sure this is going to work because of late she has become very wide and even has a wipe that she uses to wipe Hazel," He said doubting if it was going to work, thinking of the last time they had an argument. " Has it gone this bad? When did she become so cruel? Eva has always been kind-hearted even before mating with you," He saw the shocked look on Zoe's face when he told her what Eva did " This is what is making me worry, I have come up with the decision that Hazel will not be left alone with her because she hates her. I have just registered her in a creche and I will be the one to take her to the creche and bring her back. I don't want Eva to create some sort of insecurity in her, I want Hazel to grow up happy and independent. I need her to be strong not grow up with fears," He said and saw that Zoe was still in shock and didn't say anything. " Fin, I will not blame you for taking such a step but you still need to talk to her so that there would be peace in your home," She further advised him. " If you believe that will work, I will give it a try, I pray it worked out because it is killing me that Eva would be this cruel towards a child," He promised his sister as he thought of a way to get her to accept his dating proposal. As Zoe set the table and she invited him to join them for breakfast while she called on her mate that the table was set for breakfast. " Honey, breakfast is ready," She called out to her mate. " I will be in a sec," Her mate responded. As they sat down to eat, her mate came down to join her for breakfast. " Good morning Bob," Finley greeted when his sister's mate came to join them for breakfast. " Morning Fin, how are the kids," He responded and sat down for breakfast. " So how is the fight against the rogue attack in the pack?" Bob asks Finley. " We are doing our best to put them in check but we don't know why they suddenly start attacking us, our pack has always been rogue-free," Finley says because this was the fifth time the rogue came in two months " It is something to bother about because it is quite strange that the rogues are attacking our pack," Bob says For the past two years, they have been experiencing various attacks from rogues and no one has been able to explain why the attack was happening but they do all they can to help stop them from being successful. " Honey, your meal this morning is delicious and I love the taste of the soup," Bob compliments his mate's cooking. While Finley looked at the two lovebirds " My sister has always been the best cook in this pack, so you must know you are lucky she is your mate," Finley said proudly, Zoe has always loved cooking and she was good at what she does. " You don't need to brag about her cooking to me, remember she is my mate and because the moon goddess knows I am a lover of food that was why she gifted me with a mate that loves cooking and who is good at what she does," Bob said him, everyone knew he was a lover of food and always feel happy that his mate was a good cook. " Thank you love for appreciating my food," Zoe says while blushing when she heard what her mate and Finley compliment her cooking skills. They continue to eat in silence because Finley knew Zoe hates talking when at the dining table, she always says it is a bad habit. After a while, they were through with breakfast and Finley assisted his sister to clean up. " Sis, I will let you know when I will take Eva on a date so the kids can come over to your place," " I will be looking forward to that and try going easy with her," She advised him. " Thank you, sis, you've always been very helpful," He says as he hugs her. When they finish cleaning up Finley took Zoe to the clinic and then went for his pack duties. He thought of a way to make Eva come for a date with him because she has refused to speak to him since he chastise her because of the way she treated Hazel, but an idea came to his mind and he decided to put it to action.
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