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That girl was none other than Soha Khurrana.  { SOHA KHURRANA : 26 years old. She was FAB 5's classmate in college. She is a big flirt, and loves Manik since college life, but Manik has always considered her as a friend. She is a psychopath and is mad for Manik, she can cross all limits for him. She is a struggling model and knows the truth, that FAB 5 is a mafia g**g } Nandani was jealous. She whispered to Cabir, "Bro who is this witch? Look how is she sticking to Manik, and Manik also is entertaining her. I just feel like pulling her hair and making her bald" Cabir suppressed his laughter and replied, "My little sister, she is Soha, she was our classmate during college" "But you all are not sticking to her so much, and just look at Manik ", she told angrily. "Feeling jealous?", Cabir asked. "No why will I --I am not jealous", said Nandani stammering and went to her room. Manik saw that Nandani was jealous, and thus he thought to make her even more. In afternoon, everyone went to the dining to have lunch. Nandani was about to sit besides Manik, but Soha sat next to him. Manik was talking to her, laughing and smiling recollecting all their college memories. He was paying no attention to Nandani.  Soha noticed Abhimanyu, Navya and Nandani for the first time. She inquired to Manik, "Who are they" "Besides Mukti is Abhimnayu, Mukti's boyfriend, beside Cabir is Navya, Cabir's girlfriend and beside Navya is Nandani , she is like a sister to Dhruv and Cabir", said Manik making Nandani even more jealous. But now rather than being jealous, Nandani was hurt. She stood up from her chair and went to her room. Cabir tried to call her out, but to no avail.  It was night time, Cabir went to Nandani's room and knocked at the door. "Nandani doll, come down for dinner" "I am not hungry Cabir bro", replied Nandani sobbing. Cabir went downstairs and found Soha sticking to Manik.  He approached Manik and told him, " I want to talk to you, can you please come to my room?" "Sure", said Manik and followed Cabir to his room. Cabir caught Manik's collar tightly. Manik was shocked with this behavior of Cabir. Cabir told angrily, "If Nandani was just a time pass in your life, why the hell did you kidnap her Manik?" "Cabir what are you saying , You know I love her", said Manik. "To hell with your fake feelings Manik, she might be a time pass for you, a girl just to warm your bed, but for me she's truly my sister, and I will dig your grave if you try to play with her feelings", said Cabir angrily. "Shut up, just shut the f**k up Cabir, how did you even think that I am just using Nandani to warm up my bed. I love her god damn it", he told angrily. "So why the hell are you sticking to that Soha, and ignoring her, and why didn't you introduce her to Soha, by telling her that she is your love. Tell me?", asked Cabir angrily. "I was trying making Nandani jealous. She loves me I know that, but she is not confessing , so thus I thought if I stick with Soha she will be jealous and might confess her love for me", said Manik. "Are you gone nuts ? You know how Soha is mad for you, before she takes this as you loving her back, just clarify everything out to her. But before that just go and talk to Nandani, and get her down for dinner. she didn't have her lunch too", said Cabir. Manik went towards Nandani's room and knocked at the door. "Nandani ", he called out. Nandani gave no reply. Manik again knocked at the door and told, "Nandani are you opening the door?" "No you go to that witch", said Nandani angrily. Manik suppressed his laughs, and opened the door with duplicate keys and went inside. He saw Nandani sitting on the floor and weeping. He went and sat beside her. Nandani told angrily, "Go away , go to that witch" "No, I won't go. I will stay here with my star", said Manik wiping off her tears. "Just stop this fake concern", said Nandani angrily and pushed him away. "Its not my fake concern baby? By the way why are you feeling so jealous", asked Manik teasing. "Because I love you", Nandani said spontaneously. Manik hugged her tightly and told, "I was sticking to her purposely, so that you get jealous and confess your feelings for me, see I was so right" "Means you don't love her?", asked Nandani cutely "No, I love you , my star", said Manik lovingly and kissed her forehead. Nandani wiped off her tears and smiled. Manik laughed and teased her, "By the way , I loved this jealous Nandani" Nandani hit him on his chest playfully. "You made me cry, you are very bad", Nandani said sniffing. "I am sorry my star", said Manik "Catch your ears and do sit ups, I will forgive you only then", said Nandani. Manik like an obedient kid started to do sit ups. Isn't it beautiful,  a monster started changing for someone!? Suddenly Dhruv entered the room to call them for dinner, and his eyes went wide with shock by looking at Manik, who was catching his ears and doing sit ups.  "Manik what are you doing?", asked Dhruv suppressing his laughter. "Can't you see I am doing sit ups?", said Manik. "I can see that, but why are you doing it?", asked Dhruv. Suddenly Cabir also came to his room, and he was also shocked to see Manik. "Manik what are you doing?", asked Cabir laughing. "He is doing sit ups", said Dhruv suppressing his laughter's. "But why?", asked Cabir laughing. "I don't know, I asked but he didn't reply", said Dhruv. Manik was concentrating in doing his sit ups. Nandani whispered, "Manik your punishment is over stand up now" Manik stood up with a great difficulty. Cabir laughed and told, "Wow Nandani only you have the power to tame this monster Manik" Nandani smiled faintly. Cabir teased, "Manik by the way you looked good while catching your ears and doing sit ups" "Cabir why are you so eager to die, buddy ?", said Manik evilly. "Manik lets go for dinner, you can kill him later", said Dhruv. Manik held Nandani's waist and went downstairs. Soha saw that, she went towards him and asked, "Manik where were you ?" "Sorry guys to keep you all waiting, I want to make an announcement", said Manik "What is it?", asked everyone excitedly. "Nandani and I are dating each other", said Manik happily. Everyone started hooting, they were very happy but Soha was burning with jealousy and rage. She felt like killing Nandani. Everyone congratulated them, and so did Soha since she had no other option.  Everyone sat for dinner. Manik fed Nandani lovingly, and so did Nandani. Soha was going mad with jealousy and anger. After dinner, everyone chit chatted and clicked ample of selfies, and then returned to their rooms.  Manik got a guest room arranged and clean, for Soha. *SOHA'S ROOM | GUEST ROOM |* Soha was sitting on the bed, and was looking at pictures of herself and Manik. Nandani was also in that picture, so Soha cropped her from it. She muttered, "The way I cropped you Nandani, and removed you from the picture, I shall remove you from Manik's life too" She went to Manik's room. The door was slightly open so she peeped inside the room. What she saw next broke her her heart into pieces. Manik was hovering upon Nandani and kissing her forehead, her eyes, her nose tip and cheeks. Suddenly Nandani saw somebody's shadow on the door. She told, "Manik somebody is at the door" She was about to run, but Manik heard somebody's footstep so he ran towards the door, and found Soha. "Soha you?", Manik asked. "Actually I was thirsty , so I was searching for the kitchen but I came over here by-mistake, I am sorry for disturbing your privacy", said Soha. "No No Soha, its perfectly fine. I will ask one of the servant to keep a jug in your room", said Manik. He called Anna and she came. Manik told, "Anna please place a jug in Soha ma'am's room", said Manik. "Okay sir", said Anna and took a leave. Soha thanked him and took a leave. She went to her room and tried to sleep but she couldn't. She kept tossing on the bed. 
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