Enemies Even Closer III

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Chapter 5. Utopia They have finally happened upon their favorite little get away in Downtown Norfolk on 21st street.  Bakers Crust is a small piece of heaven tucked in the rear of a lot away from everything and everyone.  They specialize in numerous types of breads, pastries, cuisines, wines, and almost any other delicacy one could want in an eatery.  Landen guides Laya to their usual seat on the outside balcony that provides an open sense of comfortable elegance and tranquility.  Landen orders their entrees along with a glass of red wine for Malaya.  After her wine arrives Landen says I see you don’t have much of a response and I know we are pushed for time so let me get to the point.  Malaya says no that is not true. I have a lot to say I was just processing our conversation.  You have to mention you are talking a bit differently today.  Landen says yes you are right so let me get to the point.  Malaya I am ready to move back this way and try my hand at something real.  I know what I’m about to say may be completely out of left field, but please just hear me out.  It took a lot for me to do this but it is well overdue.  I know that you have not had that much good luck in the relationship department and it's evident that I haven’t either.  But baby you make me happy without effort.  When I’m away from you I ache to see you and think of you constantly.  I realize that this may be a lot to put on you all at once, but all I ask is that you think about it.  I'll be here in the area for another two weeks so there's no rush.  If it is at all possible I would like to know something before I leave to finalize things at home.  Malaya somewhat intoxicated (from her third glass of wine) thinks maybe either she's daydreaming or hearing what her heart has for so long yearned for.  She gets lost in Landen's engulfing eyes for a moment like a deer caught in the headlights.  Finally Landen reaches for her hand and says well say something Laya don't just leave me hanging baby.  Forced from her daze when Landen touches her hand she realizes he was talking to her and her dream of true love may be possible after all.  However she doesn't want to jump ahead of herself.  So she takes a deep breath and says Landen we will talk about this again when we aren't drinking.  That way we can see what our true feelings are about us.  I don’t want some alcohol induced chance at something you might not really want.  Landen purposefully looks her directly in her eyes and quickly reminds her that she is the only one drinking, and that he is well aware of what he is saying.  Landen reassures her that if she needs time to get her thoughts together he understands completely.  He knows that he was coming out of left field but knew their bond and want for one another was mutual and undeniable.  Malaya says no I am coherent and can handle my drinks thank you very much.  I just don't like to waste time.  I don't want to have this conversation and tomorrow you feel differently towards me.  You know how men play on words when it's advantageous to the situation.  Landen I’m not interested in an only physical, s*x filled, misleading, selfish relationship.  Landen says you are right I will admit that is the norm but have I ever treated you in any way you were unhappy with.  I can admit my wrongs and now I know I want something real I’ve never had before.  Landen looks Malaya directly in the eyes and says no let’s correct that you mean boys.  Men don't play games.  They work hard,  provide, and are loyal to a fault with themselves and with those that love them period.  There's no room for games in the real world.   All of that unnecessary mess is simply in the way.  Malaya we have had a perfectly functioning and enlightening friendship for years don't you agree?  I have been nothing more than a gentleman to you since the day we met right?  Believe you me it's extremely hard at times, but I have managed because I knew I wasn’t ready.  Not to toot my own horn, but there's no shortage of over sexed women jumping at the chance to get with a man with money.  Maybe you overlooked me because you either aren't used to men like me, you think something crazy like you don't deserve it, or your not my type.  I have to tell you something Malaya.  I thought you were a little out of my league when we first met and you’ve only continued to grow higher and higher.  In return you forced me to grow to remain in your world.  I had to have a long convo with God to even approach you full of fear and rejection.  That was when I sat down and whole wholeheartedly listened to why you made some of the decisions you have made. Analyzing with myself if I had it as rough as you have maybe I would feel the same ways you do about things.  Laya I just haven't had those experiences.  I just want to show you what you're looking for is out there or rather right here.  I thought long and hard before I worked up the nerve to approach you because you do have a lot going on right now.  Things I don't quite understand you giving any attention to but who am I to judge.  I knew when I walked your way I’d be able to help you deal with some of your headaches to show you I care and will be strong for and with you.  Babe I have seen, heard and been involved in almost every and anything you could imagine.  