Chapter 3

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It was completed in silence. I can't move even I wanted to because Clyde's sleeping in my lap and beside me is the sleeping Vampire King that seems so tired. He must be busy, and yet he still made time to go at the hell mansion. Was it to fetch me? I shook my head. What the heck, Zane! Who are you again for the king to make time? Don’t be so assuming.   I didn't have a chance to decide on my life because I was left with no choice but to obey what they want― what he wants. It's true, that he― they saved me from hell. If they didn’t make it on time, maybe something already happened to me that even I would wish that I just die, that I might even do anything to harm myself once that happened.    I don’t know. Being at that mansion just pushed me to the very end― that I know, if ever something happens to me that I could bring until I die, I don’t know if my mental state could hold it any longer. I am not strong. I am just a person and sometimes I lost to the dark thoughts I have with me. It’s just that, I don’t do whatever it’s trying me to do. I may have lost, but I’m fighting it with every remaining strength I have.   I always keep telling myself that these are just wounds they are putting in my body, and every wound could be healed in the meantime. That’s why I’m still standing. That’s why I’m fighting every single bit of it. But sometimes I lost, and every time that happens, of course, I will live the way I am before.   But if ever something happened to me, like, if ever they take the only precious thing I have, the only thing I have left with me, I don’t know if I could still fight.   Aren’t we the same? We are fighting because we still have something left with us, and that something is what giving us the strength to take a stand and continue living the future without certainty. Because that’s what’s keeping me alive.   I know there may people who experience hell than what I experienced, but I am wishing that they could fight it and be free, just like how I’m freed from that hell. I want to tell them that they must find their haven, and if that happens, I want them to live a new and happy life that they didn’t have a chance to do. It may be hard, but I know, together, we will.   I hope someday, someone or somebody saves them from the darkness that’s been trying to cage them. Someday I hope they find a new light and continue living in it.   I looked at the outside of this limousine. I am happy, I know words couldn’t tell how happy I am that I could finally look at outside. The green grass dancing with flowers and the animals playing with plants. They are dancing with the wind― that I also missed. I missed the smell of fresh air, I miss to play with mother nature.   I didn’t know I could ever see them again. All thanks to these people. I looked at them and saw how peacefully they are sleeping. They seem so tired yet I could see the relief from their face as I couldn’t help but smile. I may not thank them because every time they look at me, I instantly feel scared because they have a different kind than me, still, I am very thankful to them despite that, I don’t know what will happen to me once we arrive at their place.   But I was bothered by my clothing. It is still full of blood, that the only thing covering me is Seifer’s jacket that he let me borrow. All I could think was my blood, and how it could drench my seat in this limousine that I am aware of how much money they spent on this one. After all, powerful people who bought slaves from that mansion are using cars like this. Suddenly, I felt sleepy. It’s been a very long day for me. Every day seems like a long day but right now, it drained me especially the fear I’ve felt earlier.  I never thought I would feel much intensity of fear than I’m feeling every day in the mansion. Living in the mansion is like living in fear. I hope I could finally feel peace at their side, even how hard they will make me do. I just hope they won’t torture me every day. I hope.   And I hope that I’ll be on safe hands.   I couldn’t help but look at the king who’s sleeping beside me. Among these people, he’s the one who could bring so much fear into my body that I think, it’s understandable. He’s the king. He must be feared by anyone. In able for people to follow someone, they must experience fear or they won’t follow him. I witnessed it in the hell mansion that’s why I know.   I couldn’t help but look at his face.  Despite his brows creased, he still looks handsome. He has thick lashes, too! I envy that I think his eyelashes are much longer than mine. I couldn’t spot any pores or anything on his face as it’s like he’s perfect. So he goes to facial every day? The bridge of his nose is high, too. And it constructs his face perfectly.   