Enemies Even Closer II

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Chapter 3. Party Time     Fast forward to today…  Ten months of complete silence and all of a sudden Houston is sitting in her driveway?  He just pops up out of no where without a single call.  Malaya calls Paris and tells her play by play what had just taken place.  Malaya stresses her want and now need to go out as badly as Paris wanted to tonight after all.  Paris said I kind of already knew you would want to go out.  Malaya smacks her lips, and says what are you psychic now or something?  Paris pauses and says maybe.  Girl we both know he is not the only rich, cute guy in the world laya.  You know you deserve so much better.  Everybody knows but you?  Paris then says you know I had his back for years, but he fooled us both.  Malaya just leave him alone!  Malaya can't help but think Paris's comments sounded a little too emotional, but quickly dismissed it.  Reassuring herself that Paris was like her sister, and she knew Malaya’s past with Houston.  Malaya says okay okay I hear you I'll be there at 9pm on the nose.  Paris says alright I’ll be ready bye.  Malaya heads straight to the side of her closet she only ventures to when she wants to be the center of attention.  Malaya keeps in mind Paris's request to accent her as well as her suspicious choice of conversation.  Malaya decides to ignore the tug on her gut and ventures over to an extremely sexy champagne and black dress with a dropped cowl neckline in the front and back of the dress and a thigh high split outlined with little sparkling champagne swarovski crystals.  Across her bed she lays out the outfit from the sheer thongs, invisible lift up bra, to the seductively revealing dress and her sexiest six inch stiletto heels.  She then runs her long awaited bubble bath, and heads to the kitchen to fix her something to eat.  She eats her salad, has a glass of Moscato  d’Asti to get herself energized for whatever was forthcoming.  To go out and really enjoy herself Malaya preferred a few drinks to loosen up.  Malaya finishes eating and starts to wash her dishes when her house phone rings.  She thought that was strange since most people called her cell.  The closer she gets to the caller id display she sees it's her Godmother.  She picks up and says hey God mommy how are you?  Her Godmother's name is Cookie Courtier she's a 54 year old ball of fire on her sixth marriage and loving every second of her new found peaceful and loving life.  She tells Malaya that she was a little worried!  She says I tried to call your cell phone but I kept getting you’re voicemail.  Malaya says I turned it off because Houston popped up earlier today.  Her mom says Houston who!  Cookie knew dam well who she was talking about how many black Houstons has she met?  Her godmother never really took to Houston.  Even as a young girl her godmother always told her to treat her body like a treasure because if she didn't no one else would.  Cookie also said the first person that comes along saying nice things will try to take advantage of you.  You have to be in control of what happens to you.  Malaya says Mom I know I know I didn't talk to him.  Cookie explains I know you and Houston have or had a long history, and that you may still have a soft spot in your heart for him but baby you deserve to be happy too.  If you aren’t happy you can't make anyone else happy.  Look at me baby I’m living proof that happy is free of charge when found, and the only way to truly live life.  If it takes more than once to get it right so be it!  Baby life is a curvaceous road of lessons that you can either learn from or keep going through until you do.  I won’t say another word about it unless you ask okay baby.  I didn't call to meddle in your business I was just checking on mama's baby.  Call me more often I love you Malaya, and don't worry the right man will come along.  Just be patient and true to the world and yourself.  Don't worry about me mom I love you too, and I'll call you more often.  I will oh by the way I’m going out with Paris tonight.  She hears the excitement and caution in her Godmothers’ voice.  Cookie says good baby you need to get out and have fun.  You work too damn much.  Go have a ball but you keep your eyes on that Paris!  You know I never liked her much at all.  You’re grown, and you choose your own friends.  Please be careful you know there are a lot of fools out there at night.  Malaya says why after all of these years do you still not like Paris?  Cookie says it's just something about that girl that doesn’t sit right with me.  I can feel it but I can't put my finger on it.  Just be careful.  I will mom, and I love you.  See you later.  Malaya heads directly to the bubble bath she has daydreamed of all day long.  While bathing she hears that voice again telling her to keep her eyes on Paris but dismisses it again.  After enjoying her bath the best she could she gets out and puts her essential oils on.  