That's why I know you are the one for me baby.  You can't keep letting these knuckle heads play with your fragile forgiving heart.  It will eventually cloud your judgment towards real men severely and put you on the defense all your life.  We will always be the best of friends regardless of what you decide.  As a matter of fact we won’t have or discuss s*x (unless you want to) while I am courting you.  I will be faithful to you even if we aren't titled to prove my love, loyalty, devotion and welcomed restraint.  Only qualities a real man with honest interest and intentions can possess.  That's if you choose to give me a chance.  It's been what four years, six months, 2 weeks, and give or take an hour or so?  I think I'm doing pretty damn good.  I have been lost in the world and seen more than I care to discuss.  I know for a fact that what we share could never be replaced or duplicated.  Don't you feel it Malaya?  I know you didn't slather that luscious and sweet coconut cream all over just because it makes your skin so soft.  You know that drives me crazy, and you look... you look like a delicate flower floating where ever the breeze takes you.  I picked up on you noticing my reaction years ago, but never thought you would say anything.  Or you simply lacked interest in me.  As a matter of fact pardon me if I am over stepping my boundaries so soon after you’re break up.  You can take as much time as you need.  Malaya once again is at a lose for words not believing in a million years that this man most women would die to get next to is practically begging her to give him a chance.  She thinks of how she has allowed so many before him access into her life that didn't deserve so much as a phone call.  Laya says Landen you’re right I did finally leave Houston even though we were over for months possibly years according to my new found knowledge.  I caught myself trying to stick it out and show him that there is always a better way, and that love could conquer all.  Obviously he loved the streets, money and other women much more than he ever loved or rather lusted me.  I wouldn’t attempt to compete with the streets. I refuse to knock anyones drive to exceed and make money, and I certainly refuse to be second to any woman!  You on the other hand are in the entertainment industry and with that world I dare not compete.  The industry is worse than the streets to me an admitted outsider.  I need a good man that I can build and grow with, talk to, come home to, and live a happy peaceful life with.  Landen said Laya I told you earlier I was ready to retire and change my course in life.  Well, that was for us.  I prayed and asked God to lead me to my wisdom and solitude and I ended up back here in Virginia.  I decided to fly in with out notice and as soon as I landed you called to check on me I took that as a sign and made plans to see you.  Just the thoughts of coming here to see you makes me happy and smile uncontrollably.  Sometimes in the middle of meetings I catch myself laughing at something you did or said.  You know you're silly as all get out.  I think of how you react shyly when someone compliments you.  As if you don't deserve it.  I have never felt like this before in my life Malaya.  It's perfect timing for us to explore what could be.  You deserve a break from your norm in the relationship and work department.  Laya what’s the hold up?  What is it baby?  Is it emotional baggage, financial baggage, mental baggage, etc no problem?  Daddy's right here with a shoulder to cry on, two ears to listen, money to burn, access to counseling if needed and anything else you may need or want help with.  All the problems we have separately we can now solve together.  I'm not talking about part time play or that short lived fun that comes with any new courtship.  I want us to start a brand new life together, but only if you want the same thing. Of course from time to time it will get hard and demand work on both our parts, but I'm ready for that I think.  Let me explain that answer.  I say I think because this will be my first wholehearted attempt at an honest, healthy, monogamous relationship.  I’ve been spoiled I can admit that.  I have never been in a trust worthy, faithful, love filled relationship in my life, and neither of us is getting any younger.  I want to try a new path of happiness and peace with you in whatever form.  This would be a new journey for us both.  I know this is a great deal to put on your plate right now.  Especially with the goings on of today and your life lately, but think about it baby.  If you honestly think you can grace me with my requests it would be my greatest pleasure to grant you your wildest dreams.  It's getting late we should be heading back to your place so you are not too late for your night out.  That’s so cute Laya come on lets get out of here. Chapter 6. Possibilities of Happiness Malaya still dumbfounded and totally caught off guard follows Landen's lead out the door without uttering one word until they are in the car.  She finally looks at Landen and says Landen are you serious?  I mean truly serious!  Landen cracks a smile and says by now you should know when I am playing and when I am serious.  But since you want to hear it Yes Ms Montgomery I am most SERIOUS.  I only ask that you think long and hard before you decide to be with me.  