Chapter 1

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I drew a deep breath to prevent myself from feeling the excruciating pain in my back as I hit the wall. Biting my lower lip to stop myself from feeling the pain. If I could just become numb, I would do it without any second thoughts.   I looked at the people in front of me but they are like robots, with blank eyes and mercilessly mistreating people like me who couldn't fight. We are all helpless.   The cry of anguish can be heard throughout the whole mansion. I closed my eyes tightly. I've been here for almost forever, but why can't I get used to it?   Why is it that I ended up here? I do not know. I cannot think clearly from pain in my whole body. My mind is becoming void because of it.   "Why are you fooling around? Move! You're worthless!"   My attacker extracted a tug on my hair. The pain… it's unbearable. She pulled it forcibly so that my head was harshly slammed against the cold pavement of walls. My features contorted in pain as I felt warm and viscous fluids began to seep from the head reaching up to my face. I placed my palm on my forehead, wincing as I feel the abrasions and lumps beginning to form. An additional wound to my never-ending torture. Then I looked at my hand-dyed by my own fluids.   Crimson, the color of blood. The color of my favorite flower.. rose, is what I could've seen through my hand.   The sound of his palm hitting my cheek reverberated to the place despite slaves crying secretly in their place. Then there was the thick silence before the sound of the whip ripping across my body sang through the room. It was shortly replaced by the sound of resentment from similar punishments, but they are weak sobs. I still hear them because of this new silence.   Lifting my eyes and looking at the woman who pulled my hair and sees her face is facing away from my direction. Her right cheek is red due to the slap and her head is tilted to one side. As I gazed hazily at my furious spectator, one of the headmasters, one of the heads of this great house.   A mansion full of garbage, full of pain and torture. Surrounded by demons in people's clothes.   "What the hell did I tell you? Don't you f*****g killed this b***h! This is for..."   I closed my eyes. I cannot follow what they are talking about because of excessive dizziness. There are days that I do not eat properly, maybe because they do not give me well. Even their secretly beating on me. But of course, they are not letting the headmasters know because the punishment they'll get is so severe.   Headmasters, they are accepting payment from selling slaves… us. Deciding who will sell and who to keep. They fear them because they are the chief source of this hell mansion.   Inside this house, mortals are treated as things— worthless, useless beings, as well as punching bags for them.   My vision is becoming blurry and my body numbing. My body is becoming weak, I smiled without humor. Something wants to come out from my mouth that but I gulped it back. My head's heavy but I felt like my body's floating. I couldn't feel anymore. I almost stumbled to the ground, fortunately, some hands hold both of my arms.   I jolted when they touched the wounds that hiding on my right arm. I didn't oppose, showed no emotions, not letting them see how wretched I am.   Is this a good thing? I think not.   This is happening to me, every day, since I was eight years old. Tormented, treated first, then began to play with, again. My life is just cycling with that. I'm so tired of this s**t.   Sometimes I wish, why don't they just kill me. But who am I kidding? They couldn't even make the wish of others come true, why do I even wish that? It's just pointless.   For them, it's a great show of watching us being tortured every f*****g day. And because of their doings, it felt like any time from now, any day, I am going to die.   While they are holding my body, I gradually opened my eyes to see the blurred surroundings.   This is worse than hell. The whole house is too great but all the women are like me are tortured to death, or so I say. On the side there are people carrying heavy objects while strained, being lashed continuously by another sentinel. The others were forced to wiping the blood on the ground that also comes with them as these people wound us, slaves.   In this mansion, girls are weak. There are also women watching and guarding but men are the majority of them. The men who mercilessly lashed women as if their respect for our kinds vanished already.   In my peripheral vision, I saw some women who are sending daggers by her stares to me, another guard. Which made me bow my head in fear. What have I done to them? Nothing, I do not remember that I did something that could make them hate me. They just did whatever they want to do to me, according to their preferences.   It's me, their favorite. I am the one who receives the beating more than these other slaves here.   This is our life as slaves. Hard, very hard. Does it have to be called the house of demons? I would agree, but they are crueler like the devil. They have no mercy because what matters to them is when they sell us, they will have some money. They are also slaves, but for them, they are slaves of money and power.   