Chapter 2

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    Everyone stopped. It was as if the time fully stopped in our tracks. All of us are rooted except for the girl who’s sitting at my bulky bed. She’s grinning devilishly. Even I couldn’t move, because of his aura as if saying that once I made a sound, I’ll be dead on spot. Yes, he’s that powerful that I felt my body shaking in new fear creeping through my veins. Chills are running into my spine that makes my whole body feels cold. Another cold feeling that I can't even explain how my body reacts with this.       It seems like I’m not the only one feeling it, because when my eyes gaze at the headmaster and the guards, they are all looking at one-sided, with body shaking but couldn’t even move because of fear. It was like they’re expecting the man to come through that side, that’s why I couldn’t help to look at it despite wanting to vomit because of the horrible feeling in my guts.       Silence followed as the only thing we could hear is the sound of shoes to the floor. It was as if the entire chaos was silenced by that man’s presence. That’s how powerful he is. The sound of heavy raindrops from outside suddenly occupies my hearing, that I realized the reason why it’s cold is that it’s raining.       Or the presence of the newly arrived person?       “It’s hard to negotiate with them,” The woman— Wilhelmina answered with a shrug. Her face is back to emotionless as she looks at the place where the headmaster and the guards are, looking scared, waiting for the next move that will happen.       As if it could determine their fate.       I couldn’t help but feel scared, too, because of how they react. Since the very first day, I never saw them with fear in their face that’s why it confuses me why they seem so scared like they want to run, but they could. But they shouldn’t.       I saw them slowly taking steps backward as if their existence will be masked by what they are doing.   I looked at Wilhelmina– if she’ll let me call her by her name. She suddenly looked at my place and raised a brow on me, that gave chills on my body that I quickly averted it. My gaze accidentally focused in front but it seems like… it’s a wrong move.       My breath almost stopped when I saw a dangerously gorgeous man stepped into my view— he's walking with grace and there's an authority aura around him that makes us want to kneel and bow our head— even kiss his shoes or foot whenever he's walking or in front of us.       He's so powerful. I could feel it. Everyone in this room could feel it.       At first gaze, I could say that you wouldn’t want him to be mad. He looks so evil, wicked, vicious, fierce, especially noxious— harmful in living things, harmful to me due to the fact that my heart can't stop beating fast since I saw him because of nervousness, and terrified. I just to hide in a dark place, let the roots surround my body, and die there, instead of capturing his eyes.       He’s that power, that his mere presence could make you beg that you hope you didn’t meet this person.       His body’s structure is so rigid, that even he’s wearing normal clothing, I would mistake it that he’s up for some fashion show because it fits him perfectly. In his honey-like skin, those biceps and triceps flexing with the way he moves. But unlike these guards, his body’s not like those– as if a fighter in the arena. It’s between lean and muscular but it suits him, not ugly insight. His hair is kind of messy and it’s black. I couldn’t see properly his face from the distance but I can say he’s scary.       Then he stopped in front of my so-called cage, look at the headmasters who are shaking in fear, and his surroundings.       Until our eyes met. He has stormy silver eyes, the view as if there’s a storm coming, and it's like the longest seconds in my entire life— for me at least. I couldn’t stop staring at those as if it’s sucking my soul inside. His thick eyelashes are hiding some part of his eyes– deep eyes that partnered with thick brows.       I wonder… who is he? And why do the others are so scared of him? Why am I so scared of him, too?       Is he the… king?   He tore his stare away from me and transfer his look at Wilhelmina, "Already done?" His even deep baritone echoed to the whole place that became silent, that hearing his voice sends electricity to my body.       “No, King.” Said by Wilhelmina whom I just noticed, she’s already standing and bowing her head a little as if giving respect.       I gulped when his gaze focused on me again. His stares are like daggers digging through my soul. I could hear my heart beating out aloud again but this time, faster, louder, and I’m scared that he might hear them.       