I’d hate to ruin our friendship and lose you completely.  You see when I fall I fall hard and require those feelings in return.  I do not settle and will except nothing less.  As Landen enters into the traffic he says in any other way what would be the use.  Landen then reaches over and for the first time in their entire friendship and firmly grips Malaya's slightly revealed thigh.  Landen makes eye contact with Malaya and says I have been waiting for years to do that.  While waiting on the light he closes his eyes and drops his head back, and says Malaya can you feel that?  She looks down at his pants thinking he's a little ahead of himself.  But when she doesn't see a bulge she says feel what?  He says the electric current running from your body into my finger tips increasing my heartbeat by the second.  Malaya can feel it, but has been trained by her past to shelter her deepest feelings.  Malaya did not want to appear weak or gullible and finally says you are about to miss the light.  Then she says do you think I would have worn this dress, and smothered myself in this coconut lotion if I hadn't felt you.  I feel you with or without a physical touch.  I have had a silent connection with you from the day we met.  Think back to the times when you were extremely busy and constantly changing girlfriends like clothes.  I knew I could never be happy in that situation, and refused to ruin what we have always had as such great friends.  Landen without hesitation I am attracted to you but I need more than that.  It's just a lot to take in right now.  I want us to talk more when we have more time.  Landen says I respect your wishes and have managed to get you back home safely before 9pm.  Malaya thanks Landen for the meal, the most unexpected conversation, and for getting her home on time.  Then she says I'll call you when we get back if it isn't too late.  Landen says no time of the day is ever too early or late for you.  Landen extends his hand out and gives her a key.  Malaya says Landen what is this?  I told you to give me some time to think.  Landen patiently lets her finish and says it's a key to my beach house.  That way if you two decide to go to the oceanfront feel free to lounge around or stay the night.  I'll be in Hampton at my Condo if you need me for anything.  Malaya says I can't take this.  Landen stops her and says with no strings attached.  I am not taking no for an answer.  Plus you know how you get when you have been drinking.  Drinking and driving isn't a good mix anyway you look at it.  Do you want a driver?  Malaya says no we will be fine, but thanks.  Malaya say I appreciate you so much and takes the key as she kisses Landen on his cheek this time noticing the rise in his pants and how he isn't ashamed at all.  He says don't go starting stuff girl you better hurry or you really will be late.  Malaya jumps out of the car and runs to the door quickly removing her Landen appropriate outfit and hops in the shower quickly.  She gets out and puts on her freak um dress.  She freshens up her lip gloss while locking her front door and calls Paris to tell her she's on her way.  As Malaya turns to walk down the steps of her porch she's caught off guard and drops her phone when she sees Landen still sitting out front.  He rolls down the window and says wow you look fantastic Laya.  Let me get out of here.  You look dynamic baby don't hurt nobody.  I only waited to make sure you got to your car okay.  It is late, and you have had a few unwanted guests here lately.  Before I forget I put a little something in your purse.  Go out have a ball, and don't forget to call me.  He rolls his window up and waits for Malaya to get into her car and then gracefully pulls away.  Chapter 7. Show Up & Show Out Malaya throws her hills, purse and phone in the passenger seat and backs out of the driveway full of excitement.  She's a little buzzed from the taste of happiness and her fourth glass of wine.  Once she reaches the interstate she remembers she had called Paris, but dropped her phone when Landen startled her.  As she reaches for her phone it rings.  Malaya jumps again and says to herself out loud girl calm down.  Not looking at the display Malaya hastily picks up the phone saying girl I'm on my way.  I have some juicy news to tell you.  Houston rudely interrupts her by saying "what you couldn’t call me back"?  I know your selfish ass got my messages, and what’s this juicy news you can't wait to tell?  Malaya usually very heavily scans her calls and wishes she had taken the extra second to enable her dashboard display.  Malaya says Houston I don't have anything to say to you.  I know you are used to treating me like a door mat and completely forgetting I exist until you need me!  No more Mr. Baxter.!  I won’t stoop to your level and curse you out.  That part of my unhappy life is water under the bridge.  I'm as peaceful now as I have been for as far back as I can remember.  Look  I do forgive you, and will never forget you.  I am so finished with you please don't call me again.  With that being said I am late, and I have an important phone call to make gotta go.  Bye Bye player player!  Malaya tosses the phone in the passenger seat a feeling of empowerment overtakes her.  She puts down her windows, turns up her radio as Beyonce’s song Formation blares from her speakers.  