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They reached back to Mumbai, and to their mansion. Aaditya and Dhruv,  took Manik , Cabir and Abhimanyu to the room. They made Cabir and Manik lie on the king sized bed while Dhruv was laying unconscious on the huge sofa. Aaditya told, "Guys they are out of danger, thank God bullets just touched and changed the direction " "So why are they not regaining consciousness", asked Nandani worriedly. "Nandani due to severe blood loss, they have become unconscious. I have started glucose drips, and am arranging blood for transfusion. Don't worry, they will gain consciousness soon", said Aaditya. Mukti was crying. Nandani inquired, "Mukti are you okay?" But Mukti didn't reply and ran to her room and shut the door. Nandani inquired from Dhruv, Zoya and Aaditya, "What happened to her, guys?" "Nandani there is a dark past of Mukti", said Dhruv. "Dark past?", Nandani asked "Yes Nandani a couple of years ago, Mukti dated a guy named Daniel. They both loved each other madly. One day we had a fight with our rival David, and his g**g. David was about to shoot and kill Mukti, but Daniel shielded Mukti. Due to it the bullet's hit Daniel.David and his men kept on firing at Daniel till he lay dead on the ground. Mukti was shattered and broken after Daniel's death. And today history repeated itself, and Abhimanyu came in between, and the bullet hit him. If God forbid something would have happened to him, Mukti would not have forgiven herself, ever", said Dhruv. "Dhruv bro, than why don't you all leave this mafia business", said Nandani  "Let's not talk about this ", said Dhruv In some time Cabir , Abhimanyu and Manik gained consciousness. Nandani called Mukti and she came. "Cabir are you okay?", asked Navya worriedly. "Yes Navya", said Cabir. "Manik you scared me", said Nandani hugging him tightly and cried. "Ssh star, don't cry look your hero is perfectly fine", said Manik kissing her forehead "Abhimanyu are you mad why the hell did you take that bullet by coming in front of me", said Mukti angrily. "How could I see you taking that bullet and laying in pain?", said Abhimanyu looking right into her eyes.  His eyes had lots of love for Mukti, and there was sincerity  in his words. "Guys are you all okay, are you feeling pain?", asked Aaditya.  "Aaditya don't worry buddy we are perfectly fine, getting hit by bullets has become normal now for us, but Abhimanyu I hope you are okay?", asked Manik concernedly. "Yes ", said Abhimanyu with a smile. "Navya I don't know why Abhimanyu came in front of Mukti and took the bullet,  I did it so, just because I love you, will you be my girlfriend?", asked Cabir with a hope that Navya tells a yes. "I love you too Cabir", said Navya and hugged him. Everyone hooted .  "Navya you take Cabir in his room .and Mukti, you too take Abhimanyu to your room", said Manik so that they could spent some romantic time "Why will I take Abhimanyu to my room?  Navya and Cabir , I understand they both love each other, but I don't love Abhimanyu", said Mukti. Abhimanyu was hurt by her words. "Manik I shall go to the guest room", said Abhimanyu.  "Abhimanyu bro, should I help you?", Nandani asked. "No my sweet little sister, you take care of Manik , I shall go by myself", said Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu tried to get up, but winced in pain since the wound of the bullet was fresh. Mukti saw that, and there was an unknown pain which she felt. Everyone went to their respective rooms. *MUKTI'S ROOM* Mukti after freshening up, was sitting on the bed with photograph's of Daniel and her. She was simultaneously thinking about, "Abhimanyu coming in front of her, and shielding her, due to which he was hit by the bullet", that scene kept on flashing in front of her eyes. She muttered, "Why am I thinking so much about him? Yes, he has saved my life and I have thanked him for that, so why am I feeling an unknown pain in my heart. Do I love him too? No, No, I love Daniel , I don't care about Abhimanyu" Suddenly she heard the sound of something falling from Abhimanyu's room. She ran towards his room. Truly, Action proves louder than words.  She saw Abhimanyu shirtless siting on the bed and holding his arms in pain. The vase had fallen on the floor. Mukti asked "Are you Okay? How did the vase fall, and why are you holding your arms? Should I call Aaditya" "No Mukti relax, I am fine", he said and tried to get up from the bed, but again winced in pain. "You are not at all fine, Mad you are not even able to get up", said Mukti angrily. "Mukti, actually I went to freshen up, and  I was trying to wear my shirt. But I couldn't, due to which I lost my balance and the vase fell", said Abhimanyu "Are you mad Abhimanyu, Aaditya told you that your wound is fresh and no water should touch over there, so why the hell did you have your beauty bath", said Mukti angrily  "Sorry", said Abhimanyu like an obedient kid. She took Abhimanyu's shirt which was lying on the bed , and helped Abhimanyu in wearing it. Than Mukti inquired, "You had your breakfast?" "No, what about you?", asked Abhimanyu. "No, I will ask the servant to get breakfast for both of us, and clean up this broken vase pieces", said Mukti. Mukti called Anna and she came.  "Yes, Ma'am you called me?", asked Anna with her head bowing down. "Yes Anna, please make the arrangement for the breakfast, for two people in this room and ask others too if they need breakfast in their rooms. Also please send someone to clean this vase pieces ", said Mukti. "Okay Ma'am", replied Anna and took a leave.  She cleaned the vase pieces from the room and made arrangements for the breakfast. Mukti and Abhimanyu had their breakfast in complete silence. After completing the breakfast she told , "Abhimanyu if you need anything you can call me or any of the servant" She was about to leave when Abhimanyu called her out, "Mukti" Mukti turned behind and said, "Yes" "I love you", said Abhimanyu. Mukti was just numb, and din't know how to react. Abhimanyu walked towards her and told, "Please give me a chance, I swear you won't regret your decision. I know you are a mafia and you can protect yourself, but I promise when needed I will give my life for you " Tears brimmed in Mukti's eyes remembering Daniel's death. Abhimanyu got worried and confused. He inquired, "What happened why are you crying?" But Mukti didn't reply, and instead hugged him She cried like an infant.  "Behind a stone heart and a cold person, there was a girl whose heart was shattered , once upon a time..." Abhimanyu caressed her cheeks and asked lovingly, "What happened sweetheart?" Mukti narrated to him everything, how Daniel died. Abhimanyu was shocked to know the truth. He hugged her and told, " Mukti but baby you need to move on right? , you cant just get stuck on your past. Please give me a chance" "Promise me you won't leave,  and will stay by my side forever", said Mukti. "I promise I will stick by your side, for my entire life ", said Abhimanyu. Mukti hugged him, and so did Abhimanyu. *ZOYA AND AADITYA'S ROOM* Aaditya was lying on the bed, and Zoya was resting her head on his chest. "I still remember Aaditya, how my parents denied to accept you. I was ready to go against them and marry you, but you said that you would marry me after their acceptance. How you approached mum and dad, and they beat you black and blue. But due to your stubbornness, and seeing your Love and care for me , my parents finally accepted you", said Zoya.  "If you parents would not have accepted me, I would have never got married in my life ", said Aaditya "I love you ", said Zoya hugging him. "I love you more baby", said Aaditya hugging her back. * DHRUV & ALYA'S ROOM * "Do you remember Alya, how did we meet for the first time in the college?", asked Dhruv. "Yes Dhruv, you bumped into me due to which my books fell down, and in anger I slapped you", said Alya smiling, recollecting all the memories.  "I was determined to take the revenge of that slap from you, but while taking revenge, I didn't realize when did I fall in love with you", said Dhruv smiling. "I love you, Dhruv", said Alya hugging him. "I love you too baby", said Dhruv hugging her back. *CABIR & NAVYA'S ROOM* "I love you Navya, I promise I will be a shield standing in front of you taking all the hurt and pain. I will be there for you during darkness and sunshine, I will be the reason behind your happiness and smiles", said Cabir, looking right into her eyes and holding her hands lovingly. "I love you too Cabir", said Navya hugging him tightly *MANIK & NANDANI'S ROOM* "Manik , Navya told a yes to Cabir bro, I am so happy ", said Nandani happily. "So am I , star", said Manik  "Abhimanyu also loves Mukti, what do you think, will she say yes to him?", asked Nandani. "Maybe she might say yes, lets hope for the best!", said Manik.  Manik and Nandani cuddled with each other and slept. *IN EVENING* Everyone went downstairs after freshening up. Abhimanyu and Mukti also came down, holding their hands, and everyone was shocked and happy at the same time. "Ahem Ahem , Lady Bheem ", Cabir teased. "What Cabir, you have also held Navya's hand", said Mukti. "We have held our hands, because we are dating each other, and we are in love", said Cabir. "So are we, dating each other and are in love", said Mukti. "Oh my god, oh my god , congratulations baby", said Alya hugging Mukti.   Everyone congratulated them. They sat to have some snacks, when suddenly a girl came. "Hi guys", she told. "Hi ", replied everyone. Than she ran towards Manik and hugged her, "Manik I missed you" "I missed you too, its a long time we have met", said Manik hugging her back. Nandani felt damn jealous. She felt like smashing that girls head on the wall. 
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