Yes, they worship money and fame.   We are sold for money. And that is what they wanted.   There are still questions in my mind that left unanswered.   Why have they needed to treat us this way? Would it not be better to focus on our appearance? We won't be bought if we have consistent wounds, many scars, and bruises around our body that we will carry with us no matter where we go. Inadvertently, I looked in the mirror at my side as we passed on this one.   My ruffled hair, my face even looks so pale and my cloth bathed in blood. My eyes have massive eye bags and lips swelling due to wounds on it. It was like I lose weight too much; I could see it in my face. This discouraged me too much as I felt the heaviness of my heart.   This is not me. I always arranged my hair which is curly at the bottom. My face is not sickly but still pale, deep eyes, never have an eye bag, and above all? My lips used to be color pink, with a gentle pout.   "Fix yourself, woman! Do not ever resist! f**k it." Shouted by a man who's holding my right arm.   I grimaced as he tightened his grip here as he barked his orders. I had no choice but to comply with their wishes.   Soon I felt like I'm going to lost my consciousness any minutes from now. I felt like fainting but fighting for myself. It'll just get worst, Zane, bear with it. With each step, the farther away from the noise from our origin. The noise from the suffering and oppressed women.   Heading down the stairs was difficult. With fatigue and the hardships of my beaten body setting in. I could feel the pain from the wound on my forehead.  It still doesn't stop bleeding but it somehow slowed down. Every step, I took another sharp and ragged breath, filling my chest with more pain. I cannot take it anymore.   "Don't be such a p***y! f**k!"   I felt pain in my left cheek, as the man slapped me. Painful, it's too painful. His heavy hand hit my cheek and lip. Again I felt another pain on the left side of my lip. Wounded me some more.   I tried to strengthen my trembling legs. My vision blurred more. I did try my best to open my blurry eyes.   "f**k! This b***h is so heavy!" Yelled a man clinging at the side of me, that I did not believe in what he said.   How could I become heavy? I did not even eat three times a day. Actually, the dogs are luckier because of people who scattered my food so the dogs could eat. They handled the food to me, and when I was about to get it, they suddenly letting it go because they said I am so slow.   Sometimes I can’t stop, I have eaten food off of the floor even it was dirty. I was awfully hungry, and I'm still hungry until now.   Soon we stopped in a cell. The two men dropped me as I fell violently to the floor from the lack of strength in my knees. As I hit the ground the pain in my back is brought forth to my attention.   My breath is unstable, my body's weak, I'm hungry, and I want to die, right now. I can’t fight anymore.   Violent sounds passed my ears, the sound of the opening of the iron door. I felt them kick me in the face as they want to watch me, crawl to my cell, and giving another wound to my swelling face. If only I could move, I'll do it faster, why can't they see that I couldn't move anymore?   Are they not done? I can’t take more torture anymore.   "What, woman? Will you just stay there?" I was again kicked. I shook my head in response. I could not get up and walk. I can’t stand. I want to die.   Kill me now, please!   "Maybe because she wants to be lifted up, buddy. Come on, let's lift her up."   I heard a demonic laugh. This made my eyes focus and saw a man looking at me with lust in his eyes. He glazed in both directions from the pathway to see if anyone else was coming along. My eyes snapped fully open and my body froze. I realized what they are trying to do!   No, don't!   I don't want it!   I felt fear creeping up to my whole body with realizations as they are looking at me with those eyes. Intense fear… I am terrified. I would still choose them torturing me than doing what the hell I could read on their mind!   I quickly shook my head and hastily enter the cell. Practically clawing the cement floor trying to flee. My fingers began to bleed as I felt my nails chipped back. Fear began to form in my being.   I want to cry, but no sound comes out of my mouth. It's so dry that I could hardly breathe. My throat is tired from all my crying and fails me as I squeak out a barely audible whimper.   Don't! Please take pity on me!   I felt a violent jerk as my bloody t-shirt was torn from my body. They hurriedly threw me in, while the other rushed and closed the door. The sound of moving iron pierced my ears as if I'm gonna deaf. It's so hard, as well as their demonic waves of laughter.   I landed on my back causing another violent spasm of pain through me. It hurts, a lot. I felt numb all over my body, out of pain, fatigue, and fear. I don't know what to do. What are they going to do to me? Their faces held a demonic grin. I cried out in fear, as my body shaking again. I don't really know what to do.   