My eyes lowered at his lips. It’s so rosy. It was like swelling from kisses. I gulped as I look at his lips. What does it feel to be kissed―   My eyes widen at the unholy thought I just had! That’s when I noticed that I’m coming closer to him! I quickly move away that made Clyde grunted but thankfully, he didn’t open his eyes. My eyes founded Carmela, who’s her other eye is opened and I saw a grin on her face! I quickly averted my gaze and even turned my back from them, this time, Clyde complained, but still slept.   Oh my god, Zane Morgan!    I just closed my eyes and think that this seat of mine just opens and suck me away.     “Zane, wake up.” I felt like someone’s shaking my shoulder in which I grunted.   Now I’m wondering, why aren’t I being kicked or why they aren’t they pour water to wake me up from cold? Yes, it may be cold at the place I usually sleep but why does it soft.. my back feels as if I’m lying on a soft mattress? Why―   “She wouldn’t wake up.” I heard a voice from a woman, followed by a kid.   “Let me.” It was silence, until…   “Zane!” It was like a child just shouted at my ear with a microphone! It was like my mind became dizzy from that loud voice and that I felt like that shout made my heart jumped from its ribcage!   “Holy flying frog!”   Holding my hand at the place where my heart is, I looked at people who are looking at me― it was both Carmela, Seifer, and Clyde who’s busy laughing. They are from the door of the limousine. Realization quickly hits me when I noticed that the car already stopped and I could see a big mansion in front of us.   “Zane, the frog only jumped. It doesn’t fly.” Seifer corrected me, as I could see him trying to stop himself from laughing. I lowered my head in embarrassment.   “Her reaction! I just hope that the king saw it!” Clyde said as he continued laughing. Carmela, who’s beside him, shook her head before she looks at me.   “Let’s go? They are inside. You must rest too.” She said as she smiles at me. Right now, I could say that she’s the kindest among these people, even she terrified me at our first met. I quickly go out of the car as Carmela helped me. I even saw Seifer closed the door and carry Clyde who’s still laughing his ass out. I let Carmela help me, and even I want to smile, my nervousness just wouldn’t let me. I clenched my shaking hand as I looked at the big house in front of us. It’s bigger than the mansion I was before, and the surroundings are much bigger too.   However, the nervousness I’m feeling is because… it looks like abandoned. Do you ever see a haunted house? It looks like it. The big house has this dark ambiance and the surroundings, too. There’s no life at around the house― which I meant is… the dried plants and trees as if it’s close to death. And even the fountain in the middle… seems not working.   This is what I am going to clean? This whole… house? And its surroundings?   When we entered the mansion, it confirmed my thought that it was abandoned. There are no other people like us, in which…   “Zane, this is your purpose.” I looked at Carmela when I heard her speak. My… purpose?   “You’ll have to make this mansion regain its life again.” She smiled at me sadly, as if pitying me. “I want to help you, but there’s so much work we need to do in our world.”   “No, no! It’s okay!” I smile as I look at around the mansion. Really, it’s fine, Zane? I cringe at my thoughts but still, I look again at Carmela and saw her not believing what I just said. Again, I smile. “It’s okay, don’t worry! I’m used to it!”   “Alright?” Not sure of what she must say. “Just tell Wilhelmina if you need something, alright? She’s at the storage. And, can I let you go for a bit?” I nodded as I balanced myself. It’s my back that hurts too much, not what I couldn’t stand. I looked at Carmela and now, she looks like hesitating. “Uhm... Zane, you know that we have our abilities right?” She suddenly said that made me look at her in confusion.   But, “Yes, I know, why?” My voice shuttered with the thought that.. maybe she needs my blood… oh no!   “Actually, I have two selves. One is this, and one is―” My mouth gape when I saw… cat ears on her head! “This.”   “Oh my god!” I said, with shock and awe, as I even put my hands in my mouth. Oh my god, she’s too cute! I even saw her ears moved! And I saw… tail!   This time, it's real. I'm staring at her in amusement especially in her head.   “Carmela, today isn’t the right time for that.” We both heard a voice and from a door in the left, Wilhelmina came out with something in her hand. “Clean her room. She must rest for a while until she recovers.”   “Mina-chan! I thought she’ll start cleaning ASAP?” And wow! She’s even a different person! Right now, she looks like a ten or eleven years old girl!   It was as if she read my mind when she looked at me and pouted. “I’m eighteen!” I couldn’t help but be in amusement. She’s too… cute. But then, I somehow start feeling nervousness when she looks at me like I’m some kind of food, then to my bloodied dress, as she licked her lips. I saw her fangs grew, as her eyes turned crimson.   “Can I taste your blood?” She said using a low voice that made me somehow step back.   “Carmela…” I heard a warning from Wilhelmina’s voice as I felt her helped me when I almost stumbled.   Quickly, Carmela’s eyes turned into normal before her ears disappear. Now, she looks like me with wide eyes as I could read guiltiness on her face. “I’m sorry! Did she do something to you?” Now I’m really confused.   “Just clean her room, Carmela. And don’t go copying other people without their consent.” Wilhelmina said. Carmela nodded but still looks like a puppy. I tried to smile at her despite the confusion.   “Don’t fall from her trick. That isn’t her, but Dahlia, the vampire cat.” She stopped as she starts walking while helping me. “Carmela could copy whoever she wants. She will also get the personality she copies. The real Dahlia is on the way here.” Wilhelmina explained. I just nodded despite the thought that every time she copies, will she forget what she did when she’s at another’s persona? Well, nevermind. That’s already cool after all.   “Wilhelmina―” I was cut when she suddenly speaks.   “Who told you to call me by my name?” This time, I froze in fear, because among all, it’s her who left an image to my mind. The image where she suddenly strikes my heart and removes it once I made her mad.   “Kidding, here.” She said as I blinked thrice to wake myself up. She’s now handling me a… uniform? Maid uniform? That when she saw me not moving, she speaks again. “Will you get it or I’ll let you?” I quickly grabbed it from her which made her smirk.   “There are also some kinds of that uniform in the stock room, look for your size. As of now, rest until you regain your strength.” She said in which I just nodded. I look at the uniform I’m wearing and it’s kind of color black and white, just like hers.   But I wonder, does the king wants us to wear maid uniforms? Maybe, that’s why they are wearing this, right?   But then, maybe I shouldn’t be thinking free inside this mansion since I am surrounded by vampires, because right now, it just wishes for the land to eat me up due to embarrassment.   “If I were you, I wouldn’t let the king hear that thought just now,” Wilhelmina speak with her face still stoic, but heck, Zane!   “Mina-chan!” I heard the same voice just like what Carmela copy earlier, and as I looked at the door, I saw a vampire cat. No, more like, she’s a human-cat!   She has very wide eyes which are color yellow. Her ears are wide and they are moving every time she’ll blink! What can I say, she’s really cute!   “Oh Dahlia, you’re early,” Wilhelmina said but her eyes are still connected with mine.   “What’s the report?” This time, Dahlia look at Wilhelmina as I saw how her expression changed. From cool from… a puppy. She looks at Wilhelmina as if her life depends on her.   “It’s negative, but… can you report it to the King? I’m scared.” I even saw her eyes twinkled and in just a span of time, she’s now in front of us, in front of Wilhelmina as if she’s trying her cuteness on her.   “No. That’s your report.”   “But—“ She pouted. “You know I couldn’t really look at the King whenever he’s mad or I’ll just cry again in fear. It’ll just anger him more.” I heard the sadness in her eyes that I couldn’t help but feel sad at her too.   Wilhelmina sighed. “Alright then. Accompany her to her room. I’ll follow up once I’m done.” Wilhelmina said that made Dahlia smile from ear to ear. She quickly holds my hand— with care as she gave a thumbs up to Wilhelmina.   “You’ll just get their assigned role again. That’s why they never learned.”   From another side, we heard a cold voice that made me look at there, and saw the girl who’s like Wilhelmina. Right, they are twin that’s why they look the same.   “The hell you care?” Wilhelmina said as she disappeared. I saw the girl rolled her eyes before it catches me. Just now, I think she’s glaring at me again that I couldn’t help but feel nervousness.   “Let’s go.” I heard Dahlia’s whisper before she supports me as we walk faster to the room they are talking about. I took a glimpse of the girl—which is Cornelia, and I saw her walking away again from the opposite position from us. There, I heard Dahlia signed deeply before she whispered, “Thank God!”   I just continue looking at her, and it seems like she felt my gaze that’s why she starts explaining.   “Well, you could say that I’m the black sheep of the King’s servant. I’ve never done anything good because…” She sighed deeply. “I’m always scared. And every time I fail, Wilhelmina’s always there to catch my back while Cornelia’s always lecturing me.” She sighed again. “But I know she just wants to make me able to do anything by myself, without their help.”   Even I just silently watch her, I couldn’t help but feel bad at her. But I know she’s also doing her best. “I believe you can,” I said as I gave her a smile in which, she gave back as a return.     “Undress.” I shook my head from Wilhelmina’s order as I’m hugging the robe which is hiding my body from them. She rolled her eyes before she walks toward me as I step backward to have a remaining space from us.   “I can do—“   “Does your tiny arms could put these ointments to your wounded back?” She asked instead. I shook my head as an answer, in which she fired back again. “So you can’t do it.”   “But—“ I wasn’t even done speaking when she cut me again.   “Will you shut your mouth and come here instead before I come to you and tie you in this bed? Or would you want me to stitch your mouth too?” I felt like my blood drained from my body as I walk closer to her but I wasn’t even close when the robe from my body disappeared, as Dahlia showed from my line of view.   “Wow, nice body!” She exclaimed, looking at my almost naked body. I’m just lucky that I wear underwear I found in this room underneath this robe or else, they will see something they shouldn’t see!   I know, despite my sudden weight loss, my shapes are still there. I don’t know how the hell it happened, maybe that’s why I am their favorite punching bags or such.   "Her bruises and injuries are the only problems," Wilhelmina said without taking her eyes off of my body. It was like she’s looking for my body inside, like bones and such, if there’s broken.   Of course, there are.   “Right Mina-chan! But I could heal her with my powers.”   “Right. Don’t be a failure.”   “I’ll do my best!”   So that’s it. They will heal my body’s wounds and remove my scars as what they said, the king’s property should be flawless. I couldn’t understand their point, however, we’re already at this point so I’ll just let them despite that I felt like I will be hurt in this one, too.   "I think I will also be able to use my massaging skills." She smiled devilishly as I shiver, I unconsciously hugged my body with that look of her. Oh oh, I think I am in danger! I might prefer the poker face Wilhelmina than this smiling one!   “W-Wait.. can you please gentle—“   “There’s no gentle in our dictionary,” Wilhelmina said and grinned. Before I could react..   Dalia clapped her hands twice then a green light appears in it. I want to be amazed when I saw those for the first time but it’s my mind that’s already shouting danger alert! Danger alert! “Wait… can I time freeze?” This is what I usually hear at the slave children. It’s their definition of pause so I tried using it to them, with the hope that I could talk to them at this one.   Because I’m not ready.   "Nope!" Dalia said, popping the 'p', "Come here!"   I couldn’t do anything but to come at them and do whatever they want.   "Good girl." And from there, they started healing me with their abilities and skills. All I did is to shout. And to tell you, that was hell.   It took time until I couldn’t count anymore. I fall asleep in the middle of it. Now, I just woke up and my body’s really numb from pain. Dahlia’s healing power was so hot that every time it touches my wound or bruises, it was like burning until it disappears. However, Wilhelmina’s the worst! She’s holding my broken bone and then she’ll forcefully pull it before she’ll let Dahlia heal it—as the woman’s enjoying with everything she heals! This confirms how sadistic these people are. They are cruel! I just want to— "Zane, dinner time." I heard a shout from outside the door, followed by three knocks from it. That’s when I felt my hunger. I haven’t eaten for the whole day. But I don’t think that I must join them. I wasn’t expecting them to call me. I’m a slave, remember? I slowly lifted my body as I grunt, feeling pain all over when I move. But, it’s a good kind of pain as I couldn’t feel anything swelling after all. It was like I am just done a whole work out and my whole muscles are sore. I quickly clothed myself with a light pink lacy turtle neck above the knee dress as I put some pink bunny slippers that Dahlia gave to me. I noticed how she’s a sucker for cute things. I am somehow, too, but of course, I just couldn’t wish for whatever I want. I am their slaves after all. I slowly walked toward the stairs. Right. Our room is on the second floor. The first ones are just a storage room that they said, the room for maids which I haven’t meet. The last floor, which is a whole big room, is the King’s room. They said that the King’s cousin is currently taking the throne as the King’s on vacation. This is a vacation? I don’t think so.   I smell the food from here. My stomach made a sound that I suddenly became shy because I know they heard it. Vampire and their hearings. How cool it is right?   I didn't eat regularly for one year. I only eat once and when lucky, twice a week despite the work they’re giving me. Maybe that’s why I’m as thin as a skeleton. I don’t know if I could bring back my old body but I know it needs some exercise and eating clean.   Once I reach the dining table, I saw them already eating. Cornelia stood up as I saw her plate already empty. She didn’t speak as she grabbed her plate and disappear from our sight. All of us watched her except Clyde who’s busy eating. When she finally disappears, Seifer shrugs his shoulder as he continues eating. Wilhelmina rolled her eyes and continue, too, before all of them continue eating the food on their plate.   