Chapter 4

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  It's been three days since that incident happened I did everything to avoid him. It was easy since he isn't really going out and prefer to stay in his room where his office is. Maybe's doing work and such.   I don't know. I just felt awkward every time we'll cross paths after what happened. It was as if… I really thought of something but… why did I ever assume that? I'm just his slave after all.   I stretched a little as I saw on the side table of my room, at the little clock above it, and saw it's just 6 AM in the morning. I sighed as I thought of nothing to do today but then, I suddenly remembered the garden and the place around here. Right. I have to start my ‘Oplan: Make Over’ of this mansion.   In those three days that I stayed here, I noticed that it's a mansion— a very big one since it's a three-story house where there are five big rooms on the second floor, and a big storage room, and six vacant rooms at the first floor. The third floor only has one room, which's the master bedroom is located, and it occupies the whole floor, of course.   And in those days I stayed here, Clydeus is the only one I always see inside where I noticed, the others are really busy. Dahlia explained to me that they are somehow at the mission and they are guarding their realm even King Hyde is at the vacation. At the time like this, you mustn't lower your guard— that's what she said.   I decided to stand up as I walked through the bathroom and open its door. Still, I couldn't get over about the thing they said bathtub— I haven't experienced it in my life ever since I was a child, and now looking at it and of course, trying it with some liquid soaps that smell like roses, I couldn't but be happy. It was as if they just bought it because they know that we'll be going to stay here.   I opened the door as I was welcomed by the dust on the mansion. I cringe. I thought I was finally going to start my day with clean surroundings— because my room is now clean, yet the house… it's far from it. I don't understand how they could sit at the couches even it's really dirty or they didn't really mind it because they are too tired? Maybe. That's why I decide to really clean it— to give back for what they've done to me.   Now, the Oplan: Make Over of this house will start now.   These things aren't new to me. After all, I've experienced much worst to this one. We've clean floors with puke and blood, built some space through digging and such. Everything. They even whip us with rope when what we were doing aren't enough for them.   I decided to sweep the floor first with a broom that I got from the storage room. A broom… I sighed. Based on the structure of this mansion, and of how wide it is, I think I'll take my time cleaning it.   I'm not yet in the middle of sweeping the floor but my sweat's already all over my face that's why I decided to open the blinds and windows on the second floor first. I was in the last window but then I saw a spider… and I really hate spiders! With alerted body, I slowly walk through it and slowly, as in slowly, so that the spider wouldn't move, I opened the window but followed by shouts when the spider move, and here I am, thinking it'll come to me so I quickly ran away.   I was almost stumbled at the stairs because of haste, thank heavens I hold on to something, yet quickly regretted it when I saw my hand. It's full of dirt and dust. Sighing, I cleaned my hand with my shirt and now, looking at the white spaghetti strap… I'm sorry I'll just wash you up later.   I decided to focus on cleaning again. I somehow lost time, and when I saw that's it's already 10 AM and that I still need to cook for them, I quickly ran to my room and clean myself the best that I can. Of course, the food shouldn't be mixed with anything else aside from ingredients.   But then, opening the cupboards and even the cabinet below to look for ingredients, I saw nothing but spider webs and dust.   Sighing. Maybe I'll be the one to buy it. But the problem is where will I get the money to buy the ingredients I need? I walk through the living area as if I'll think of something to solve it— or maybe the answer will come to me once I'm there, and it doesn't disappoint me when I saw someone sitting on one of the couches I just cleaned earlier. Now, I'm happy for myself that I cleaned it, and finally, I saw someone who came down from his room.   Smiling as I walk towards the cutie who's busy reading something I couldn't see because of the distance where I am. But from here, I could see his lips moving while reading something. Maybe he's learning. I couldn't help but watch him since there are only a few people who want to self-educate themselves by the things they want to know, and I think that's wonderful.   I could see him being frustrated over something, that he even brushed his hair in annoyance before his gaze met mine. He stopped, as his face turned emotionless. I was kind of shocked how this child could do that in just a span of time but then, I think he's really a genius.   “What are you doing here?” He asked, and even his face is emotionless, his eyes aren't. It clearly shouts how annoyed he is that having a company is the last thing he wishes.   That's when I noticed why I am here. “Ah… I was planning to go to the market—”   “Why? You'll gonna escape?” He brought his eyes back to the book he's reading. “Don't you dare. I'll find you wherever you go,” He said, and coming from a child at his age, I couldn't help but be amazed. However, I suddenly remember that he's a vampire and that's not impossible for him. Right. His silver hair and red eyes are proving that he's a vampire.   