I see them began to remove their clothes. I opened my mouth to protest but no voice coming out of my mouth. I choked out my fear. My eyes are begging for them not to do this for me while they just looked at me as if they wanted to eat me alive. With those demonic grins on their face!   "Why didn't we think of this right away? See her body, she is so sexy!" Grinned the man and began to remove his pants. His companion chuckled at the remark.   "It was probably because the headmasters were protective of her. What does this woman have? But equally, she looks so fine." He lowered the zipper of his pants. I closed my eyes. I do not want to see it. I just…   I cried in silence. No matter what I do, even I wish for miracles to occur, I know it wouldn't happen. How many times did I already wish? Do some of them came true? No, nothing.   It's just like every day. Everyday… they could do whatever they want with me. And now that no one's watching them, I know they will do it. They can do it because no one's here to stop them.   I know I can't fight them. Their body types were enormous and I was in no match. I also know that they could crush my skull like glass once they use strength. They are well-trained, physically fit, while I am shaking and with a broken body. Barely able to move anymore.   I surrender. I'll just let them use my body. After all, I'll be forever on this hell. Gradually, I'll die from pain and suffering.   I just held my eyes shut with my fist crumbling. Waiting for the approach. My eyes are continuously letting the tears fall, as I am also surprised that there is some liquid still. I thought I cried it enough to dried out.   I am even accepting my fate is. I'll die from here. No one will be there to save me from this cruel destiny.   Suddenly, they lost their demonic laughter. There was a momentary silence until a liquid hit my face, cold and gooey. I could hear the collapse of heavy objects on the floor and was again filled with silence.   Until I heard the cold voice that came from a woman.   "Our King will not tolerate this."   Faster than wind as I opened my eyes. My heart is beating loud. I don't want to assume but... I never heard that voice. So cold and sharp, from a woman instead. At first, my vision was blurred. I curled my body away from the best that I could, but I couldn't see her properly, the girl.  And when I finally did, I felt almost frozen in fear.   Staring coldly at me, a woman with a maid costume, and long black silky hair. She is so beautiful. She has sharp features and her eyes are upward, like a tiger. So fierce. But my eyes traveled to her hands, the hands filled with blood. Along with an object still beating.   The heart.   She dropped the heart and let it bounce on the floor with blood scattered from it. I watched it until it stopped beating. I swallowed hard. Scary. Super scary. I'm terrified!   "What kind of house is this? Full of animals." Shaking her head. I think she just said it to herself while looking around across the room. I want to say that it is not a house, but we in the underground, in the dungeon, but I chose to keep quiet. That horrible fear still biting at me.   "Dungeon, I see."   She took in my situation quickly and I paused my breathing. I recoiled in fear. She hovers around my entire body. This made me want to hide the cuts and bruises. My foot and leg bruises. To my face wounds. But I know I couldn't hide them as they are all over my body. Her eyes landed on my forehead before she inhaled deep and sighing out negatively.   "The King will not like this, he'll get furious."   She shook her head again as she began walking towards where I am. I step back, which caused me to felt an indescribable pain in my back. I want to cry, but I stopped it by biting my lip tightly.   She didn't stop and continued walking towards where I am. I feel the heavy beating of my heart in my chest due to this terrifying feelings.   Will she also try to kill me? She'll also rip out my heart as she did at the two soldiers? I couldn't help but took a glimpse at the two soldiers lying by the ground, lifeless. The obvious holes in their backs where the heart is located just intensify my fear with my thoughts.   Thoughts are really powerfully.   "I will not kill you, or else he will kill me first." A serious and cold tone she uses while looking at me. She may be serious, but I could see deep in her eyes that she's furious. Of what? I don't know.   Truth to be told, I feel deeply relieved when she said she wasn't going to kill me, but I should not be complacent. She killed them and didn't even show remorse as she stole the hearts of the two dead soldiers in front of me. I was so scared because I knew she would not hesitate to kill me.   When she slowly got to me, the fear heightened. Not in a while, she's already in front of me as she slowly crouched. I see her bloody hands as they rub my wounded lips. Her hands moved down to my chest and my breathing stopped.   Will she going to kill me now?   But I was wrong. As she had touched my necklace, she looked me in the eyes and spoke with the cold and frightening voice.   "It's really you. Come with me."   “W-What are you saying? Who are you?” I said shuttering, as fear completely engulfed my whole body. I took a step forward from fear, to be away from this stranger but when I felt the cold wall from my behind, all I just did was too closed my eyes and wished for miracles. I'm trapped, and scared. Scared for my life.   As a result of what she did, she could have killed me right away. I was even too weak to even move my body, no.. even I have the strength to fight, I know, I couldn’t fight her. The way she thrust her hand to those muscled guys’ chests, I know I couldn’t fight her.   I could feel the cold in my back that is so sore, full of wound that was covered only with a thin dress, and my trembling body for so much fear.   The beat of my heart is so fast as if it’s going to burst any seconds from now. I heard her sighed, which caused me to look at her. Her dagger-like stares quickly captured me, caging me from where I am that caused me to feel sick in my stomach due to the fear I’m feeling. I want to vomit from this feeling. My hands and feet are becoming cold no matter how could our place is.   "How many times do I have to tell you that I won't kill you?" I clearly heard the annoyance in her voice, that when I didn’t answer, she turned her back to me as if she couldn’t stand looking at me right now. She's murmuring something that my ears didn't catch. Is she planned to kill me now?   "No, but if you keep that importunate idea of yours, well, maybe I should obey what you desired for?" She said like it's just a matter of fact, starting at me with her emotionless and cold voice.   I instantly felt cold after hearing what she said. I opened my mouth to protest that it's not what I wished but nothing comes out, it was like, it’s also scared to even speak because it knows it’ll anger her more.   I lowered my head as I could feel my eyes heating due to fear.   "Kidding," I suddenly lifted my gaze because of what I heard from here. But then, I was shocked when she's looking at me using her emotionless face and― wait, did she said that word using that face? Straight face?   I couldn’t help but to be really in awe― which is how stupid of me. Being amused in this kind of situation? Who would do that? Only me.   She rolled her eyes, "Such a kid," and she turned her back from me again. I bowed my head. I just couldn’t help it.   That’s when I realized that the fear I’m feeling is not as intense as before. I mean, how fast is that? Earlier, I'm shaking and begging to spare my life, and now, I feel that I am safe.   I am safe with the killer of my agony. But it's not the end, or it is?   "Can you walk?" Her cold voice echoed, I quickly shook my head. I was still in terrible agony for what happened in my head, and body. I think I will become a psycho in no time due to my experiences in this hell house. Not that they successfully raped me but my body's still numb from the pain I felt earlier.   It was like they left a trauma in my head that I wouldn’t erase no matter what I do.   That they didn’t just successfully hurt me physically but left some scars on my emotions and mental health as well.   Then she sighed again. "Wait for me then," I was about to speak when she suddenly opened the metal door of this prison cell― as I saw her slightly cringed at the sound of it, I know because my ears hurt, too. She stepped out and finally disappeared in my sight but instead of being happy– that I’m safe, I felt so alone... again.   But what’s new to this one? I was always alone. No one wants to come closer to me due to the fact that the other servant would hurt them. I don’t know why they are hot-blooded when it comes to me like all they see is me, and all I do is wrong to their eyes. I didn't even do anything bad for them or that could make them hate me– nevermind. They hate every slave in this house, that’s why they love hurting us, right?   But is it normal for them to hate you without even doing anything to them? Like, they will dig until they see something to you, and hate you for it?   And that woman― wait… I don’t even know her name!   I looked at where she disappeared. She's really mysterious. She killed those guards without mercy, and―   Wait, how did she come here? And how did she know that I am here? Because based on what she told, it's me, right? I am the one she’s looking at, but for what?   Then I remembered her touching my necklace because she said that it’s me. What does she want from it?   I didn’t realize that I’m tightly holding my necklace. I only noticed it when my finger is starting to hurt. I raised my hand that’s touching my necklace and looked carefully at it.   It's a hexagonal-shaped flower with a triangular curve that's full of diamonds that my mother gave to me before she died. This is the only thing I have in order to remember my family that's why I treasure it and if ever this is what they needed― I won't give it to them, whatever will happen.   My favorite part of this necklace is the triangular ruby in its middle. I don’t know but I love the color of it– crimson, like the color of blood. When I turned it back, I saw my name on it. There’s no mistake that this necklace is made for me.   