Dahlia smiled at me and pointed an empty seat beside her—in front of Cornelia only if she didn’t finish her food that fast. “Come here, Zane! Eat all you can!” She’s even the one who put foods on my plate—that I think it was almost like a mountain because of how much rice she put in it. “You must eat more to be healthy again. Gain your weight as soon as you can, okay? Now, eat all you can and we won’t look!” She said as she even closed her eyes. I shook my head and smile.   “No, I’m okay.” I smile at them. Seifer smiles at me too—despite his mouth full of food and gave me a thumbs up. I lowered my head in shyness as I started eating.   I didn’t even realize I was eating too fast and they are watching me. I saw that I almost finished what Dahlia put on my plate when I heard Wilhelmina speaks.   “Zane, after you finish eating, can you bring the King’s food at his room? He also wants to see you well.” She said and that’s when I noticed that there’s a portion of food at our side, it was even in a closed container as if it’ll really bring to a king.   Of course, it is for the king himself!   “We’re sorry, but we still have to investigate the mansion where you were found and how long was it functioning.” She explained that caught my attention. The mansion… they’re talking to Hell Mansion, right?   I’ve also been wanting to know about that, and I am also sure that there is also some kind of that around the world. It just my hunch. I hope I’m wrong. “Zane?” I quickly smile at them and nodded.   “Yeah, I’ll do it.”   And I really do it. Now I’m in front of a big and only room on the third floor, holding a tray where the king’s food is. I nervously stand up and think again why am I doing this.   This is my job as his slave, right?   I sighed deeply as I gathered all my courage to finally knock. When there was no answer, I was ready to knock again when I saw the door suddenly opened a little.   I wonder why he didn't go out to eat? Or maybe he always eats in his room? I don't know.   I entered the room and was welcomed by cold air that suddenly covered my whole body. It’s so cold! I felt my body slightly shaking as I walked toward the little glass table inside and placed the tray in there. That’s when I looked around the room.   It was so dark because of thick curtains covering the glass side that I really couldn’t see everything inside, but I noticed a big TV playing, and beside it was bookshelves with many books inside. "Why it's you brought it? Where are the others?" I was frozen when I heard that voice, and I was thankful that I already bring down what I am holding or it might accidentally slip into my hands.   His cold baritone voice echoed at the whole room. This sent chills all over my body. His voice is so deep.. intriguing, yet I couldn’t get tired of hearing it again and again.   I saw him walked out from an opened door—which the light’s still on. The only thing that’s illuminating his room aside from his big TV. But despite that, I could clearly see him. The only thing that’s covering him was a towel on his lower back. I was really frozen, I couldn’t move, and when I finally do, the first thing I did was to bow my head.   “Pardon me for my rudeness, Your Highness.”   But he didn’t answer, instead. “What perfume are you using?” He asked and even it’s forbidden, I lifted my head a little to look at him and saw him looking at me seriously. I quickly averted my gaze and look at the floor again.   “I’m not using any perfume, Your Highness. I am allergic to that.” I said in which he didn’t answer again.   “Lift your gaze. I don’t want you lowering your head on me.” Slowly, I followed his command. And when I finally lifted my gaze as I looked at him, my eyes caught his stormy silver ones, and just like his eyes, it gave storms into my body especially in my heart that I don’t know how could I make it stop—from beating aloud.   I really love his eyes. When I'm staring at it, it's like I am staring at stormy weather and I don't know but...   My eyes were left wide open when in just a blink of an eye, I felt a very cold air that suddenly moves into my side—no, that cold air is him, who used his vampire speed to be in front of me.   "You smell so nice... so damn addictive..."   He whispered, as he is now leaning on my neck, smelling it. I couldn’t move. I was really frozen in fear as I felt him slowly moving his hands—from both sides of my waist, slowly lifting to the top—   But he stopped. In just a blink of an eye, I heard the banging from the door of the bathroom as from there, I heard him speak using a very loud and authoritative voice that could make everyone follow whatever he commands.   His first command which I need to obey.   Because everything from him is absolute.   "Order from your Master," He may far, but I heard his voice mixed with suffering as he added.   “Get out of this f*****g room. Now.”      
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