I just couldn't believe that such an early age, he's trying to learn what he wants to learn. Some children of his age prefer to just play at a playground or just be a baby to their parents. However, Clydeus is different.   At an early age, his movements shout as if a genius hiding in a child's body. He knows how to act and to do what the King's commanding to him. I could also tell how loyal he is, and how he knows what are his responsibilities even he's just a child.   “No, I'll just buy some ingredients because I'm gonna cook,” I explained. Without lifting his gaze to me, he speaks.   “No need, there's a chef for our food.”   I just nodded. Maybe I should continue to clean the house.   I look at Clydeus again. But I just couldn't leave this cutie alone. Without second thoughts, I walk to the place where he is and took a peek through the book he's trying to learn. My forehead creased when I saw what it is.   Book of Alphabets.   I look at him as if he grew another head. I couldn't believe it. How come he knows how to speak when he still doesn't know the alphabet?   It was as if he knows what I am thinking when he suddenly speaks. “I know how to speak, but I don't know how to write it in your world.” I was kind of confused with what he said until he lifted a notebook, and from there, I saw some different symbols that I don't know about.   “This is how we write those letters individually. This is A, and B, and C, and D...” He pointed something on his notes while saying the alphabets which I already visualize in my head, but looking at the notebook, it's different. “Get me? That's why I want to learn how you write those words, so I could communicate through the people on your world,” he explained without looking at me.   I suddenly became curious since they live in this world, so why would they still need to communicate through my world if they have another world than here?   And knowing that there's another world than here… I wonder what that world looks like.   “Why?” Of course, I couldn't help but be nosy. This time, he lifted his gaze as he looks at me and in those eyes, I see anger hiding through his innocent face.   “It's a secret.” He said instead before he continued reading as in his other arms, he's scribbling some wrong elements that came out from his mouth.   I sighed. “Want me to teach you?” Because even what he's teaching to himself is wrong. He's saying B but what he's writing is D, and the little D is like P. I just wanted to help him since he's so dedicated to learning it.   “No, I can do it by myself.”   “You'll need me since I'm an expert on that. You could save time and I'll even explain it to you if you want.”   It was like he was thinking before he said. “Fine. Teach me then,” so I did.   “Listen carefully and watch my hand, okay?” I said as I look at him and gave him my sweetest smile. I couldn't help it; he looks so innocent even I know that he killed so many lives.   He stared at me for a while before he averted his gaze to me. “Okay,” And I started explaining to him the things he needs to take note to make it easy for him.   Just like what I thought. He's genius. It doesn't take an hour when he could finally write all those letters and I couldn't help but be happy at him. He looks so dedicated to learning the things he wanted to learn and now, looking at how he easily learned those things, I couldn't help but be proud. I could already see his future. I know he'll be a successful leader someday.   His parents must be proud.   But… speaking of parents. I haven't heard anything from them, nor even talking about their families. I respect their decision, of course, but I couldn't help but be curious at what and how's their life aside from here.   And Clydeus… he's so young to be here.   “Uhm… Clydé?” Again, I couldn't help but be wonder about his family.   He moved his head when he heard me say his name, telling me that he's listening to whatever I'm going to say. I find the courage to finally say those words when it feels like, I shouldn't be asking this to him.   “Where's your family?” Which is a wrong move, I think.   He stopped writing, but I saw the force he exerted on his hand that the pencil broke into pieces. I gulped, as I felt the fear engulfed my whole body when I heard Clydeus chuckles. It's low and like a child planning something dangerous. The one you would hear from a child's laugh in some horror movies.   “Soon to be dead… because I'll be the one to kill them of course,”   He said so naturally as if he's been planning that all alone while I was frozen in my seat, as I couldn't believe that a child like him could hold so much agony and fury on his heart.       I was left frozen after hearing what he said, while Clydeus, he continued writing on his paper. I just continue looking at him and still couldn't believe what he just said.   “What did they do to you that you're thinking that way?” I couldn't even hear my voice.   What have they done to this child to feel this hatred for them?   “Maybe they despise me the most, that's why they left me inside a forest full of dangerous animals, thinking I'll die there. Right after making me feel their love..” He laughed again but I saw his eyes are empty, as I looked in his hand is shaking. He's smiling as if those were nothing, yet his hands are shaking from what he's feeling.   But maybe I'm seeing things because right now, all I could see was some black things on his hand that quickly disappeared when I blink my eyes. Maybe I really do.   But… right now, all I could see is a lonely child who was abandoned by their family. He was abandoned, he didn't even grasp the love and security that a child like him should feel. That's what I realized that I couldn't help but feel my tears.   “Luckily the King found me. And the love that the King's making me feel is unfathomable. I don't need them as long as I have the King.” He shrugged and was about to continue writing but he stopped when he saw what he did on the pencil. He sighed instead and closed the notebook.   I couldn't believe them. A child like him to experience those things. He was abandoned, who would do that to their child!   It was as if he read my thoughts because he started explaining things.   “They say I shouldn't be born, that I only bring infortune and see this?” he stood up from his seat as he let me see a scar— a big scar on his back that even I was shocked with what I said. “I got this with my human self, it just wouldn't heal and trust me, the King called every medic that time but they said the only solution to save me is to turn me into a Vampire. The King gambled, and that gamble saved my life.” He laughed as if he's remembering something. “Wilhelmina told me that.”   And he stood up, and I saw him getting his things so I thought he'll go to his room again but I stopped him by holding his little arms. I smile at him and carefully pull him to myself. Clueless, he followed.   Slowly, I encircled my arms on his tiny body. “They may not let you feel the parent’s love, but I'm here to make you feel it,” I whispered as I closed my eyes, feeling a tear fell from my left eye. It really hurts knowing that there's kind of people like that living in this world.   He didn't move for a while but he lets me hug him. Because Clydeus, I'm serious. I'll make you feel the love you must feel like a child.   I couldn't get over with the talk I had with Clydeus regarding his family, since at the very young age, he's already thinking of something to do with them, and the fury I saw on his eyes, it was as if something deep happened between them— the reason why Clydeus wants to kill them.   I now know the reason and reminiscing the way he said those words, it was as if his fury started from a seed that it bloomed into a beautiful yet bloody flower. I mean, I still couldn't believe… that a child like him, could ever think of something so evil. Should I be alerted because of the way he thinks? I don't know and truth to be told, it's scary.   I'm terrified, yet I have to remain here.   I have to face my fear.   But I understand now, why he's so mad at them. What I couldn't understand is how the hell did they do that to a child like him? Are they that heartless to do that because if I were in their place, I will love him with all my might.   I looked at my shaking hands holding the dried root. I shook my head, trying to erase my thoughts but it still feels like it won't be able to make me sleep for days, as I could always remember the face of Clydeus with that glint on his eyes. It's as if despite hatred he's feelings, I know deep inside he loves them. Maybe love enough to kill them to end what they are scared about. I've tried to pull what I'm holding with all my might that I almost fell because of being unbalanced. I sighed as I kneel again to pull some grass this time.   This isn't the time to think of something else. I need to clean this mansion so that it'll be pleasurable to be seen. Because right now? Looking at it really seems scary.   Somehow it frustrates me. There are so many questions running in my mind but I don't know how to answer them. It was because I don't know who to ask and what to ask because maybe I might open some wounds just like what I did with Clydeus.   “Zane, you look like an i***t. There's a thing called turf cutter as well as scissors, yet you prefer to pull them by your little hands?” Seifer, the one who caught me by pulling the grass with my hands, chuckled. Amusement is visible to his face and there's also an annoying smirk plastered on it. He's wearing a suit and tie as if he just came from a party, looking so neat while here I am on the maid outfit again looking so haggard.   I smiled shyly.   “I don't know…” I couldn't ask anyone. Wilhelmina isn't here and everyone, except Clydeus I think, left.   “You must've asked the maids,” My eyes grew wide from what I heard from him.   “Wait… there are maids?” Completely shocked. I thought there are no other people here than us!   “Yeah, just now. You just don't see them.” He laughed.   I don't know how to react that's why I just smile shyly again. His laughter stopped when suddenly, there's a human figure beside us that I didn't even feel her coming here! I almost jumped when she just suddenly spoke from somewhere.   “Master Seifer,” She gazed at me for a while as I saw her glaring at me as if I did something bad. She's so pale and her black hair is in a bun. She bowed her head— only to Seifer's place, as she said her intention. “The King wants to talk to you. In the study room.” She again glared at me with her empty eyes before she turned her back at us.   Seifer suddenly said, “Uh-oh. I'm doomed.” He whispered before he looked at me again. “The gardening equipment is in there. Don't injure yourself. See you later!” He pointed at somewhere and with just a blink, he's already nowhere in my sight as to when I heard the door of the mansion closing, I look at it thinking what the sound— oh, Seifer and his vampire speed.   I looked at the place he pointed earlier and saw another door at the side of this mansion. I didn't notice it earlier. I walked through it but then I felt some stares at above that made the hair on my neck to stood up, isn't that what we will feel every time someone's looking at us?   