Chapter Six

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When we headed towards the salon, I wonder why Zoe was going through all the trouble when I heard her say I need a manicure and pedicure. We have always done this together before her kids came, she was the one that has always been busy and we have stopped most of the things we do together. Zoe and I were best of friends, she has always had her way with people and this has helped her in her work dealing with people in our pack clinic. She tried to be her usual self and made sure I was given the best treatment by the beauty specialist who was busy with my hair while someone else was handling the manicure and the pedicure. I can tell she is up to something but I could not seem to lay my hand on what she was up to. She continued to chat with me, and make everyone in the salon parlor laugh as they busy themselves with making me look beautiful. " I want you to look like the beauty, you were that made head turns when you were still without your mate, you were the beauty of this pack every ladies envy your beauty back then," She said to me, she happens to be two years older than me but we had always been friends and then the moon goddess decided to make our relationship strong when we realized that I was her brother's mate, Finley told me he that he had nursed the fear that it would change the relationship between Zoe and me but it did not change anything between us. Zoe is the twin sister of Finley and they were inseparable as kids when he had his mate Zoe feared too that his mate would come between them but realized it was me and I prove to them that I did not bring a problem to them as siblings, they both realize I was accommodating and this had made the love between Zoe and I grow more. I wonder why Zoe is going through all this trouble in wanting to give me back my past glory, could it be that Finley has to him about our frequent misunderstandings? Did he tell him of my treatment of Hazel? Zoe knows me better, I would not do something to her if there were no reasonable reasons for it. My sudden hostility to Hazel is born out of what I saw her do, Hazel was a child I have given my love to but who would believe me when I tell them I was afraid of a five-year-old child? Yes, what I saw her do was surprising and it made me wonder who her parents were, they must be some supernatural being different from werewolves, I have always been a pleasant person who does not discriminate but I am scared of a five-year-old girl is supposed to be my adopted child. What Zoe said brought me back to the present, " Are you telling me I am no longer that beauty you know? " I said and she smiled before giving me a response. " You have always been a beauty but you need to take care of that beauty of yours, so you don't get old all of a sudden," Zoe says to me, I know she was right but she should know that taking care of three children was not an easy task to do. "You know the twins are a handful and I don't have much time for all these," I explained to her and I expected her to know better. " You see that is the mistake we make most times, we tend to ignore ourselves when the kids start coming, and we forget to live our lives and live for our children. Though it is good to care for one's children we also need to care for ourselves," " Some women would ignore their husbands with the excuse that the children need taking care of and forgetting that the first kid in the family is their husband. Things like this are what cause dispute in a family, so as a woman we need to manage both so the other won't feel neglected," Zoe continues to explain some of the basics of caring for a family to me. " As mothers, we need to communicate with our mates and children to make the home more accommodating for everyone, a lack of communication tends to give people the chance to create strives in a family," Zoe added. " Mothers are the link between father and children in a family, we need to make sure that the link stays connected so that harmony in the family stayed intact," Zoe continued when she observed that I was listening to her. So it encourages her to continue with her lectures to me. " But how is that possible when the kids keep seeking our attention," I asked, I wonder how I was going to handle everything Zoe was telling me. To me, it sounds impossible to do. "You will discover it is not as difficult as you view it when you give it a go, it makes you earn the respect of your mate and children. It will make them love even more, respect, and obey you," Zoe said to me like she could see what was going on in my mind. " Hum, I will try giving it a go, are you sure this is what I need to do to bring harmony to my family?" I asked her because I was still in doubt. " Have you not seen the harmony in my family? I always make sure I give everyone the attention they needed, so I am always the one receiving care from everyone in the family because everyone wants to be in my good book," She explains to me, and she was right because I have always envied her family. They were one great family. " Thank you for the advice, and lessons learned, I never knew this was your reason for asking me out, I appreciate it," I said to her. " You are welcome, but my reason for asking you out is not to lecture because, when you are through with the beauty treatment, we will be going shopping," Zoe said to me and I wonder where she will be taking me because I was missing my children already, and wish we. would just head home. " The kids are going to give Bob a tough time and there is no one with him to help out, will it not be too much for him to handle," I was becoming worried when heard I heard her say we would be going shopping after spending two hours already at the beauty salon. Why is she so confident and not bothered about her mate who will be having a difficult time with the children? " You don't need to worry about him because he told me Finley was already there with him, and he is helping out with the children. Moreover, Bob doesn't have any problems with taking care of the kids, you know he loves them," I can see that Zoe can prepare, she knew I was going to continue to worry and might decide not to go shopping with her, so she made all the arrangement very well. " Oh, that gives me relief to hear that Finley is there with him," I said, it gave me relief to know that he will be with the children. When they were through with the salon, and Zoe being satisfied that her desired effect has been achieved, she decided we go to the shopping mall, so drove to the boutique where they went shopping for clothes. Zoe sat in a chair and asked the sale girl to get a dress that compliment my complexion. " You will have to listen to me because I am the one paying the bill and I don't want to spare any expenses, I want you to have the best," Zoe said jokingly I saw her watch the sale girl brings in different designs of classic clothes so they can pick the one suitable for me. I proceeded into the changing room in the boutique and comes out to display the dresses for Zoe who assess the clothes and gives her disapproval when the clothes didn't meet up with what she wants for me. " Are these the only dress in this store? Bring the newest design and let her try it out," She said as she looks at me, I know she could see that I was getting worried that she has spent half the day out without my children with me. " I have told you the children are in good hands, you don't need to worry your head, they probably didn't miss that you are not with them," She said and I knew she was right the children would be having a great time with their uncle and father who was going to spoil them, so I decided to forget about them for a while and enjoy my life and worry less ********* Zoe wonders how she was going to react when she discovers she was not going to spend the night with her children, all the arrangements have been made to give her a special treat and Zoe wasn't ready to tell her because it is supposed to be a surprise that she was going to love. Zoe wishes his brother was able to convince her to accept Hazel and that Eva will stop seeing Hazel as her rival but rather as her child and give her the love she deserves. While trying to engage Eva in trying out the dress she was using it to buy more time before Finley comes over to take her on the date he has carefully planned out for her.
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