Goddess In Your Own Right

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Atlan did not even flinch at Niklaus's fury, he was actually smiling when he faced her mate and held his hands up in a calming gesture. "I am no threat to you or your mate bond, young Lycan. I came here to help my daughter accomplish her destiny and you are a vital piece of that puzzle, Niklaus." Niklaus still looked somewhat untrusting, but his eyes lightened back to their enchanting topaz streaked emerald as he regain control from Atlas and pinned her with his penetrating gaze. "That's utterly preposterous. I met your.... the people who birthed you earlier this evening. Explain." My eyes darted to Atlan as I tried to figure out how to explain this to him, knowing he needed to hear this tale from me and unsure where to begin. For goddess sake, it was my own life and I was still having issues wrapping my mind around it, let alone fathoming what it actually meant. All that I had was that I knew in my bones that it was the truth. "The whole thing sounds absolutely insane, but I need you to stay with me and trust me, Nik." A smile lit across his handsome face and he responded without so much as a second of hesitation. "For the rest of eternity." I had meant for him to stay with my outrageous life story and his answer warmed me to my very soul because he was saying that he would be by me for that long. He was telling me in no uncertain terms that I would never be alone again, not even in death. I couldn't begin to tell him what that meant to me in front of my father, but I was definitely going to address it once we were alone again. I took a deep breath, searching for the right words and nothing felt adequate. Yet I knew that he deserved an explanation and he would accept whatever I could give him. "So I found out when I shifted tonight that my parents are actually Atlan, god of Atlantis and Selene, the mother of werewolves. I was sent to be born in this pack, away from the gods because Zeus believed that a hero needed to suffer to truly become the hero needed in order to save the world. I was born to this pack because there is a war coming for the supernaturals and now the gods are involved. They are a fickle bunch, especially with Zeus at their helm and there is no telling what he may do." Atlan chuckled, leaning against his trident in an almost bored manner as though this all meant nothing. "Willow, you are giving Zeus much more credit than he is due. He is nothing more than a child made arrogant by other children calling him the god of gods. We old gods existed eons before the gods of Olympus were ever created and we have no problems putting them in their place. We can easily show the Olympus children what they truly are and only Selene will escape our wrath." I could not help but be impressed by a man who claimed that he could wipe out Olympus with his old gods. "Who are these friends of yours?" Atlan shrugged as though it meant nothing to him, but it was everything. "To name a few: Set, god of the desert, Odin, god of Valhalla, Sif, goddess of warriors and Valkyries, Abohain, queen of the fae and you, dear girl." I simply scoffed at the absurdity of him naming me among those ancient gods. "I've had my wolf for my entire life and I know for a fact that I don't have any mystical powers. What the hell use do you have for me?" Atlan gave me a wolfish grin, manifested a much smaller Trident, tossed it to me and a power surge ten times stronger than when I shifted washed over me like a tsunami. "Oh, I have a loophole to Zeus keeping my gifts from.you. He thought that keeping me from you would stop you from gaining my powers, but it only kept it from happening until I was released and came to you. His powers only contained mine so long as my word held me captive. The old gods word is law and not even we can break it once it's given." Niklaus had obviously heard more than enough to make his own decision. "So where do I come in and when exactly do I get to kill Zeus?" His eyes softened at my quiet gasp and he gently stroked his knuckles down my cheek in a loving manner. "He's that put you in this pack to be tortured and he dies for that." "I like this Corvinus boy. Him and I are on the same page with the gods. Now we simply need to teach you how to wield your powers before the Atlanteans start a war." "What do you mean? Why would the Atlanteans start a war?" "They did not believe the messenger Hermes when he told them I would remain in Olympus until you were eighteen. They believe that you were killed and I was brain washed by Selene so they this to annihilate all creations of the new gods. That is why you must prove to them that you truly are my daughter. If you cannot do so, they plan to return the Earth to the sea and the other gods will wipe them out. They are your people too and you must show them how much stronger we are united. You will be stronger than me and Selene combined." I staggered back until I felt the padding against my calves and plopped down on the couch in front of the bed, my mind running a million miles a second. I could sense that he was telling the truth, but it was utterly preposterous and my mind refused to accept it. Niklaus was already ten steps ahead of me though and planning his strategy. "How do we prove who she is to people she's never met and how long do we have?" "I just have to teach her how to use my gifts and her trident before they make their move in two weeks time. They've already begun to make known their malcontent if you know where to look. Small towns all along the coast lines have been buried under tsunamis of their own garbage over the past week." Niklaus's eyes flashed gold as I assumed he mindlinked someone in his pack for confirmation and he c****d his head to the side in contemplation