Malaya is ever so pleased that she has made it through her entire bath without a single phone call.  Unfortunately, her peace of mind didn't last long.  No more than ten minutes after getting out of the tub her house phone rings again.  As Malaya makes her way to the phone fussing all the way she makes out the name on the display.  It is Mr. Landen Watts!  She instantly stops fussing, wraps her towel around her as if he could see her, as a smile appears from ear to ear across her face.  She trips over her shoe landing safely on the lounge.  She couldn't answer the phone fast enough.  Malaya says hello Landen.  He says good evening Laya in a joyful yet laid back fashion (as he always had).  I haven’t heard from you in two or three days is everything okay?  Malaya chuckles and says I didn't know I had to check in with you everyday.  They both laugh and then Landen quickly gets to the point.  You don’t but it would be nice more importantly I'm in Virginia and would like to grab a bite to eat with my #1 lady.  That's if you don't already have plans?  Caught up in the moment she agrees to have lunch.  Practically forgetting she had already made plans with Paris.  In the midst of their conversation she catches herself, and says I planned to go out with Paris tonight around 9.  Landen thinking that's funny and burst out in laughter, and says that's cute.  So you’re going out huh?  What prompted that most unexpected act?  Never mind you don't have to answer that.  You most certainly deserve a night out you are a work-a-holic just like me.  I hope you have an extraordinary time.  In the meantime and between time it's only 6:30 pm I could have you back before 9pm.  Are you sure you can't spare some of your free time for an old friend?  Malaya joyfully agrees and request about 15 minutes to get dressed.  Ending the call Malaya says I'll see you soon, and don't keep me waiting Mr. Watts I do have other plans.  Landen bursts out in laughter again and says yeah okay I hear you Ms. Busy I'll be there shortly.     Chapter 4. Pleasant Surprise   Malaya rushes to find something a little less revealing to wear.  She didn't want to send the wrong message to Mr. Landen Watts ( a 47 year old Owner/President of a very lucrative music distribution company ).  She was well aware that at any given time he could be rubbing elbows and doing business with celebrities.  She could care less but it was Landen’s world and she respected it.  With Landen she always put her best foot forward.  Even though they were just friends there was an unspoken attraction between the two of them.  They had never crossed any lines, but thoroughly enjoyed one anothers company.  Landen is about 6'4, butterscotch complected, very well dressed, laid back, with almond shaped eyes that were almost the same color of his skin.  His cologne of choice always made her melt.  Not to mention he's sexy as HELL!!  Malaya decides on a sultry, yet early dinner appropriate bronze, and gold wrap around dress with a thigh high split revealing her glossy toned physic.  She had on her four inch gold open toed sandals to match.  Malaya changed purses only taking her essentials ( lip gloss, keys, cell phone, money, and her custom made coconut scented body cream ).  Some scents drive men crazy for Landen it was coconut.  She knew the coconut smell made Landen weak in the knees.  Well aware of the effect it had on Landen she made sure to bring her enticing secret weapon along every time they were together.  She couldn't wait for his warm embrace, and softly whispered compliments.  As soon as she puts the lotion in her purse she hears the doorbell.  She gives herself one last quick glance in her mirrored walls in the foyer.  Pleased with her thrown together outfit she heads towards the door.  As Malaya gets about two feet from the door she looks through the cracked glass panels along either side of the front door.  She makes out a distorted image of a much shorter man than she's expecting.  He's holding a large arrangement of what looked like flowers of some sort.  Malaya opens the door and standing there is a cute little dark chocolate delivery guy named George.  They stand there for a moment admiring one another before she speaks.  Malaya says yes how can I help you?  He shyly says excuse me Hello are you Ms. Malaya Montgomery ending his question with a bright white smile?  Malaya says yes he hands her a clip board, and ask her to sign here please.  As she is signing he’s scanning her from head to toe again while saying beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.  I know these flowers are probably from a mate, but I have to ask you are you married?  Malaya said no George.  He says well I would love to take you out sometime here's my number.  Call me anytime.  He then says have a lovely day Ms. Montgomery.  Malaya shook her head thinking what would she do with that baby?  She tosses the phone number on the table and eagerly grabs for the card entrenched in the flowers.  