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I was sweating bucks as I could feel my body shaking, with the beat of my heart so loud that it's making my ears deaf from any other sound except for it, as I nervously stood in front of his door, undecided whether I should enter or not. I could feel both of my feet weakening due to nervousness and fear for what’s waiting for me inside.   This is it, Zane. Could you do it? I said in my thoughts, holding both of my sweating hands at the level of my thighs, feeling how they’re shaking so bad right now.   I quickly opposed myself. Of course, you should, no matter what happens, you should. You can’t back down now, after everything you’ve promised to him.   “Come,” His cold and authoritative voice echoed from his room because of the little opening of it like he purposely didn't close the door, which made me shiver from unknown emotions I’m feeling— no, they are emotions of fear and nervousness I’m feeling that intensified when I heard his order, as I gulped them down, finding my courage to continue... if there is.   This is it.   Scared as I am, I nervously stepped inside as I pushed his door open with my trembling hands, for the heat hugged my body that was intensified by the scent of roses that occupies his whole room. It was very fragrant. As if nothing’s dangerous is about to happen which I know there is.   And the nervousness I'm feeling inside is what's making me want to run away from it, from him, and if only I'm not in this situation, maybe I would be amazed at what's in my sight after I surveyed the dark sullen room that gives off this dangerous feeling within my guts, so as the one that made my heartbeats intensified as if there’s a bass drum inside my body, continuously getting smacked.   Petals of roses are scattered on the floor, the reason why its scents are occupying every space around this room. With the help of white candles carefully placed at sides, around this dark room that gives heat that welcomed me, and to illuminate and give life to the beauty which was unseen when it's all black. It was so beautiful as if he ordered his servants to make his room like this, for something, a reason, that is far from the reason why he must do it. I mean, why? When I wanted to…   The wind blew that cut my thoughts and made me hitched my breath, for it caused the fire from some of the candles to dried out that made the room darker as it is, followed by the closing from the door at my back with the sound of it, being locked, all his doings that made me chills for he remained on his spot, unmoving.   It just reminded me of how powerful he is, that he could control me with just a flicker of his fingers, yet it isn’t what he’s doing.   My nervousness intensifies as I unconsciously hugged myself from frigidness, in both the atmosphere in this room from the dried out candles and from what I’m feeling within, for which I tightened my hold to the thin robe that's hiding my body even I know he could see everything inside of it… I would still undress for him later to please him, am I?   Slowly lifting my head, and from where I am standing, I could see him, with his presence dominating this huge room that feels shrunken by his authority and power. Even from here, his omnipotent aura keeps sweeping around, making me chills and my knees are becoming jelly for too many feelings I have inside.   Sitting at his throne-like chair made from gold that its back being illuminated by moonlight every time the curtain at his back was being swept by the unknown wind, he looks like the mightiest king ever existed— he is, while being surrounded by petals scattered at the floor that keeps bringing their fragrance to the room that intensifies my feelings, he’s looking at me as if he's been waiting for me for decades.   He acts like a king waiting for a special gift to receive, and that gift is me. No… he isn't ‘like’ the king because he's the king himself. The king who captured me, saved me, bought me, and whom I am about to please right now so I could be freed from his cage… I hope. I gulped my nervousness away as I tried my best to look at him despite the pitch-black visual I have as if I’ve lost my sight.   Three buttons are opened on his long-sleeved white polo that peeps the muscular chest he has is deliberately enticing, with his arms and shoulder so firm that women would drool once they see him in this state for sure. But for now, I couldn't appreciate how beautiful and how sturdy his body structure is, as it is just pure fear and anxiety I'm feeling that keeps me want to run away from him, and his sharp eyes that remind me of the storm, ready to conquer me, to savage me without mercy no matter how I beg for my life to be spared. He was like a predator watching closely his prey, waiting for openings to attack and savor every bit of it. Even slight openings can change someone's life, and that’s what is about to happen to me, for sure.   Staring at me deeply as if looking through my soul, causing me to tremble more, especially my legs which I know, any minutes from now, I don't know if I could stand still from his powerful gazes, while his right hand is gently swinging with his transparent wine glass with a liquid in the color of blood so thick that even the darkness couldn’t deny it, and a dangerous smirk playing on his lips as he watches me wanting to run away.   Devilishly smirk playing on his lips, but without emotion his eyes as if I don’t even amuse him like what I should be doing right now.   “Move closer,” his deep voice echoed that cut my thoughts and made me aware of the reality that awaits me, I swallowed hard my fear and heaved a sigh to find a courage that seemed impossible to seek.   I bent down my head a little to avoid his terrifying stares for it is a sin to look straight in his gaze when our status are far different from each other— he, the king of this world, and I, a mere slave of him. Slowly, I started to direct my trembling foot to him. With every step on the rose petals scattered on the floor, its sound being flattened entered my ears. This caused the aroma of the room to become stronger, as I tell myself to focus my attention on the smell, on the feeling of roses touching my bare feet, instead of focusing on him that could increase the petrification I'm feeling.   I don’t have the courage to gaze at him, nor face him with this little lamb of me in the den of wolves, though I feel that his gaze is on me, locking me, unable to remove as if he finds reasons to watch my small moves.             I was nervous. I do not know what to do to please him. I want to escape so I need to do this. I need to escape. I badly want to escape before it is too late for me to get out of this mess, of this hell, from what I’m—   “You badly want to escape, huh?” His voice echoed with the emphasis of the word badly for it is what I was just thought.   I stopped walking when I heard his voice. I looked at him and gulped in fear from the sharpness of his stares. Those stares were like daggers throwing on my fragile body. “K-King...” I trembled.   And he seemed to look satisfied of me fearing his words for amusement passed through his eyes.   “If you want to escape, then please me, satisfy me,” He stopped talking, yet his face darkened despite the room being akin to midnight, for he roamed his eyes around my body as if eyeing his delicious dessert for tonight.   “Make me had enough of you, slave. Let me mark you so everyone will know their place.” His face darkened even more for his eyes became sharper with the words that came out from his mouth. He said it so sharp and scary, and I am here, unable to breathe from the grim expression he has right now.   I'm even more nervous. His words pertain to that I couldn’t escape from his beast, and that I should not go back from my words nor oppose him. It's now or never.   His baritone voice so deep and cold echoed through this frigid room again. “Undress, now.” Now, he said it breathlessly as if the idea of it doesn’t amuse him.   I gulped again and felt myself shiver on my spine with those words that escaped his mouth. This is it, Zane.   I slowly moved my trembling hands onto the string of the white robe I’m wearing, and that if he would get mad for me being this slow, I wouldn't mind it anymore. I am so nervous, that it intensified when I let my body that I wasn’t that confident gradually peek on his gaze, that in my mind, I wanted to hide it from his gaze, seeing how ugly they became, even though those scars disappeared like magic, all thanks to his servants. But the emotional scars left within my mind that couldn’t be erased. I know he could see what I'm wearing now... or if it could tell that I’m wearing something when it’s this thin, so small for my body to hide. I hugged myself as I looked at his face.   His handsome face looks annoyed, but when our eyes met, his stormy silver orbs so cold became emotionless, for he masked his emotions again, dividing us with the walls he built himself for me not to gaze through his emotions. He had lost his playing smirk on his lips, and his face looks so serious right now.   His dark gaze didn’t remove on mine, for it keeps locking me, caging me, owning me that I couldn’t get out even though it’s what I’m planning to do. My heart thumped again as I shivered.   His strong stares give me a reason to tremble, making my knees shake even more. I lose strength in the kind of his gaze he's giving me, that making me weak, making the hair at my back stood up as it pierces my body.   Sliding my robe from both my shoulders until it fell on the floor and became one with those petals of roses. My almost naked body burst upon him. The lacy black bra was so sheer that it is almost transparent, which looking down, I could almost see the peak of my n****e, with its partner of lacy lingerie panty in which covering only the middle of my womanhood.   I don't know why, but slowly, the coldness of this room was replaced by heat, as if the temperature is burning the cold around the place, as to when I looked around, my mouth gape open when the once died out fire from candles came in life again, igniting more, with their flames dancing as if ready to conquer this room. The raging sound of the aircon faded which indicates it had been turned off.   I brought back my eyes to him once again, and right now I'm looking at the pair of burning gazes that are digging into my body; as if wanting me to be under those pair of stormy silver eyes that keeps igniting despite it being darkened, with me begging under him. Heat rushed through my body from that thought, which I couldn’t remove my gaze from him as if bewitched until I felt myself sweating a little.   If I would get out of this room alive, I was so sure that I would get sick.   Suddenly a song reverberated from somewhere that, truth to be told, brought feeling—something s****l into my body that intensified the flames that are already present within me. I don't know where the song came from.   