He looked at my whole body, from the shorts I’m wearing that caused my bruises and wounds to peek, some are healing, but others are just fresh. His eyes traveled upward and saw my ruined shirt, that caused him to clenched his jaw while looking at my body that I’m trying to cover. I don’t know but, I just felt like I want to hide my wounds, and bruises from his gaze or hell would break loose.       And I’m right when I saw his eyes darkened in anger as if he didn’t like what he saw.       "You didn't keep what you've promised." I shivered again at his voice. I think I couldn't get used to it. It sounds so deep, dangerous, and intimidating. But the authority was still there. The authority that all you want to do is to follow what he said and that made the headmasters want to hide— based on their expressions.       "W-We did," One of the headmasters said, shaking in fear from who's in front me them― of us.       The man’s gaze turned to the one who spoke and looked at it like he’s cursing his soul but I could still see the calmness on his eyes. Just like Wilhelmina, those are emotionless. Maybe it’s natural, the way he looked at that. So deep, so intriguing, it’s scary, the way he looks at you. It was as if he’s eating you alive.       "Then how could you explain her bruises?" What he said made everything on silence.       I lowered my gaze when I saw the headmasters glared at me under their stares, like they want me to cover whatever they did to me, to lie and say they didn’t do anything because if I don’t, and these people left me behind because I’m ugly and dirty, they will torture me to death.       And I am sure it’s what will happen.       "Uhm..." I tried to get him— their attention that I succeed but I couldn’t generate any words, that I couldn’t speak properly as my throat’s dry. I cleared my throat but it sounds and feels like I’m gonna die.       I lowered my head when I felt the piercing gaze from the headmaster. I closed my eyes tightly as I wished to compose myself or else… I don’t even want to think of it. I don’t want to be tormented anymore.       “I..” come on, think! “I slipped at the stairs earlier,” I said shuttering, as I bit my lower lip in failure. I just wish that he’ll accept it even how lame I said! Like, slipping on stairs wouldn’t result in these many injuries!       But my wished to, fade away when Wilhelmina laughed, for the first time, that I want to be in awe because she finally laughed but I stopped myself because it’s me whom she’s laughing about, then she looks at me and that time, I know she knew that I am lying because she mouthed 'try harder'. I lowered my gaze in embarrassment. Damn!       "Wilhelmina." I quickly sat properly– that I cringe when I felt pain all over my body when I heard his voice even it’s not my name he said. I don’t know but it just felt like every time he speaks; you must be attentive to hear anything from it. "Arrange the car; I want it in front of this f*****g house once we step out. And give her some water," he looked at me again before started walking to where I am.       I don’t know how to react, because every move I made, it’ll make my body in pain that’s why I sat there, unmoved. I gulped as I clenched my fist to stop myself from shaking in fear, yet my treacherous heart is still beating erratically– due to his terrifying aura.       But no, he didn't stop in front of me. Instead, he stopped in front of the paper—the contract-agreement paper just above my bed where Wilhelmina was sitting.       He lowered his body a bit to get it before he looked at the headmaster with guards around her. I saw some of them gulped, while the others looked away from his intense stare. I noticed that they couldn’t meet their gaze too, because of fear.   "Do we still need this?" He lifted his hand which is holding the contract, and I was shocked when the headmaster suddenly shook her head without even thinking twice as if it isn’t what she used to blackmail Wilhelmina earlier.       The truth is, it’s really needed. They could arrest him and since I know, these people just doing everything to make a way to get away from this man, and once they successfully get away, they will do anything to stab it on his back and one of them is by arresting him or even make him pay with all his money– once he didn’t ask for a contract.       After all, headmasters are this wicked. They will do anything for money.       My attention goes to the man again when I saw him smirked, and he looks so dangerous yet his gorgeousness is still there. He gazed at me for a second that I almost forgot to breathe, before he slowly walked towards where the headmaster is, holding a piece of paper that’s so important to everyone.       "I want you to sign it." He handed it to the headmaster but his gaze is focused at the back, that slowly, the people start stepping aside until it’s at the back, where the old man in his late 60s. He’s shaking in fear as he slowly steps forward.       