Mate Bond's Ties

2484 Words
~Niklaus's POV~ Her swirling silver and amethyst gaze on my own as I drank in their unusual color and internally howled my thanks to Selene that Willow was my mate to claim for eternity. Each of her already mesmerizing orbs was variegated with the most iridescent gold I'd ever witnessed and it made them appear to kaleidescope. I was fairly certain that I could spend the remainder of my immortal existence drowning in her eyes and it would be a life well spent. I had been on the hunt for this woman since before I could even comprehend what I was missing. Now that I had found her, her mere presence was enough to sate my every desire. "You're more perfect than anything that I ever could have dreamed up, modicum lupus." Her tawny cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of coral and her head tipped forward. Her icy blonde streaked locks obscured her eyes as though my praise had embarrassed her. Her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her short robe and she retreated across the room until she was perched on the very edge of the bed. She looked ready to launch into flight at a moment's notice or sudden movement. "Be careful what you say, Nik, or I might do something foolish." I thought that she was about to try to shut me out again until the scent of her arousal slammed into my nostril and ripped a feral growl from my throat. Atlan was clamoring around in my mind, demanding that I consummate our mate bond and I was on the verge of losing the battle. My little minx was making it very difficult to keep from forgetting that I had wanted to wait and prove to her that she was worth so much more than just her body. My hands were clenched so tightly that I could feel blood in my palms where my nails had punctured them. I just simply didn't give a damn at the moment. "You're making it very difficult to remain a gentleman, little mate." A soft sound rumbled in the back of her throat, almost like a purr and she leaned forward so her robe split in an enticing vee to her belly button. Goddess, this little vixen was going to be the death of me. "My dear, dense mate, what exactly has you under the impression that I wish for you to be a gentleman?" "Perhaps it's not what you wish, sweet little Lo, but I do believe that it's what you need." Her mercurial orbs flashed with a lifetime of sadness that I wanted nothing more than to eradicate. She scrambled to cover her exposed flesh as though she had been scalded and it tore at my soul. "You couldn't be more wrong, Nik. What I truly need is for my mate's touch to erase an entire lifetime of trauma and show me that you love me as I am. Now and forever." Her broken admission was the last straw and an involuntary snarl tore from me as I stalked toward her. "Never doubt just how much I we want you, petal," I rumbled, my voice deepening as it melded with Atlas's. How could my wonderful little mate ever doubt her perfection in my eyes? I could not even begin to fathom how she could ever think for even an instant that there was a single atom in my body that did not need her more than oxygen. "Atlas has been driving me to find you since the very first time he spoke to me. The only reason we want to wait is because of how you have been treated in the past." Willow's hesitant movements were more graceful than any dancer could ever hope to be. My heart seemed to lodge somewhere in my throat as she approached me. The seductive sway of her voluptuous hips was the most tantalizing sight that I had ever seen and my breath caught in my lungs at her approach. Her diminutive stature stopped a mere hairsbreadth from touching me and I swear to the Goddess my heart stopped when faced with her wide, bewitching gaze. I may not have intended to bed her tonight, but she seemed utterly determined to sway my decision. It was getting more difficult to deny her with every second that I spent in her presence. "I may have started the evening out determined to resist our bond, but I've always been quick to trust my gut. Right now it's screaming that I want you more than anything. Don't deny both of us what we want based off of what you know of my past because you don't know what is going on in my mind just yet. I don't want time or space from you, my warrior. Do you know what I want, Nik?" When I only managed a soft growl in response, she continued and her words were a symphony to my soul. "I want my mate to take me to bed and make me forget every unwanted touch that I've ever been forced to endure. Come show me paradise, Niklaus," she whispered huskily . Her sincere plea broke the last measly grip that I had over my control and I closed the miniscule space separating us. I pulled her into my embrace, my large hand framing her ethereal face and I felt the shockwaves of our undeniable bond ricocheting through my entire being. There was no feasible way that we could ever hope to deny that we were destined mates, nor would I want to and I would slaughter anyone who ever dared come between us. "I need you more than the very air in my lungs, Willow. Until the moment I caught your scent tonight, I've wandered the planet missing a vital piece of my soul. I had begun to think that I was doomed to spend eternity searching for you. "That all changed tonight. From the instant the smell of green tea and bamboo reached my nose, I knew I had found what I was looking for. I need you to hear and believe me when I tell you that from the second my eyes landed on you, I belonged to you. From this moment until I breathe my last breath, I belong to you, Willow Parthenopaeus, both body and soul. I will spend the rest of eternity trying to erase all of the nightmares you've endured and showing you just how much you are wanted. You are my very reason for existence and I promise that you'll never be alone and unprotected again, modicum lupus." Her eyes flashed molten amber that seemed kissed by sunlight as her wolf surfaced to assure her of our bond, but I already knew that it was unnecessary. I could sense every single one of her tumultuous emotion, but I knew something that even her wolf was still unaware of. She may still be utterly terrified to her very marrow of this unfamiliar connection, but she had already made her decision. She had chosen to accept, to believe in the wonderful magic of our mate bond. I also already knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that she would always protect our bond. She belonged to me every bit as thoroughly as I did to her. I didn't give Selene the chance to sway Willow, speaking before she could even formulate a response. "Hear me well, precious