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The next morning everyone freshened up and came downstairs for breakfast. Manik informed, "Guys Aaditya and Zoya are also joining us for the trip" "Oh that's cool", said Cabir. "Manik, who is Aaditya and Zoya?", Nandani inquired. "Nandani baby, Aaditya treated you when you fell unconscious. He is a doctor and Zoya is his wife. They are good friends of ours", said Manik "Are they also mafias?", asked Nandani cutely "No my little star, they are not mafias. Aaditya is a doctor and heir of Hooda Industries and Zoya Hooda is a jewelry designer", informed Manik.  While they were talking Aaditya and Zoya came. "Hello guys", they greeted with a bright smile. FAB 5 hugged them. Mukti told, "Zoya since you have come, lets go for shopping" Everyone went for shopping , the mall which they go to, gets cleared of people beforehand to ensure their safety. They did ample of shopping and handed over their bags to boys.  They packed their bags and left for Goa in their private jets by evening. At night they reached their bungalow . They didn't take any security with them but took their riffles and guns for protection. They had their dinner and went to sleep since they were tired. The next morning, everyone woke up and after freshening themselves they went to the dinning to have breakfast.  Cabir suggested, "Guys shall we got to Baga Beach today?" "Yes its a good idea", said Nandani excitedly. In afternoon they went to Baga beach. Everyone were enjoying themselves and clicked ample of pictures. Manik could feel that somebody was keeping an eye on them. He didn't want to spoil everyone's mood, nor was he sure. So thus he didn't inform anyone, but he himself was quiet alert. At late evening, they returned back to the bungalow. After having dinner they sat in the living room and were chit chatting. Manik asked, "Cabir , where is the camera in which we clicked pictures" "Its with me", said Cabir. "Gimme that camera please", Manik said. Cabir handed over the camera to him and Manik sat separately from them and started to look at the pictures they clicked. He found a person in every picture. He thought that it might be a coincidence too. Manik was constantly thinking whether somebody was keeping an eye on them in real or he was just doubting. Nandani saw Manik sitting alone and was lost in some thoughts. She quietly got up from her seat and went towards him. "Manik", she called out.  "Yes Star", he said lovingly. 'What happened you seem to be tense?", Nandani inquired. "No baby its nothing of that sort", said Manik. "So why are you sitting all alone over here?", Nandani asked. "Just like that", said Manik. Nandani pulled him up and told, "Come lets sit together and play some games". She told excitedly to everybody, "Guys lets play a game" "Which game you want to play?", asked Cabir. "Truth and Dare", said Nandani excitedly. "Okay, I will get a bottle to rotate", said Navya. Everyone seated themselves, and started to play. Nandani told the rules, "If the cap of the bottles points to someone than that person will ask question or give a dare , simultaneously if the other side of the bottle faces someone, that person has to answer the question or complete the dare given by the person" "Okay ", everyone replied. Nandani rotated the bottle and the cap faced Mukti while the other side of the bottle faced Abhimanyu. "Okay Mukti, ask a truth or give a dare to Abhimanyu", said Nandani. "Okay I won't ask a difficult question, we will start from a simple question, Are you single?", asked Mukti. "Yes", said Abhimanyu. "Seriously you don't even look that bad", said Mukti. :Are you single?", asked Abhimanyu flirting with her. "Shut the f**k up", said Mukti angrily. Manik suddenly saw someones's shadow on the window. Manik told in a low voice, "Guys shut up , somebody is there" Everybody saw a man's shadow on the window. They removed their guns and opened the door, but that man ran away. The boys followed him but he hid somewhere. They returned back to the mansion. "Manik I think we should leave . Maybe that man could be Harshad's spy, and he has seen that we are alone and are having none of our guards with us", said Cabir. "Yes Manik, Cabir is right, this would be a golden opportunity for him to attack on us", said Dhruv. "But Manik we need to pack our bags it will take time", said Nandani. "We don't have time Nandani