Chapter Seven

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Zoe finally saw a dress that she knew would bring out all the curves in Eva's body and suit her very well. The dress she picked up was a wine gown that stops below the thighs, she knew it will hug her body and reveal her curves perfectly well. It had a V parting at the back that stopped a little bit above her waist and it revealed her back elegantly, the dress will help to bring out the beauty of her hairstyle which was in an updo above her head with a few tendrils of hair dropping along my ears giving her a princess look. She encourages her to go put it on so she can see if it suits her well. Meanwhile, Finley has been waiting in hiding while Zoe was busy trying to get the perfect dress for the occasion he has planned out for Eva, While Eva was in the dressing room Finley came in holding a beautiful red rose and waited at the door of the changing room for Eva to come out so he can give the rose to her and then inviting her to be his date for the day. After about twenty minutes Eva came out of the changing room and instead of seeing Zoe in the seat she left her, Finley was on his knees and stretched out the rose to Eva who was left speechless to see her mate on his knees with the roses she loves stretched out to her. " I know we have had our differences of late and this is killing me because my better half refuses to talk to me, but I would love it if you can be my date tonight, I want us to forget our differences and give ourselves this wonderful time of life like the two souls that have become one, Eva please give me the chance to show how special you are to me," Finley said as he admires his wife's beauty. He has forgotten how beautiful she was because it has been a long time since they have gone on a date. Since the birth of their kids, they had not had any time for a date and they have been long overdue for this. " But the children, who is going to take care of kids if we go on a date?" " Let's forget about the kids because they are in good hands, you don't need to worry, what I worry about is you, please don't close your heart to this, give me the chance to prove to you how I love and care about you," Eva now realized all this has been planned out by Finley and Zoe, she was short of words and she felt proud that her mate could to this length for her, " Finley, I have missed you too and it has not been easy for me too," She confessed. She was happy that Finley still care for her. " Yes I would like to be your date," She said while blushing because the sales girls at the boutique were looking at her. She collected the roses from him and held his hands and helped him up and hugged him but Finley could not hold it back, he took her lips in his and kissed her hard on her lips. Finley then carried her in a bridal way out of the boutique to a limousine that has always been part of what Eva dreamed she will be opportune to ride in since she was a teen. She wanted to be an actress where she could have such an opportunity to ride in a vehicle like that but never got that opportunity. She started to cry tears of joy as she saw the length her mate had gone to please her, " So you remember, how I have wished for this?" " I will never forget every detail of what you wished and desired. I remember every bit of all your love but I have not had that chance to give you all you ever wished for and I promise to make it up to you." Finley says as he used his handkerchief to wipe the tears from her face. There was a favourite drama she loves so much and it was showing at a cinema center in town and he decided to take her to see the movies before taking her to a dinner he had booked for them to eat dinner. It was a Mexican restaurant, she had always loved Mexican food as such he made sure to make a reservation so he could take her there. He carried her into the limousine while he went in with her. He had specially gone to rent the car for the occasion in a bid to give her what she desired. When they go to the cinema, Finley opened the door, got out, and stretches his hands for her to hold while she got out of the car. " Your favourite movie is showing tonight and I have bought two tickets for us so we can see it together," Finley explained to her. " Which of my favourites do you remember," She asked to know if he was only doing it to impress or if he knew her favourite. She was surprised that he could still remember some of the things she discussed with him when they started dating some ten years ago. " One of the dramas you like is ' The Billionaire Secret Wife, The last Lycon, The secret Billionaire, ....." Finley listed a few of her favorite films to her and this made her glad because he remembered. " You leave me speechless, I never knew you still remembered all, I thought you didn't care and that the love between us was not as strong as it used to be, you have shown me that you care about me," She said while looking into his eyes. " I will always hold it here in my heart," He said while placing his hand on his chest to indicate he is aware of every detail of what she loved. " So which of the movie are we seeing tonight?" She asked. " The Billionaires secret wife, remember how excited you were when the movie came out, you were happy because it had not been long since you read the book that the movie was air in a cinema and you did all you could to get a ticket to see the movie," Finley brought back the memory of her reaction when she heard that the movie was going on air. " Must you remind me of how I begged before I got two tickets so we can both come to see the movie," Eva said while laughing when she remembered how she got the ticket because it was a new movie and there were a lot of people that were dying to see the movie. " And it was a movie that was worth watching, the cast showcased the characters involved, and it helps give a more understanding of the movie, I loved the fact that we both saw the movie," Finley said, it was their first official date when they discovered that they were mates. They both walk into the cinema after relishing the past holding hands as they went into the cinema house. They bought popcorn with Eva's favourite flavour because the night was all about her and he wanted to give her the best.
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