Once she gathers herself she reaches over to get the phone to call Paris.  Houston never hung up and was still talking.  He’s saying shut up you ain’t Beyonce.  He's saying you better not hang this phone up miss goody two shoes, women don't leave me I leave them.  You will always be mine.  You can't leave me you need me.  As she eventually hangs up tears spill from her eyes the power she had gained was broken.  She says to herself is he right?  Is that why I keep taking him back, what’s wrong with me...?  Then the phone rings in reaction she throws her phone in the glove compartment and continues to Paris's.  Laya avoids her phone at all costs.  This time it was Paris asking Malaya where she's at on her voicemail.  Saying you said 9pm sharp and it's almost 10p still early for me, but not for you we both know that.  Did you change your mind, or did that damn Houston get to you first?  Call me back Laya now!  Malaya can't bring herself to even see who it is because her day has had way too many surprises and she needs to get her thoughts together.  She hears her phone ring about six more times.  She ignores them all takes a deep breath and enjoys the peace and grace of the night breeze.  She had to get her mind back into “go out and party mode”.   If she didn't she knew she wouldn't enjoy herself, and Paris would gripe about her disposition all night long.  She finally reaches Paris's house and observes her getting into her brand new money green Cadillac XT5 while talking on her phone.  Paris quickly hangs up and says girl I was about to come to you.  I called you like twenty times.  Why didn't you answer your phone?  Malaya lets her finish her little rant and says you will never believe what happen to me today with a tone of complete confusion, disappointment, and happiness all at the same time.  Paris says what Houston?  He doesn't know any better Laya!  I told you to forget about him he's not right for you.  Paris gathers her items from her car and hops in with Malaya.  In route to who knows where they haven't had an opportunity to decide yet.  Malaya fills Paris in on the day’s happenings.  Paris slyly says I think you should give Landen a chance.  I've always known you have secretly wanted him even though you never admitted it.  He's a nice guy.  He never paid me any attention even when I was in full attack mode.  Remember when I first laid eyes on him?  You remember well maybe not?  Well what about the time at The Cheesecake Factory.  I spotted him at the bar as soon as I walked in, and made a b line in his direction.  You know I can smell money.  He so politely and gentlemanly refused my offer.  Appreciatively thanking me for my interest.  I flew to the table and started yapping to you about the fine paid man at the bar that just turned me down.  No less than five minutes later he joined us at the table.  I could have swallowed my tongue.  While you just sat there with a devilish grin of defeat and satisfaction on your face.  That alone showed me he was at the very least loyal and considerate.  I was looking damn good that day too.  Remember I had just started modeling Houston's first full figured line of women's custom fit clothing.  You know they hugged each and every one of my curves just right.  Even with me being dressed to the nines I got no reaction from him!  That has never happened to me before and you know it hasn’t!  Malaya says yeah I do remember and you completely misread me that day.  Malaya says Paris a devilish defeat or whatever you just said isn’t true.  I am not in competition with you.  We are a team right?  (She also remembers Paris's little slip about the first time she laid eyes on him, and how she let the thought linger in the air without explanation and her negative remarks about Malaya’s reaction).  I’d never compete with you especially not with a man.  We made our pack when we were young girls and I’ve never broken it.  That’s not me at all.  While talking to Paris she remembers after lunch at the Cheesecake Factory that day Landen telling her to be careful of who she chose as friends.  Always remember you are the company you keep.  He left it at that, but for some reason it made her feel something else had gone on.  A topic he never cared to elaborate on.  She didn't ask Landen any questions at the time because she was so caught up in delusional love with Houston.  The outside world (or at least it seemed to her) didn't matter.  Paris says okay okay well anyway about tonight.  Malaya lets Paris carry on and doesn't say another word.  She instantly had a bad feeling that Paris had possibly crossed the line with Landen and he nor she ever cared to mention it.  She could never love or be with a man that had been with her best friend purposefully.  It would be too messy and uncomfortable.  That was their one and only rule as young girls to never date an ex no matter how long it had been over.  It was just easier that way.  Malaya wasn’t so certain Paris had held true to their girl code promise and all she could hear was her Godmother telling her to watch out for that girl.  It’s something I just can’t put my finger on it.  In true goddess form Malaya begins to observe her friend and allow her actions to speak louder than her words.  No more blind trust with anyone.
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