He could do anything, whatever and whenever he wants. Why am I being surprised?   “Dance, my slave. You're my toy for tonight, remember? So, dance for me.” His voice was full of command when he spoke them, and a command from the king is something that a mere servant of me couldn’t go against.   His eyes darkened more, for it shows the intense lust, danger, and anger...? No. Anger is an understatement. He's furious, but even though I don’t know why, I didn’t bother asking so. Though a thought that this is one of those rare days where I could freely see emotions from his eyes, aside from the day of Zurich's birthday.   His sturdy and rough features show the anger he’s keeping within, even though he always looks like this— this was his natural face, but the clenching of his jaw and the darkness on his sharp eyes are telling me so.   Eyes closed, I began to follow his command. Slowly, I moved my body corresponding to the music that keeps echoing throughout this place, but my hands were still covering the private parts of my body, protected only by a very thin layer of material from this lingerie I’m wearing.   He licked his lips and sat straight from his throne-like seat as if just like how restless I am, so he is. “Tch. I want a Lap Dance, slave. Come here.” I looked at him with wide eyes, complete disbelief was sure could read on my face, I was really shocked at his command! Lap dance? I don’t...   I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. Whatever he commands, Zane, I whispered to myself as to when I opened my eyes and saw how he dropped his less than half of a drink on the edge of his seat— at the small glass table looks so luxurious just beside his seat, yet he doesn't avert his laser-like gaze on mine.   He leaned on his chair like he's waiting for me to approach him. Even nervous, I couldn’t help but survey him. He looks so regal, so mighty, like a lion in his jungle, for he’s the king in this place. Despite looking so imperial, he looks dangerous, as if any minute from now, he'll consume me, he'll mark me as his territory, make me his... but that wouldn't happen because this is the last time I will be here.   And it was like he heard my thoughts because his face darkened, as his jaw clenched in more defined ways. I closed my eyes at my stupidity. Damn. How could I hide my thoughts from him?   “Come here, or do you want me to drag you here? You choose. I will gladly do it for you.” I flinched at the harshness of his voice. It was sarcastic, even though he smirked, he looks so angry.   But seeing me flinched, the anger that was there suddenly dissipated for his eyes held soft... I shook my head and look at my feet instead, heaving a deep sigh to oppose myself. No. I was just seeing things.               Closing my eyes, I began to walk toward him. I cannot do against his order, I need to please him. It's his special day, his birthday, and it is my gift for him tonight... to be his toy where he could ravage me. I’ll do whatever he says, to please him, to give him my everything, and to satisfy him with all of me.   He tapped his thigh as if telling me that I should sit there and began my lap dance. I licked my lower lips in nervousness and slowly took steps to where he is. He kept making me feel how low I am... but that's the truth, right? I’m ready to eat my dignity just to be freed from here.   You really are... I closed my eyes tightly. Stop it, Zane. Don’t anger him more.   Reaching him, I seek for all the courage I could find in this room and once I have gathered enough, I slowly sat down on his thigh, at the side of him without even gazing at his eyes. I heaved a sigh and was about to arrange myself when he, himself, who arranged me. He lifted me that I almost stumbled, which made me held onto his shoulders with both of my hands. His muscles tensed when my small hand contacted his muscular shoulder, for he heaved a deep sigh so low that it’s kinda hot. It was like my touch affected him that much.  But here I am, suddenly felt ashamed at our position, because I sat on his lap, facing him, and my legs on either side of him. I couldn’t look at him without feeling my cheeks flustered... no, I just couldn’t. Then I felt his hand on my back and my eyes widened when he pulled me closer to the point that I could feel the bulk of his slacks on my... on my freaking...   I heaved a deep sigh again and finally took the courage to look at his face to see if he purposely did it to make me feel how excited he is, yet his eyes are locked at my lips. I gulped down my nervousness and inadvertently ran my tongue on my lips. Again, he sighed so deep, his breath was tickling me, for he pressed his hold on my waist and the passing of emotions in his eyes is so obvious. Seeing him this close, it was like I could read him.   Longing and sad? No... I think I'm just imagining things.   Ever since I removed my robe, he never looked at my body again. Is hovering over my body is different from looking? But he never dared to stare at my private parts unlike any other guy once a woman undresses in front of them. I don't know why he doesn't want to look at my body. Is my body that ugly? Does it doesn’t suit his likings?   Maybe it’s really a mistake to assume that he would like this gift and would grant me freedom from his household.   