So I lifted my gaze and followed where I felt the stare is coming from— just an instinct, and from the dark part of the third floor— I mean it's really dark because of the thick curtains on it, but I saw something moved— so fast that I thought I'm just seeing things, but the curtain is moving because of the movement earlier.   What was that?   But then, whatever it is, I just shrugged and happily walked through the door Seifer pointed. By just thinking that I'll be using a turf cutter, my work here will be easy. Now I just have to clean the house— but then there are maids, right? Anyways, I'll clean it.   “Hooh!” I said as I wipe my sweat from my forehead as I sighed deeply. Why did I ever assume that it'll be easy without thinking of other factors, because right now, yes, it won't consume more time yet this turf cutter… it's so heavy!   I haven't even half of this garden since when I started. I looked around and saw that there are too many works that need to do. The dried roots I skipped because this turf cutter won't cut it for sure. The dried plants. I've already swept the dried flowers and leaves that fell from the trees and plants yet, of course, I need to pull them one by one since I couldn't plant a new when they're still there.   And the major problem is.. what would I do to these dead trees? Do they still have remaining life even just a little bit that I could wake up by constantly watering and feeding them with fertilizer?   Argh! I groaned in frustration. It was followed by the sound of the wind that hugged my full of sweat body that caused me to shivered. Right. It's been a while since I felt the temperature turned this cold that I didn't mind since I was busy cleaning.   And I will still clean despite the dark sky as if there's an on-going rain in some places. I decided to continue my business.   I pulled another dried plant with a satisfied smile on my face as I throw it to the trashcan but I suddenly stopped when I felt something cold touched my arms. Then another, and followed by another until I lost count. And when I lifted my gaze, it confirmed my thoughts that it's rain from the dark sky above me. I closed my eyes.   Instead of going inside, I let the rain pour to me as I closed my eyes. The smell of the land being mixed with rain for the first time touched my nose as I felt happiness at the same time longing. It's been years since I felt the rain in my body, pouring into my clothes as if cleansing my soul.   I let myself be soaked by the rain in the middle of this garden. Once the garden's already done, I'll let myself play with the rain again, I promised to myself.   I don't know why, but I felt my tears mixed through the rain above me as everything just made sense. I suddenly felt anger, frustration, sadness, and fear… but I also felt longing and being caged. I felt as if I'm back with Hell Mansion with many consequences with this one.   I sobbed as I lowered my head and raise my hands to cover my face. I slowly sit like a child as I cry my frustrations. I just suddenly saw myself crying like a little child in the middle of the rain, alone, as memories came to me like waves from the ocean.   Here I am in an unfortunate event and I don't know where to find myself again. I badly keep on saying myself that I'm going to start a new yet the truth is, I don't even know how to start.   It's here already and it's granted to me yet I don't even know the pace that I want to do. I don't know. I don't know anymore.   I suddenly felt as if the rain stopped in my place, as I felt a pair of a foot in a slipper, and before I lifted my head, I heard him speaks.   “Stand up if you don't want to be carried.” I heard a low voice and as I slowly lifted my head, I saw someone whom I didn't expect to come to my place, in this situation, and when I am crying.   “King..” I whispered with a shaking voice, as I look into him looking back at me who's like a lost child— maybe I really am. A lost.   Looking at the stormy orbs staring back at me, I couldn't feel but be scared at him. I instantly tried to stand up but I saw myself feeling unbalanced due to it and thankfully the King's there to catch me.   I gasped, shocked that I almost fell but my eyes grew wide when I start feeling the rain pouring into my body as I look into his white t-shirt that's slowly being drenched by rain!   “I'm sorry!” I quickly grabbed the umbrella as I tried to cover ourselves but I just couldn't. He's so tall and the umbrella's too small for both of us.   “Let's come inside,” He said like a growl. I quickly nod my head as I looked at the turf cutter. I think it'll get broken if we ever leave it here.   It was as if he got what I'm thinking when he suddenly started walking to where it is, that I need to follow him so I could cover him with the umbrella. That's when I noticed his back muscles and how ripped they are.   “Just cover yourself.” I heard him said. I shook my head as I tried to cover his head.   “You'll get sick,” I said. He, then, looked at me like what I said is ridiculous.   “And you won't? You're already shaking,” He looked at my body for a bit before he averted his gaze and cleared his throat. Confused, I look at my body and I saw my lingerie bra almost showed because the shirt of this maid costume is white! I closed my eyes tightly.   “Let's go,” He said as he started walking through the rain, with on his right arms, he's carrying the turf cutter as if that was nothing. His muscles are flexing— Zane, come on, he's the King!   I quickly shook my head and follow him, trying to cover him with the black umbrella in my hand.   It was as if I wasn't breaking down earlier!  
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