Breaking Down Walls

1655 Words
I couldn't stop the blushed that rushed over me, but thankfully my father was gone before it had even fully formed on my cheeks. Once alone, Niklaus's presence had an almost undeniable gravitational pull on me. I was done fighting it though, done fighting the mate bond and done fighting the magnetic pull that linked me to this man. My life had been hell for eighteen years, but that was before Niklaus, before my mate and I knew in my soul he would change all of that. I had never felt more strongly about anything in all of my life. "For all of eternity, huh?" I purred, drinking in his gorgeous eyes. They would be classified as hazel, but they were so much more than that simple word. Green and brown streaks merging to make their own unique color flecked through with molten gold, sunset orange, sunflower yellow and a brilliant crystalline teal. They were the most phenomenal pair of eyes that I had ever gazed into and I could gladly spend the rest of eternity drowning in their enigmatic depths. "We just found out that I'm immortal and you promised me eternity. I plan on holding you to that, Nik. You're mine and I won't lose you." He took a step forward to close the miniscule gap between us, his large hands twining loosely around my waist and just that small touch sent electrical tingles shooting through my entire body. I couldn't even comprehend that just a few short hours ago I had contemplated not accepting him as my mate. I had not considered rejecting him for even a second, even as the words were leaving my lips earlier. I had known he would never allow me to finish my rejection and a small part of me may have just been testing him to see his reaction. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to find you so that I could hear those very words and keep you safe always." His words made my heart sail with ecstasy more powerful than any drug could ever hope to be and with them came the undeniable urge to give myself to my mate. He had said that he wanted to wait until we got to know each other better, to make our first time special. I already knew that it would be special just because it was with Niklaus and he was made just for me. I had dreaded s*x for as long as I could remember, but I knew with my whole being that it would be an entirely different experience with him and I was definitely looking forward to it whole heartedly. I reached my hands up almost hesitantly, my finger tracing over the chiseled angles of his jaw and his almost feline cheekbones, memorizing every single contour of his already beloved face. In mere hours this man had managed to completely ingrain himself upon my very soul and I couldn't begin to fathom how I had possibly survived eighteen years without him. "I want you, Nik." His eyes darkened with list, a predatory glimmer flickering within their depths and that simple look turned my entire body liquid, lava rushing to my core. "I want you too, Lo, more than I can possibly explain, but I know your last and I won't allow our first time to be tainted." I understood where he was coming from, appreciated him being sympathetic about my past, but I wanted him to listen. I wanted him to trust me when I told him that I needed this. s*x had been forced on me for the first time when I was only fifteen and I had abhorred it ever since then. I had thought that it was a torture I would be forced to endure until I could finally escape my living hell. I needed this experience to wash away all of the trauma of my past and Niklaus was the perfect balm for my ravaged soul. I just had to make him see that as well. "I promise you that absolutely nothing is going to taint this moment for us, Nik. I don't want to wait for the perfect moment because every second that I spend with you is perfect just because you're in it. You think I need to wait because of my past, but I don't need to and I don't want to. Being with you is the best way to eviscerate all of the demons of my past because my mate has all the power to heal my past abuses. What I'm trying to tell you is that I don't just want you, I need you, Nik." I could see his resolve to wait beginning to flicker and fade and I pressed on, determined to bend my stubborn mate's will to my own. "I know you're worried because of all the horrors of my life, but I'm telling you that this is exactly what I need. I know for a fact that being with you is the only thing that will help heal me." That was all it took, those words tumbling from my lips fervently and I watched every last bit of resolve melt from his mercurial gaze. His fingers tightened around my waist in a grip that would have been painful for any mere mortal. Yet I was welcoming of the pressure and the way that it grounded me to the moment, to Niklaus. I kept my eyes glued on his features, fearing that if I looked away for even a heartbeat, my panic would set in and I was not prepared to risk that. I wanted to be present in this moment with him, for him to be able to feel just how much this meant to me. How much he meant to me and, in doing so, fully seal our mate bond. We had already marked each other, but our bond would not be fully formed until we consummated our union. I needed the knowledge that we were irrevocably bound to each other on a biological level. I had been alone since the day I came into this world as a wolf and I had to know that I would never be alone again. He seemed to sense that and only held onto me tighter. "My beautiful little wolf, I belong to you heart and soul, mind and body as I will for the rest of my existence. I swear to you right now that your heart's desire will always be my main concern." I could feel the candor dripping from his words, sense that he was speaking nothing but the truth. That knowledge only made me want my mate that much more. I had spent my whole life as an outcast, being thought of as less than every single member of this pack. Then here was the last breathing link to Corvinus, the maker of us all, telling me that I belonged to him. I had spent my entire life believing that I was born simply to die. Now I was tasked with the impossible duty of uniting vastly different people before an impetuous god's temper tantrum imploded the world. In a single night, I had gone from a nobody to the only one who could stop the apocalypse. Mate bonds make absolutely no logical sense: a voice inside our head tells us this is the person made for us and it is our biological imperative to just yield. I had thought my entire life that the mate bond was just some childish fairytale made up to seem essential to us. Here I was though, securely tangled in its web. I had wanted nothing to do with this, but now that I felt it, I could bear the idea of ever not having him and I had no plans of losing him. It no longer had to make rational sense because my heart was irrevocably ensnared in its grasp and I had no intentions of ever being alone again. He was my family now and I would never let go. I was thoroughly entangled in my own inner turmoil, but Niklaus managed to obtain my full attention even through that and that is the power of the mate bond. "Do you understand the gravity of what your father just told us?" When he was simply met with the confused arch of my brow, he continued without further prompting and that was when I knew he was also lost to the bond. "I don't think you understand just how powerful you're going to be, little wolf. Your father is Atlan, god of the seas and Selene is the mother of wolves, but she's also the goddess of the moon. The moon controls the ocean's tides which means you have complete rule over the oceans and because of your sway over the moon, the packs as well." His words sent a shiver of anticipation racing down my spine because I wanted to make Zeus pay for using other people's lives for his own personal amusement. He thought that just because he was a god, it gave him the right to toy with people's lives. I wanted absolutely nothing more than to show him just how wrong he was. The gods were so secure in their belief that they were untouchable because of their status as deities that they would be egotistical enough to believe that a "half-breed" like me was unworthy of a moments worry. "Pride cometh before the fall and I plan on making Zeus plummet." Niklaus's eyes flashed lava shot through with the ocean as his eyes scoured mine and his smile was filled with proud approval. His head c****d to the side as he seemed to be in the midst of studying my very soul. "I think Zeus made a fatal mistake in underestimating you and I'm unequivocally thankful that I'm your mate, not your enemy."
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