just leave the bags over here", said Manik angrily. Tears brimmed in Nandani's eye and Manik felt hurt. He hugged her and told, "Star , I am sorry nut we have no time. If that man was Harshad's spy he must have informed Harshad by now, and if Harshad and his g**g comes it would not be possible for us to fight with them alone. We are not having our g**g members with us too" Suddenly they heard a lot of foot steps and many shadows of men. Manik saw from the peep hole and was shocked to see Harshad and his men surrounding their entire bungalow. Manik told, "Guys just leave from the back door I will handle them" "Manik there are 100 men you can't handle them alone, they will kill you", said Dhruv "I don't care just run away guys from the backdoor, and take care of Nandani", said Manik. Nandani ran and hugged Manik. She cried, "No Manik I am not going to go anywhere. I won't leave you alone" "Nandani baby, please go sweetheart, Harshad's men would be here in no time", said Manik hugging her back. No sooner did he say, Harshad's men entered from the back door and terrace. Cabir, Dhruv, Manik and Aaditya gave shield to everyone and they hid behind the sofas.  "Manik its impossible to fight back , they are 100 and we are just 6 ", said Cabir. "Cabir we will fight back , I won't let anything happen to others and my Nandani. I won't let the history repeat. I will fight till my last breath, and I won't let anything happen to my queen nor others", said Manik. Manik studied the surrounding and told, "Guys there are 20 men in the front, and 30 men to the left. Rest 50 are giving protection to that coward Harshad. Cabir you and Dhruv take care of the men in the front, Aaditya and I will take care of the men which are to the left. And Mukti, Alya if somebody comes behind the sofa kill them " Everyone nodded. Manik, Cabir, Dhruv and Aaditya took a deep breath and then came from behind the sofa and started to fire on Harshad's men. Harshad's men also started firing on them. Few of the men came behind the sofa , Alya and Mukti started to shoot at them. Suddenly Mukti's bullet's got over and one of Harshad's men laughed evilly. He was about to shoot Mukti but Abhimanyu came in between due to which the bullet hit him on his hand. "Abhimanyu", Mukti screamed. Mukti kicked that men due to which his g*n fell. She wringed that men's neck and killed him. Mukti than sat beside Abhimanyu and tapped his cheeks, "Abhimanyu get up, Abhimanyu". But he fell unconscious. Most of the men came behind the sofa and started firing. Alya's bullet's also got over. Manik , Cabir , Dhruv and Aaditya were having riffles. Mukti and Alya were fighting with their hands with those men. Manik told, "Cabir, Aaditya just go and help Mukti and Alya and give protection to the girls" Harshad heard that , he pointed his g*n towards Navya and was about to shoot her but Cabir came in between like a shield and took the bullet in his stomach. "Cabir", everyone screamed. Manik ran towards him and tapped his cheeks, "Cabir buddy get up, please buddy ", he cried. Harshad from hiding behind his men shot another bullet on Manik and everybody were shocked. Harshad's men Stephen shot another bullet on Manik. Aaditya and Dhruv shot Stephen and killed him. Nandani tapped Manik's cheeks, "Manik you are my hero right, heroes kill villains. Get up my hero please, you promised me you won't leave me", Nandani cried. Manik caressed her cheeks. He closed his eyes and tear rolled down from his eyes. The flashes of his sisters and mother's death came in front of his eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you Nandani , I won't let the history repeats itself", said Manik . He got up with much difficulty and started killing Harshad's men. Harshad was shocked to see him fighting and killing his men despite  getting injured so brutally. He looked like an injured lion fighting with all his might. Aaditya, Manik and Dhruv, killed most of Harshad's men. "Boss, they have killed most of our men, only handful of our men's are left. I think we should leave.", said one of Harshad's men to Harshad.  "Shame on them, they are 100 and are getting killed by 5", said Harshad angrily and fled away with his men. Manik fell unconscious, They immediately went back to Mumbai in their private jet. Aaditya started with Cabir, Abhimanyu and Manik's treatment in the jet. 
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