Chapter Eight

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After getting her popcorn with her favourite flavour, we went into the cinema to pick a seat that has been prepared for us while the light went off for the commencement of the movie. I can see that I have been able to impress Eva and I hope when I bring up the issue concerning Hazel she was going to accept her as her child and not discriminate between her and her children. The movie began when both lovers met, in a club, how a girl name Gina came to the club with her best friend, and her unwillingness to get attracted by any male present in the club. It is followed by the playboy billionaire who got attracted by the beauty of Gina who didn't give him a face but rather ignored his advance toward her and this made him challenge her to a dancing competition to know the sexiest one between them, with the one having the highest number of the opposite by his or her side becomes the winner. I observed my mate smiling when they started dancing in the challenge, and we stayed quiet all through the time we were watching the movie, my mate was concentrating like someone that was going to write a description of the movie when we were through with the movie. After forty minutes of watching the movie then came the sad part where Gina was kidnapped by a notorious man who was known to r**e and beat them to death. Eva held my hands and started crying when Gina was being flogged by her kidnappers, I can see that she was fighting between trying to shift and going to fight back for the victim forgetting that it was a movie. As I watch her react like she was doing I can not help but wonder why she was treating little Hazel the way she did, she has always been a kind-hearted person and would never support violence. She must surely have a reason for this and he intends to find out the cause of this. " Honey, calm down, it is just a movie, you don't need to react like you are doing," Finley patted his wife's hand while using another to hold and keep her calm. He observed that she was trying to calm herself by moving closer to inhale his scent to help her keep calm. " Why are there bad guys like him in this world who treats women like animals, someone like him needs to be locked away," She said aggressively while struggling to calm herself. " You don't need to get worked up because we have people who fight the battle for helpless women like her," Finley said, he might be a warrior but he doesn't believe in domestic violence he had always liked to defend the helpless in the world and that is the part of the reason he could not find it in his heart to give Hazel away, he felt she had no one to love and he sees her as someone helpless " With people like this person, it is always hard for them to live a life without looking for a victim they can violate, it is a sick sight to see and I just pray no woman has to live through all Gina has been through." Eva expresses her concern while she thanks the moon goddess for giving her a kind-hearted mate. Though she might fight and argue with him, he had never done anything bad to her. When the rescue team came to rescue Gina, I observed that Eva became calm and happy, I think the main purpose I chose this movie was to see if my mate is no longer the kind-hearted mate the moon goddess gifted me but she didn't give a different vibe as I saw her sort of rejoicing when Gina was rescued and the notorious guy been punished for what he did to her. " This is part of what I like about this movie, the bad guy was punished, and he won't be able to harm any woman again, that serves him right, how I wish every woman been abused gets rescued and liberated from their abuser," " You are right, I hope so too because women are supposed to be treated like a treasure," " You are one in a kind, you are a different man entirely and I am happy that you are my mate, you never cease to amuse me with your kind heart," She said with a blush, she knew she has been giving him a hard time of late with the issue of Hazel but there is a reason why she is acting like she was doing. " Thank you for the compliment," He said and pulled her hand to his lips giving her a small peck on her hands " There is no need to thank me, it is the truth about you," She confessed to him. " All the same, thanks, I like it coming from you," Finley said and kissed her lips, he felt her lips deserved to be kissed for complimenting him. Finley refused to bring up Hazel's issue, he wanted to give her the treat he had prepared for her before bringing it up so as not to spoil their date night. The movie finally came to an end and he decided to take her to another surprise he had planned out for her. While they were going out of the cinema house she started thinking of buying a takeaway so they could go home and eat it with the kids. " Can we make a stop at a restaurant and get some takeaway so the kids can eat something and go to bed early because it is almost their bedtime and you know how difficult it is to feed Authur when he is sleepy," She says to Finley as they came out of the cinema house and was walking towards the car. " We have just started our date night, remember I said we should forget about the kids this night, we are here as mates, and no mention of the kids, they are in good hands and I know all is well with them because we have not received any call asking us to come to get them," Finley said jokingly, as he held lead her into the car. " So where are we going?" She could not hide her curiosity as the car moved on. " That is supposed to be a surprise and if I tell you, it is no longer a surprise again" He refused to tell her because he knew the next place is going to leave her amused He had made a reservation for them and he was sure he made the right choice because he knew that she was going to love it. After about thirty minutes of driving, the car finally came to stop at a Mexican restaurant that she has been dying to visit for a long time, it was opened six months ago and the kids had been a handful for her and they had not had the time to go on a date since she gave birth to the twins When the car stopped, I hear her exclaim in joy and hugged me, she was so excited that she could not hide the joy of being in a restaurant that sells her favourite meal. " Finley, I love you, you have given me a great surprise, and I am getting to eat my favourite meal. " You are welcome, I needed to show you how much you mean to me and there is no better way than to give you what you love the most, I hope the food here meets your expectations, He said and step out of the car, stretching out his hands to help her out of the car. " Now let's go in to get those favourites of yours," He said and he held her hand while they walk into the restaurant to the private room he had booked beforehand for them.
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