I quickly hide it from under my shirt and tried to sit properly, but I suddenly felt excruciating pain from different parts of my body. My sight suddenly turned on the woman– the one who saved me, who’s wearing a maid outfit but my gaze focused on someone from her back, with four guards after them.   The smirk from the headmaster’s face is so visible, which is opposite to the woman who’s like a robot– void of any emotions as if she’s only living to follow orders. Well, that’s my first impression on her. I haven’t even seen her smile a little. It was like she was born to carry all the burden of– I shook my head. I shouldn’t judge her like that.   When the headmaster lifted her gaze and she finally saw me, bloodily, full of bruises with my shirt torn that I only noticed as I hug myself, I saw her smirk slowly faded as fear slowly replaced it. Her right hand became shaking that she hid under her left hand which is also shaking as if it could make it stop. I even saw her gulped.   Intense fear is what I could see on the headmaster’s face, for the first time ever since I came in this hell mansion.   "You didn't take care of her like what you promised." Disappointedly said by the woman with maid costume but in her voice, it was like she’s mocking the headmaster. The other suddenly opposed.   "We did!" And it is not just her face, her voice is also contorted with fear.   "Oh yeah? Look at her again. And I assume, there are hidden injuries inside that thin shirt she's wearing and how could you explain those two assholes who've tried to rape her?" The girl smirked dangerously– that even I felt the horrible feeling on my stomach after seeing it. "I wonder what will happen to this lair of yours. Will he order us to burn it with all of you inside? Or maybe, he'll clean it first." The woman said while looking around, as I could see the pale faces of the headmaster and her guards as if blood suddenly left their body. I could really see how terrified they are to that ‘he’. Who is the one this woman with maid outfit was talking to?   "What―" The headmaster stopped as if they thought of something they could use to this woman. As if they’re hiding something on their sleeves that could instantly turn the events under the table. “Maybe you are forgotten that I’m the headmaster of this house, and the decision is still on me whether I should let you buy her or not.” She’s smirking, as she looked at my place as if I’m her trump card.   I saw the woman with a maid costume look at my place too. Now I understand when she said it’s me. She’s going to buy me.   After all, I’m also one of the slaves of this house. We are like stray dogs waiting for someone to buy us, and to be our master. We are born to serve people and we will offer everything to please them.   It’s not new to me whenever the transaction happens. I saw how others are bought by men with a tuxedo, holding briefcases which I know, it’s full of money. I once saw some transactions happening on-going when it was my tenth birthday as I peek to the door every time there’s a man going here. I even saw a bunch of money on paper, that I once heard, it’s on the dollar.   The headmasters’ delighted faces could even speak than words to understand that a transaction happened inside.    What does money could do to them? Many kinds.   Again, I turned my gaze to the people inside this cage with me. They are talking about something but I haven’t even seen the girl change expression– not even once. It was like she’s expecting it. “I knew this will happen.”   I saw her get something from her pocket– a rolled paper, that caused the headmaster’s blood drained from her face, with eyes wide, staring at the paper in front of her. “Where did you get that contract?!” Her voice echoed around the whole place, with both shocked and disbelief in it.   The woman smirked― a playful yet dangerously smirk. "I know this will happen so I already planned my moves before I stepped into your disgusting lair." She said and then her face goes back at her signature expression― I think. Emotionless.   The headmaster stepped back, her face is hard― no, she’s trying to make her face looks hard to hide her fear, to look as if it’s just nothing to her. “Still, you couldn’t force me to sign that. My signature is needed, and it’ll be void if you copy it.” Then she smirked, which is kinda... uhm.. her face is contorted with fear yet she’s hiding it by smirking that’s why it turned into a cringe.   "Oh really? Let's see." Then the woman pouted. She pouted! But still, her eyes are cold and her face is emotionless. "I wonder if he'll punish me if I kill all of you?" She said as her gaze transferred to the dead guys whom she.. I closed my eyes. I don’t want to remember it.   “What in the world–“ The headmaster said, shuttering, as I felt her fear increased. That was the same reaction I had earlier. I continue avoiding their face but I could imagine the way the headmaster and the guards look.   