I think it’s the boss.       With shaking hands as he gets the contract from the man, he turned his back and looked at his people who are shaking. Someone from the swarms of people gave him a pen in which he signed as fast as he could before he gave the contract back to the man.       Meanwhile, the man gets the paper in calmness as he looked at the signature, before he gave it back, this time, with eyes piercing. “This is not your signature.” With a sharp gaze and voice, that made the others shaking again.       How could he know? He doesn't even know who he's talking right?       The old man is shaking in fear, "I-It is..." He replied as he averted his gaze to the side that all of us gasped when we saw a shining thing just passed from the old man’s face, almost wounding him. That made the old man unable to move.   "Rule number 1: Whoever lies in front of our king shall be killed."       I looked at the end of this dungeon where the voice is coming from, but all I see was walls. It’s so far from us but we heard those terrifying deep and cold voice in the silence.       “As if you could lie to the king. No one could escape until all of you are dead, that’s the punishment of lying in front of the king.” I heard a sweet voice from a girl, opposite of how terrifying the words she said, I couldn’t see her, but I know she’s with us.       "In fact, death is already in front of you." The sweet voice added.       The thought that they are many, I couldn’t help but to shivers.       In the same place, I saw a little kid– which I think is between six or seven years old he is. He jumped the paper from the man’s hand which the man gave to him willingly. I saw the kid look at the paper and pouted.       He's a cutie. But I think, I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, especially that his eyes are shining in crimson– just like Wilhelmina’s eyes earlier.       “Clyde, take care of that paper,” said the man before he brushed the kid’s hair which is white? Or silver? Before he looked at my place.       I lowered my gaze as my instinct, as I felt the sudden surge of pain and confusion. Why is he going to me? Why it has to be me?       "Yes Master," I overheard the cute kid said but my whole attention focuses on the man, walking closer at me.       No, don’t assume. Maybe there’s a thing beside me. I quickly averted my gaze and looked around for things but all I could see is my bed. What’ll he does in my bed, right? I bit my lower lip because I felt like I couldn’t lift my gaze. I am scared.           From my peripheral vision, I saw him kneel in front of me. I hide my fear, as I gulped slowly and acted like I’m looking for something. I’m just too scared to look at him.       "What are you looking for?" He asked softly that sent shivers into my spine. How could he be calm and soft at the same time evil and dangerous?       "My... uhm," What are you looking, Zane? "My necklace?" Slowly, I let my hair loose on my shoulder to hide the necklace because I know I’m wearing it.       I heard him chuckled... so low and deep that you'll actually think you're just hallucinating. But the smile— smirk on his face is evident that he really chuckled.       "It's on your neck," My body became cold, not from what he said but because of his hand that is on my neck, gently brushing my hair away until he found the chains of my necklace. "See?" He was the one to show it to me even I’m just wearing it.       I accidentally lifted my gaze in shock, as I came face to face to his dangerously handsome face and yet my eyes traveled in his eyes; his stormy silver eyes that could make you tremble in his stares.       His eyes are just like storms, so mysterious, and so... disastrous.       "Master, sorry for the interruption but what should we do to them?" Another girl's voice— colder than Wilhelmina's voice― echoed in my ears.       He averted his gaze at me as he looked at where the voice came from, that caused me to peek at it and there I saw another girl, wearing an all-black outfit— leather jacket, leather pants, and leather boots, and his wavy black hair is in one ponytail. Her fierce— intense face due to her eyebrows that perfectly shaped just like Wilhelmina. Her pitch-black eyes are staring straight into mine that makes me feel uncomfortable.       "Master! See, I already made them signed it! We will go to Amusiénta, right Master?" Then cute kiddo jumps out of from nowhere showing his paper as if he’s so proud of what he did.   I want to smile but I know, this isn't the kind of situation to smile for.       Their King sighed and stood up. The kid’s gaze transferred to me when the king left his place, with his red eyes full of curiosity.       Before I could even react, I heard the King speak.       "I want you to kill every single person in here, and burn their body before someone sees it." He dangerously said with authority that made the others— even I— shivers in terrible feeling that I clearly know why.       He’s so scary.       He turned his back from me and started walking but halted in the middle of it before he speaks.       "Can you walk?" He asked me― I think. I don’t know if I should answer him because maybe he’s asking someone else. He tilts his head to look at me in his shoulder which confirmed my thoughts. I shook my head. I couldn’t find my voice as if it's hiding because it’s scared of the handsome man in front of me.       Of course, with the thought that finally, I’ll be freed from this hell brought so much happiness and hope– the hope which I could finally start a new life, without fear and torture. With the hope of exploring the things and pieces of knowledge, I lacked because of spending my life in this mansion.       But on the second thought, the new life I’ve been talking about looks hard and wildly happens. With the experience I have just today, the people who’ll get me aren’t normal humans as it seems. They possess supernatural powers that aren’t known in this world. And this guy… I looked at his back flexing every move he made. He’s a king. King of what kind? I don’t know but based on their shining crimson eyes and fangs, they are the creatures that I only heard in myths. And the creature that brought me to this hell.       And from their actions earlier, this man isn’t just an ordinary King. It was like he’s from the high rank that’s why they are scared of him, that those people– aside from us, slaves, know this man. He does look powerful. His aura shouts authority too much. That’s something I just can’t ignore.       I may be oblivious to other things, but I heard about those creatures that I didn’t know that existing. I’ve been here since I was eight and now that I’m eighteen, I couldn’t believe that in those ten years I’ve come to this mansion, what I overheard from others are true.       The demons– they are the ones I’ve spent my years full of torture and pain. Yes, they are human but I labeled them as demons– because they are. But what I overheard from them before, demons are using dark magic and they have horns. Just by imagining it, the nine years old me shivers when I accidentally overheard it back then. It was about a sentinel– or I call guard, a girl one, witnessed it first handed how a demon punishes a woman– and that was her inspiration of being in the hell mansion. Crazy, right?       Since there are demons, I assume there are angels, that every day I wish for them to visit this house and get us from here. However, in those wishes, I was only disappointed because none of them even visited this house.        Werewolves– from what I overheard since people here, aside from slaves, of course, always gossiping about different kinds of creatures. They labeled those half wolves and half-humans as werewolves, that every night, in the full moon, they shift. They even whispered that these wolves’ weakness is the wolf’s bane, which is I don’t know.       And of course, the creatures with me, and the one who bought me here. The vampires. They are the heartless and cruel creature who wouldn’t think twice about killing a human for blood. This is the reason why my parents wouldn’t let me go out when I was a child, and of course, as I said, the reason why I’m here.       If I could still remember it right… I smiled bitterly. It wasn’t that dark at 6 PM, I was walking home from overtime due to our school project and the talk from the dean regarding my deceased parents. They left me in this world that their deaths are unknown to me. All I just saw them a week ago as– they met an accident that ended their lives. I don’t know anymore.           I just couldn’t let my study because I’m just a scholar, and I need to put an extra effort into this one. If ever I lose my scholarship, I don’t know if I could go to school anymore.       I don’t even know if there’s a place for me.   Even at the house, I couldn’t feel like I’m home. It was repeatedly noted to my mind that I’m not my parents’ real child, and they just got me out of nowhere. The pain of losing their child just made them shelter me, but a few years later, they grew tired and let me do anything alone.       But I still love them.       However, it is true when they said that a kid shouldn’t walk in a dark alley alone because they are prone to incidents. Not so far from, I saw a drunk man walking in a dark alley opposite of my way. I remember myself being scared, especially I noted to myself that I shouldn’t cross a path with drunk people since there are many kids being raped. I was about to change direction when it seems like the drunk man felt my presence, as he lifted his gaze and saw me.       