Willow, I am going to take you to bed and I'm going to make you forget every single one of the unforgivable violence's that you have ever faced." My heartfelt words seemed to be the only declaration my faerie like mate needed as she melted into my embrace and twined her delicate arms around my neck. I didn't even have time to process her intentions before her full lips were molded over mine and she dragged me to the mattress with her. Her thin robe fell open in the tumble so that only my clothes separated us and that was suddenly unacceptable. The thought had scarcely crossed my mind when my clothes were magicked away and I was unsure which of us did it, but it didn't matter at the moment. All that mattered was her warm chest heaving against my own with desire and the way our bodies settled into one another as though finding their mate in a jigsaw puzzle. That's exactly what my miraculous mate was, the perfect piece to conform to all of my jagged edges. I would never be so bold as to assume I knew my mate's pain, but I did know that I was the only salve for her wounded soul. I vowed to spend the rest of my life healing her. She turned herself over to me with an unbridled trust that made me feel powerful enough to conquer the entire universe. I wanted nothing more than to show Willow just how much she already meant to me. I held her gaze as my lips once more sought her out, melding to her's with the promise of passion and all of the years yet to come. Her lashes finally cluttered closed over her dual eyes as she succumbed to my promise and melted into me, her womanly legs entrapping my waist. I may have had my doubts about consummating our bond, but Willow had no such qualms and soon enough her confidence flooded through him, eviscerating the last of his worried. This tiny nymph was his to protect and yet it was her bravery that urged him on. Once her otherworldly eyes drifted closed, I trailed my mouth down her neck to her mark and vibrated with pride as her aroused moan filled the room. I was nowhere near content though, blazing a path of kisses down her torso until I reached the juncture where hip met thigh and she convulsed with longing beneath me. Her hourglass body came to life beneath me, blossoming with a beauty that I could hardly comprehend as she gave herself to me unabashedly. She was everything that I had ever fantasized and so much more than I could have hoped for. She was so absorbed in me that had I not known her last, I would have believed that I was her first. I was positive that my mate was the most spectacular being in the whole of the universe. Her body was putty in my palms when she arched upwards as though she could make us one. Her reactions were making Atlas crash through my skull in a lust filled frenzy of excitement. Her dainty fingers sank into my thick hair and electricity sizzled along my skin everywhere we touched. I traced my lips along the jagged lavender scar that marred the flesh from her belly button to her hip bone and the feather light touch made her buck beneath me. Her fingers dug into the muscles of my shoulders to drag me back up her curvaceous form and formed her plump lips to the mark at the base of my thick neck. Her sharpened canines dragged seductively across the sensitive skin and with that, she took the last ounce of my self restraint. There was no turning back or waiting now, we were far past that. Willow's toned legs tightened around my waist just as her hips arched from the plush mattress and I plunged into her, joining us as one. She let out a soft growl so filled with desire that I answered by driving my sharp canines into my mark that connected to one of her many scars. I was instantly rewarded when her tight channel convulsed and her lengthened nails dug into my back, surely leaving marks in their wake. I was lost to the utter perfection of my mate and when she began to come down, I plunged deeper, releasing my seed deep within her and took her over the edge with me. She was so wondrous, I swear I could see entire galaxies when I stared down at her. When the world finally stopped spinning around me, I rolled to my back still buried inside her and she sprawled across my chest, deepening our connection. "You belong to me, Niklaus Corvinus, now and forever," she practically purred and I was suddenly harder than I had ever been before. "Then show me I belong to you, little petal," and she did just that. Without a moment's hesitation, she pressed her lips to mine, scraping her sharp teeth across my bottom lip and it was a possession unlike anything I had ever known. Her searching lips were innocent, yet persistent as she learned all the nuances of my mouth and showed me in no uncertain terms that I belonged to her. Her hips swayed seductively against my own in a maddeningly slow rhythm that tore a low growl from my chest and she dug her nails into my shoulders. This spritely little she-wolf had me thoroughly wrapped around her fingers and I was more than ready to spend the rest of eternity bending to her every single whim. She was everything I had spent my entire life searching for, she was in my arms, all mine and that thought had me spilling my seed deep in her womb, already yearning for the pup that would some day grow there. "I love you more than all of the stars in all of the galaxies, Willow Parthenopaeus, and I cannot wait to spend my immortality learning everything there is to know about you." Her wondrous mismatched gaze flashed amber for an instant as her wolf surfaced momentarily and I saw the worry in her eyes as she gently stroked my face. "I'm not even sure that I know what love is, I know that I've never experienced it, but I do know that I love you, Nik. In the course of a single night, you showed me more love than anyone in my life and I'll spend the rest of our lives being all that you deserve. While you were looking for me, I was desperately seeking for my place in the world and you brought it to me. My place is standing by your side, Niklaus Corvinus, and I'm going to spend all my days at your side." I could not contain my joy at her declaration, her full acceptance of the bond and I buried my face in her neck, memorizing her scent. The woman that I had always wanted had just admitted that she was mine and I was practically vibrating with my excitement, my Russian accent thickening. "You will never be alone so long as I live, modicum lupus, and I will make you forget the horror you've endured, no matter how long it takes. I promise you that this pain will go away and your children will never know it."
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