I was drowned in my thoughts, that I didn’t realize his move that caught me off guard. My eyes widen when his hands gripped down... in my butt. It wasn’t that painful as if he just passed his hands and let it rest on that place, but it’s awkward for me! It sent shivers through my spine that all I wanted is to close my legs but he's in between them! Or maybe remove his hands on my butt but I know he wouldn’t like it!   My eyes seek for his face, which annoyance is obvious and that made my heart thumped despite the curiosity that surely washed through my face. Why was he upset? Did I do something wrong? Did he doesn't want what I look like right now? Or what I am doing?   But then, he whispers so low that it made me tensed, for dangerous feelings quickly engulfed me. “You're mine, tonight. So I do not want you to think of something else. I want you to just think of me, how good I am in bed, and how loud you'll scream later.” My cheeks heated despite something that I felt within my stomach, and now, I just wanted to hide my face in embarrassment. He said that nonchalantly like he's used to saying that. While looking intently at me as if directly saying that I'm only his. His possessiveness could be heard from his voice which I know which I don't deserve.   But you’re the one I’m thinking of right now... I know he could read my thoughts. I know you read mine every single bit of them, King Hyde.   And the way he licked his lips confirmed that he’s reading my every thought. My god...   Again, my eyes widened when my brassiere loosen while I was so busy testing him. Everything just wouldn’t register in my mind because one second, his hands are on my butt, and it seemed I just blinked but now...   Just how he reminds me of shadow, I couldn’t feel his every move.   Before I could even speak, to ask for whatever he wishes for me to do, his head leaned towards my neck that froze me, my heart thumped so fast as if I am amidst the race with the unknown, and as if my body is telling me that I shouldn't move, nor do anything that may anger him, because of his hands that are now lying just at the side of my thighs as if caging me. I followed him with my gaze where he looked at me, his hungry eyes akin to raging storm caged me with him, and slowly, he smirked devilishly.               And I know that whatever he’s about to say is something dangerous, something that would bring ruin to me.   “Do not talk, just moan. You're my dessert tonight, am I right... hmm?” his breathe is tickling me that I gulped those feelings away and nodded my head slowly. He smirked as if my answer amused him. He lifted his head and gradually grinding his lips on my neck before he brought it to my collarbone again, lightly kissing it while not averting his gaze on me.   While me? I cannot do anything but follow what he wanted.   I owe him my life, that’s why I'm here, imprisoned in this huge palace of him with no friends because he forbade them to talk to me. And getting against the king’s order is equivalent to treason. If any of them disobey him, they will be punished, and sometimes, it’s equivalent to death. I don’t want it to happen anymore.   I’ve recalled the petrifying punishment of Wilhelmina that I was the one who caused, and I do not want that to happen to others anymore. If it's just me... if I could just get any punishments, if only I would be punished for my doings, I would gladly accept it. I am even willing to sacrifice myself! It should only be me who'll suffer. It should only me be.   I'm not different from them. We all owe him something.   He's the king that is known for being ruthless, but  I know that deep inside him, he's merciful... he’s just good at masking it. What I don’t understand is that why he's so scared of letting others see the real him? He's cruel, devious, and terrifying, that’s what other’s definition of him is. I thought of that first, but what they failed to see is how generous this ruthless king they've said because they don’t try to look at his eyes, where right now, I know that he's still the same king that could be loved by many.   Only if they would open their eyes and accept him.   Though I have a different reason for why I wanted to... I heaved a sigh.   I know, that kings should not let others see their weakness because they could use it from them. They should appear cruel so they wouldn’t be taken advantage of by those people who wanted to outwit him. they should inflict fear so others wouldn’t try to betray them and be succumbed with fear instead/ I understand. I am trying to.   He's heartless, selfish, and infamous for his worst attitude— that’s what I constantly heard from people talking about him, the current ruler of this realm. But for me? He's kind and understanding, generous and filled with mercy, which the others do not see in him. Because they don't want to see it in him, and they only believe in what they wanted to believe.   It was such a long night where pain and pleasure are what keeps me awake, despite being amidst of conscious and unconscious. and thorn between sleeping and staying awake from too much feeling he brought that a fragile heart of mine couldn’t contain. But what's clear for me is that... he marked me. I'm now his, but I know it won't last. It shouldn’t be.   And with that, he satisfies himself with my body and I had no choice but to let him.   Because I am his slave.   I am Quineria Astrid Valkyrie Zane Morgan, the Vampire king’s prisoner, his pet— no, I'm the Vampire's Slave.
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