It was like they only noticed that we aren’t the only people in the room– that two of us are already dead and their hearts are just around. I took a glance at them. The guards at the back of the headmaster came in front of her as if protecting the head of this house but I could see their handshaking while holding their weapons.   While the woman is just standing there― hand outstretched like she's giving the paper to the headmaster, not giving a damn to the weapons in front of her.   "Sign it, or you'll be like them." The woman said as she stares at the headmaster behind her guards. Shaking in fear.   “Arrest her!” The headmaster shouted as she pointed at the woman, but the woman remained standing as if she’s already bored to death. The guards are even unable to take a step.   “You’ll regret what you are trying to do.” Is what she said instead.   “I will never give that girl to you!” Shouted at the top of her lungs, the headmaster looked at me full of hate as if she hated me from the root of her anger that blooms into a dreadful plant. It’s so deep that I almost stumbled on the ground even though I’m just sitting. It was like she’s ready to drag me to hell with her. “She’s the only one who could give us unlimited money! I will bring her to him, not to yours! You thought you’re the only one I promised her? Dream on!” And she laughed crazily.   Followed by the swarm of guards who wants to protect their headmaster, maybe they heard her shout earlier. All of them are holding different kinds of weapons in their hand and the bulk of their muscles are scary. Now, I couldn’t help but feel scared of the woman.   I know she's doing it for me but the number of guards who would protect their headmaster with their lives, I don’t think she could fight them all in. She’s only asking for her own death as if she’s digging her own grave.   One of the guards who just got here walks in front of her. Among others, his body is much bigger than them. He’s holding a big rifle in his arms as it is pointed to where the woman’s standing. “Give up, b***h! You’ll just get yourself hurt!” He said as his harsh voice echoed to the room. I felt fear, with that body of him, he could break any bones in my body in just a little flex of his arms!   But I didn’t expect what the woman in maid outfit did.   She laughed as if there’s something funny from what the guy said. And she laughed as if she’s not scared of what they are planning to do with her. Again, I’m scared for her sake. If I were her, I already gave up!   But what shocked me is what she said. “You think I’m scared of dying?” She said, laughing. She shook her head as she closed her eyes as if what the guy said is ridiculous. “I’m more scared of him.”   In a span of time, she disappeared in front of us that I didn’t even saw her move. It was like she teleported. My eyes widen with that move, but when I heard a loud shout from one of the guards at the back– the shout of fear, I couldn’t help but cover my mouth when I saw that guard.. with a hole on his chest… just like earlier.   And soon, it was followed by other shouts from different guards, and all of them met their own despair. I felt my body shivered from what I’m experiencing. I couldn’t move as my body’s in shock with fear again.   She’s dangerous!   “I only wish for one thing,” A sweet voice echoed in the four walls of this cell.   I looked at where the voice came from and saw a thing that I didn’t expect to see. Long nails and crimson eyes, just like the color of the gem on my necklace. I didn’t notice I’m already holding it under my shirt.   "You'll sign that contract and she'll be ours," She gazes at me for seconds– that I felt intense fear again before she looked at what’s in front of us. "― in exchange for your lives. You choose."   Shaking in both fear as I could see frustration, the headmaster ordered one of her guards. "G-Get the c-contact." The guard’s hesitating, in both fear and terrified feelings, from going to where the girl’s sitting– on the edge of my bed, cleaning her bloodied nails from a handkerchief she has.   "B-But―"   "Get it!"   Slowly, the guard walked as if his life depends on it. Who wouldn’t be scared? There’s a monster with us, that even I felt fear with the thought that they want me…   That’s why she’s not scared of gun, nor the bullet. Because there’s something that must be scared aside from these guards and their weapons.   I heard different shouts from above, as I saw some people running for their lives– slaves, guards, and even headmasters. I was bewildered and I don’t know what’s happening why they are eager to escape, only when the woman again.   "He's here." I heard the girl said, that made me look at her and saw a devilishly smirk playing on her lips. Her eyes are shining in crimson, complimented her black hair and pale skin, but I was shocked when I saw her fangs.   But what made my heart beats fast is the following words she said. "Our King is here."   Soon followed by the voice that bought unknown feelings to my body, as I felt the temperature around the room colder than before.   "You took a while, Wilhelmina." I shiver because of an unfamiliar baritone voice that echoed inside the whole room.
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