But I was more shocked when I see his eyes. It was shining in crimson– it was shining in the dark. That’s when I noticed his shirt full of blood that is dripping from his mouth. I couldn’t move. It was like I was glue. And when it smiles– a dangerous and terrifying smile, I didn’t think twice but to let go of my backpack and run as fast as I could.       I don’t know where I am going. I have no destination. The place was far from our house, that’s why when I saw a big door opened as lights are also open inside, I didn’t think twice about entering it.       It was my mistake that saved my life.       However, it was the start of how my life turned hell, too.       They let me inside in exchange for one condition: my freedom. Because I was too shocked and scared, I didn’t think and just continue nodded. They shelter me for that night but when the day came, they don’t want to let me go as I felt chains around my neck and wrist.       That’s the start of my life inside the hell mansion.       I was back in reality when I felt a cold hand touched my hand. I almost jumped as I looked at it, and I was welcomed by a pair of crimson eyes looking back at me. He’s the child before, the cute one. He’s staring at me full of curiosity and when I was about to smile, he smirked as I saw a dangerous glint flickered on his eyes.   And I was shocked when I heard him speak. "Don't let this innocent face deceive you." He whispered before he smiled again― more dangerously.       I felt fear slowly engulfing my body as I was about to avert my gaze from him when a woman suddenly carried him away from me, which caused me to follow them with my eyes. The woman’s having a brown hair that’s wavy at the end, and she has midnight black eyes. She looks like she’s much better than anyone from them, but I couldn’t really say it since the last time I thought about that, the one I thought that safe isn’t safe after all. The girl smile at me– that caused me to be feeling okay for a bit, before talking.        "Don't mind him, he won't kill you. At least not now." With wide eyes, I averted my gaze and shook my head. Fear occupies my whole body when I felt her come closer, with the child on her arms looking at me like I’m some kind of desert in the table– that made me shivers. I was also shocked when the woman grabbed my arms with her bloody hand and pulled me even I felt like my heart just stopped from the fear and nervousness I’m feeling.       Why am I in this situation by the way? It is because of my necklace? I don't think so.       “Here, your water. Wilhelmina asked me to give it to you.” The woman gave me bottled water that I couldn’t get, not when her hand’s full of blood. But I know I may die in dehydration that’s why I extended my shaking hands to get the water from her, as I closed my eyes when I opened the water and drank it with my heart’s out. It felt like my throat’s being washed. I was kind of thankful but I couldn’t just remove the fear I’m feeling inside.       "Are you excited? Well, you're going to be with the most powerful King in the Vampire Realm." She said nonchalantly, with big eyes plastered on her lips as if it’s the best news she ever told someone else, but it just made me shivers in fear in a more intense way.       My heart, it's beating back and forth, too fast that seems so strange― strangely kind of scared that I’ve ever only felt in my entire life.       Vampire... King.       "Don't worry, he's kind. Well, maybe 0.1% or a little less." She smiled dangerously. She indirectly told me that he's not kind, right? Tell me I'm wrong.       "Wilhelmina will be mad if you keep on scaring her," The kiddo said. But now, I saw some black smoke from his hands as I was taken aback by fear when I saw what’s he’s holding.       A beating heart is full of blood.       I couldn’t move my feet with what I just witnessed. It was like I was frozen in fear and the girl who’s still holding my arm noticed it. When she saw me looking at them, she lifted her gaze on the child as she laughed– demonically.       "You're the one who's scaring her, Clyde." She said, before laughing again. Clyde― on the other side― look innocently at me, while still licking the fresh beating heart.       "Do I scare you?" He asked as if it's something. "Do I? Do I?" He repeated when I didn’t answer him due to shock and fear that my heart just won’t stop beating aloud.       Clyde unconsciously tightens his hold on the beating heart― causing the blood to flow from the heart itself to his bloody hand which he's licking again. Eyes still locked at me as if waiting for my answer.       I quickly nodded without a second thought– with an image entered my mind where it’s my poor heart he’s licking, which caused him to smile― that didn’t escape my eyes when I saw his teeth full of blood– especially his fangs that made me shivers more. I want to vomit.       Clyde shifted his gaze to the woman who’s carrying him.       "See Carmela? She's not scared of me." The girl just laughed at his remarks again as she helped me walk.       "Master's order― don't touch the innocents, just kill the mastermind and his servants." The woman said as she looks at one side.       I followed her gaze and from one side, I saw the old man– who almost tricked the king, who’s shaking in fear as the king’s cornering him. It was like he’s asking questions to the old man because of his calmness.       "He's still kind at this state. Well, too bad, they made the boss angry a little." Then she looks meaningful at me before she laughed again. "They're experiencing hell now. I thought he’ll let them, but I was wrong. Well, what he said is a must." Said by the woman as if she’s educating me about the king, after all, I will be his servant.       But yeah, she’s right when she said they are experiencing hell now. Every corner I look; I saw some cut body parts on the floor as it is full of blood. I even heard Clyde when he asked the woman if she wants to join the fun but the girl just shook her head as an answer. That made Clyde jump from her as he starts ambushing guards and headmasters...       I saw two other people ambushing the headmasters, the guy who threw a dagger to the man earlier and a woman who looks like Wilhelmina, and she's also not using anything except her long and pointed nails. She sliced it in someone's chest and extracts his heart, and then she just threw it somewhere. Then she looks at her back, clawing one's face and tear its eyes out. Creepy.       It was only two of them.. addition of Clyde, to make it three but it was like they killed everyone in this house.       Every place I place my sight; I saw lifeless bodies. I closed my eyes. This nightmare will haunt me for nights, I'm sure.       I looked in front and almost hitched my breath when I saw that the only place we will pass is where the King is. It was as if the woman saw it that I heard her giggles before she speaks.       "So you're scared at Master? Hmm," Carmela said with a playfully smirk on her face. I quickly shook my head.       Being scared is an understatement; it's more like I'm terrified of him.       We continued walking to their way. We were almost close at them when the old man suddenly gazes at me, now, I saw a smirk on his face as he speaks as if he wants us to hear it.       As if he wants me to hear it.       "She will be your weak―" He didn’t finish whatever he’s saying when his eyes widen, before he looked at his below, slowly, before he vomits. The king move, that made me see what’s happening. With his hand on the man’s chest as he slowly withdraws it. I saw it full of blood and… a beating heart that slowly stops, before the man’s body, fell on the floor.       "The show is done," I heard Clyde spoke, followed by the movement of the king as he looks at us― stormy eyes are still there but there's a flicker of crimson red in its middle.       I gulped when he slowly walks towards us. I saw the woman– the others bowed their head, even Clyde. My heart suddenly beats fast when it’s only me who’s standing still, and that he’s looking at me straight into my eyes. Chills are running into my spine again.       "It's done, King Hyde." I heard the woman who looks like Wilhelmina said.       Hyde... I gulped. Even his name sounds s. hot. I thought its Hades, the god of Underworld, but no, it's Hyde, minus the 'S', and I think, he's the King of Underworld, King of Hell... King of Vampires.       "Clean them, and we'll leave." Even his cold voice sound so hot... and dangerous.       He looks at me, and I swear, I was captivated by his eyes― stormy golden eyes with crimson red in its middle. My breath hitched, as I watched him turned his back from us and continue walking.       I didn’t realize how I’m already inside the car. I’m sitting beside the king who’s his eyes are closed, and his head is resting on the chair of his limousine. The seat is round that’s why in front of me is Carmela who’s holding her phone. Beside her is Seifer, the man who threw the dagger. And Cornelia– Wilhelmina’s twin, who's glaring at me for a reason that I do not know. Wilhelmina is the one who's driving the limousine. Clyde is sitting at the king’s lap as he’s eating the food at the little table nonstop.       "By the way, Zane," Carmela said. I wasn’t shocked by how she knew my name. Maybe all of them already know it? I don’t know.       "You will be his slave, The king’s slave." My mouth gape hearing those words. I mean.. I know, but I still couldn’t help but be shocked.       "You owe your life to him. He saved you from hell, so do him a favor. Be King Hyde's Slave." Cornelia said nonchalantly before she rolled her eyes to me.       I'm still a slave... but this time, of a Vampire King.
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