as he confirmed it. Yet I was still utterly in the dark when it came to the truth. "I'm not allowed to watch TV because according to the pack I'm nothing but a useless slave and therefore undeserving of such luxuries. So for the ones of us that have no way of knowing what's going on, can you clue me.in?" Both men let out annoyed growls at my declaration and they were menacing enough that I was glad they weren't directed at me ."Please be careful what you tell.me.about your present by these mongrels because, after seeing your scars, I'm about one abusive action on their part from wiping this pack from.existence." The calmness of his voice belied the candor of his words as he flipped the TV to a worldwide news channel and he was dead serious about killing them. I would address his murderous intentions for Blue Forest Pack later, but I was engrossed in the newscast depicting tsunamis of garbage wiping out small towns along the world's coasts for the moment. "What scars?" Atlan asked, his baritone so deep with rage that it was barely audible. My father's icy gaze told me in no uncertain terms that my nonchalant hand wave was not nearly enough information. I could hear his teeth grinding when he shook his head, indicating that he was not about to just let this drop. "Willow Nereida Atlanson, this is not something that I will simply allow you to shrug off as normal. You are not just my daughter, you are an old goddess by birth and we protect our own. Therefore I demand to know what was done to you, then I will assess the pain Blue Forest deserves to endure for it's transgressions." I'd had more than enough of this male macho bullshit between my mate and my father. I needed answers, not protection so I dropped my robe and spun to show him the worst of my scars. His sharp intake of breath was enough to inform me that he had seen enough so I righted my robe and turned to get answers. "Niklaus already killed Eric and for now that is punishment enough. All of the other abuse stemmed from the fact that their Alpha encouraged if. Everyone wants to feel special so made me a slave and gave even the Omegas and someone to take their frustrations out on. Eric is dead now so I will turn my fury on Zeus because all of my suffering is rooted in the fact that I needed to suffer in order to become a hero. "All of the blame you wish to place on Blue Forest pack? Place it all at Zeus's feet because he didn't believe I could be a good enough person without facing adversity. Did he tell you before you agreed what that adversity would be? I grew up as a slave, not even allowed the decency of indoor plumbing and I was the entire pack's punching bag, but that's not even the worst of it. Not only was I beaten, I was mutilated in such a fashion that no amount of supernatural healing would ever heal my wounds. I was raped, handed around the warriors because I wasn't worth being given a mate in their eyes and therefore I didn't need my virtue. After hearing what you have to say, I don't blame anyone but Zeus because, as far as I'm concerned, all of the pack's abuse was orchestrated by him." Atlan's eyes flashed bright with fury, power practically vibrating from him in waves and thunder boomed in the skies loudly enough to rattle the walls. His rage should have intimidated me, but I simply quirked a brow in askance. "I think I have more than enough fury to retire Zeus and this pack." I could not help the giggle that bubbled from my lips because he sounded exactly the same as Niklaus when he said the word pack. I was done pretending to be a damsel in distress though and I needed my father to show me how to harness my powers in order to do so. "How about you show me how to use my powers so I can take care of them myself? Apparently I need to stop the Atlanteans in two weeks so we better get busy." Niklaus cleared his throat, drawing my attention and his heated perusal of my form made me look down at my state of undress. Oh s**t, clothes! I turned to pad back into the bathroom where I had left said clothes on the vanity, but his voice stopped me and turned back to him in confusion. "You have some new clothes in the closet. I had the Omegas bring you some essentials while you were bathing," he added for clarification. "If I may intervene." Atlan immediately had our undivided attention. "Before you tap into the full scale of your abilities, you will need to be near the ocean to tap into your abilities. Might I suggest that we go to my home in California the day after next in order to start your training. That will give you time to get the pack affairs in order before your absence as I assume you also plan on coming. It also gives you time to gather any essentials you feel you may need. If it would not be too much of an inconvenience, I would like to stay here and become better acquainted with Willow until we leave." His words made my heart soar with unbridled joy because at long last I finally had answers and a father who truly wanted to be in my life. Now I just had to figure out how to keep the world from imploding because a bunch of gods decided to have a juvenile pissing match and tossed me into the middle of it. Niklaus must have sensed my excitement through our bond and spoke up before I could even form a coherent thought, making me adore him even more. "I already have a guest suite prepared for you on the Alpha's floor which is where Willow and I will be moving in the morning. Now, if it wouldn't be asking too much, I'm sure that Willow could use some rest." Atlan gave Niklaus a knowing smile with a slight inclination of his head and tossed one last comment over his shoulder before closing the door. "Enjoy getting some well deserved rest together, kids. Until tomorrow, little one."
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