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Few days passed, Soha was very jealous to see Manik and Nandani together. At night she was walking in the mansion when she heard voices of giggling and laughing from Manik's room. She went towards the room and peeped inside. What she saw next, made her cry. Manik was tickling Nandani and was kissing her. She went out of the mansion and was walking on the street with turmoil of thoughts- " I loved Manik since college life and I can do anything for him, but he doesn't loves me, am I not worthy of him..!? Don't I deserved to be loved back?" Since she was lost in her thoughts; she didn't realized she was now walking on a crowded street and suddenly a car was 'bout to crash her, but the driver applied the break. The person came out of the car. And that person was..... Madhyam Singhal | Maddy | : 26 years old. Owner of Singhal industries. He was Fab 5 's ; Aaditya, Zoya & Soha's classmate. He loved Soha since college life but never had guts to confess it to her & he knew that she loves Manik madly. He also knows that FAB 5 is a mafia g**g. Maddy came out of the car and told angrily, " Are you out of your senses where the hell are you lost! Thank God I applied the break at the right time or else.... " " Or else u would have hit me with your car, and I would have been dead by now ", replied Soha without any emotion's on her face.  Maddy was literally shocked to hear her ; " What are you saying Soha, are you out of your senses. If God forbid something would have happened to you today; I would have never forgiven myself " Soha replied with a heavy heart ; " I would have been much happier if something would have happened to me" He was numb with her words. He understood something was surely wrong. He told, "Come let's go to my place , we will have some coffee and eat something. You know I am a god chef since college life" Than they both drove to Maddy's Mansion. Maddy cooked some delicious pancakes and coffee for both of them, and then sat beside's her. He asked , "What happened !?" Soha narrated to him everything, and Maddy listened to her patiently. Soha than told, "Maddy I loved Manik since college life, but I have never got love from him in return." "Soha you can't force someone to love you back", said Maddy. "If Manik doesn't accepts me I'll kill myself", said Soha  "Have you gone nuts Soha, is it a joke, you will kill yourself. Dare if you get such thoughts in your head", told Maddy angrily.  "Why does it matter to you", said Soha angrily. "Because I love you Soha", confessed Maddy. Soha was shocked to hear his sudden confession. He than calmly told, "Look Soha I loved you right from college time, but had no guts to confess it to you. Never ignore someone who loves you, who cares for you because one day you will realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars. Why are you trying to be a villain in Manik and Nandani's story, rather be a heroine in my love story" He than went on his knees and proposed  to Soha, "Soha Khurrana will you be my girlfriend?" Soha thought for a while and realized that Maddy was right. After thinking for some while, she told a yes. Maddy hugged her tightly. *SCENE CHANGE* *MANIK'S MANSION* Everyone went downstairs for dinner but Soha was nowhere to be seen. Manik inquired, "Anna where is Soha" "Sir, Soha ma'am has gone somewhere?", said Manik. "Where did she go, so late in the night?", asked Mukti. "No idea ma'am, I just saw her leaving from the mansion", said Anna Manik called up Soha. "Soha where are you?", asked Manik "Manik I am sorry, I didn't inform you , but will be back in the morning, you guys have your dinner", said Soha. "Alright, take care", said Manik and hung the call. Everybody had their dinner and went to sleep, while Soha and Maddy spent some romantic time together. *NEXT MORNING* Soha and Maddy went to Manik's mansion. Everybody was shocked to see them holding each others hand, and happy at the same time, to see Maddy after a long time.  Maddy hugged everyone. Manik told, "Buddy meeting you after a long time. How are you?" "I am good bro, you tell me how's everything going on?", asked Maddy hugging him. "All good, you tell me how and Soha and you came together?", Manik asked confusingly. Maddy narrated everything to them and Manik was guilty. He told. "Soha I am extremely sorry, I always considered you as my friend. I never ought to hurt you" "No Manik, its alright. It wan't your fault I just mistook your friendship as love", said Soha. Maddy also confessed his feelings for Soha and told, "Soha will stay with me from now on wards" "May you both stay blessed always", everybody blessed them. Than Soha and Madhyam bid farewell to everybody and left. *AT LATE NIGHT* FAB 4 , Navya, Abhimanyu, Aaditya and Zoya were sitting in Cabir's room while Manik and Nandani were in their room. "Guys I thought Soha might be a villain in Manik and Nandani's love story", said Cabir. "So did I. ", said Aaditya. "But guys I am happy for her, she got Maddy in her life", said Mukti. "Yes and Maddy does loved her since college life", said Zoya. "They really look cute together", said Alya. "I agree with you Alya", said Dhruv. "You have to agree with her Dhruv, or at night she is going to beat you black and blue", said Cabir laughing. Everybody laughed. While they were laughing, Manik,  Nandani arrived.  Nandani asked cutely, "Cabir bro, Dhruv bro, why are you all laughing?" "Nandani my sweet little sister we were laughing at a small joke, you guys tell me how did you get time to come to our room, your honor and your highness", said Cabir dramatically. "Cabir can you please stop your melodrama ", said Manik. Nandani told excitedly, "Guys Holi festival is coming" "We don't celebrate any festivals ", said Manik. "You guys didn't celebrate any festival, but since I am here you all are celebrating each & every festivals", said Nandani sternly. "Okay", said Manik like an obedient child. Everyone were looking at Manik with their eyes wide open, since for the first time Manik was listening to someone's order. "Tomorrow night, we are going to burn the holi pyre, and than the next morning we will be playing holi yippee!", said Nandani jumping excitedly and Manik was adoring her cuteness "Okay but for now lets sleep", said Manik sternly "But I am not feeling sleepy", said Nandani  "I want no excuses Nandani ", said Manik and lifted her in his arms and headed towards their room. "No more arguments and sleep", Manik said sternly. "I am not talking to you", said Nandani folding her arms and with a cute angry pout. Manik started tickling her and said, "Are you talking to me now?" "Yes now stop please..", said Nandani giggling Manik stopped tickling her and kissed her forehead. He tan took her in her arms and slept peacefully.
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