Malaya is as excited as a school girl.  She finally starts to appreciate George’s silent compliments that she would usually so easily dismiss.  She scurries to places the fragrant, eye popping, still blooming, exotic arrangement of flowers on her dining room table.  Malaya steps back to take in the lovely arrangement.  She admires how they accentuate her personal choice of eclectic design perfectly.  Malaya then opens the card and begins to read it, but is interrupted by her cell phone ringing.  She looks around for her purse as she finishes the card realizing the flowers were from Houston.  Her mood changes instantly.  Sadness begins to set in because during their entire on again off again relationship she only got flowers twice.  Those too little to late gestures were only exuded when he felt guilty, got caught lying to her, or doing something wrong.  She snaps back to a better place feeling a sense of release in rejecting his effortless and meaningless attempts.  She then ever so freely tosses the card in the trash.  The sensation of release throughout her body was immensely palpable.  Then the door bell rings again.  Curiously and cautiously she looks through the peep hole to avoid any other mishaps or unwanted guest.  Pleasantly absolved and at peace with exactly who Malaya was anticipating.  Mr. Sexy ass Landen Watts.!  Her walk was instantly tall, and full of confidence his mere presence caused feelings to erupt inside of her she needed and wanted so badly.  Landen was as handsome as they come, always clean cut, with pretty white teeth, fresh breath, well dressed usually casual specific to his own taste, and tonight he was early!  She opens the door and Landen's first words are Wow you look great!  He reaches out to give her a long awaited bear hug.  As they break their embrace Landen notices her beautiful flowers, and says I just called you.  Malaya says I’m sorry before I could get to it you were at the door.  Landen says that's a rather extravagant gathering of seasonal exotics.  Aren't they your favorite?  Before she could answer he says you know Laya if you take a trip to the right green house you can have hand picked exotic flowers in and out of season whenever you want.  Laya I'd be glad to take you anytime you want to go.  Silently Malaya knew Landen was well aware of Houston's treatment during their horrible relationship.  Contrary to most men he always treated her like a queen never once talked against Houston or harped on her bad decision making.  He never once pushed her to make a choice.  He was simply a sponge for Malaya unless his opinion was requested.  She did find it somewhat out of the ordinary that he was in Virginia so often lately.  Never mentioning it to him for fear of him thinking she was not appreciative of his kind treatment.  Knowing wholeheartedly Landen was not fond of Houston's expressions of toxic lust Malaya broke the awkward silence.  Purposefully focusing on his earlier statement Malaya says I would love to go to the green house you suggested that would be nice.  Landen in response smiles and says it's a date.  I'll have my assistant set the plans up and let you know so you can take some time off.  That way we can sight see while we are traveling.  Malaya says okay boo just let me know.  Let's get going if you don't mind it's getting late.  As she looks at her watch reminding him of the short amount of time they have together.  Landen helps Malaya put on her jacket and then turns her to face him.  He looks her directly in the eyes and asks her is everything okay?  Malaya replies yeah I’m fine.  Why'd you ask?  Landen says Laya you know you can talk to me about anything right?  Malaya turns away from Landen as tears begin to fill her eyes and her posture sinks.  Landen takes her hand and leads her to the couch and says talk to me Laya.  Malaya in turn tells him everything.  She started with Houston's unwarranted appearance earlier that day, to his toxic behavior, to finally the flowers on the table.  Landen wipes her tears away as he patiently and attentively listens.  He waits for Malaya to finish before speaking a word.  Landen then lifts her chin and looks her straight in the eyes as if he knew all the answers and could feel her pain.  He says in his most comforting tone those things he said about, and to you aren't true.  You know that as well as I do.  You are wonderful, precious, and peaceful without effort.  He is only speaking a reflection of himself.  Maybe he wants to do right by you, but does not understand mind over matter yet.  Most males don't get it until it's too late.  What do you think you should do about that situation?  Malaya stands to her feet, wipes her tears and says expeditiously he's my ex forever!  I don't regret my choices even though they almost broke me.  Can we just leave that topic alone for now?  We need to be going anyway remember we are pressed for time?  Malaya reaches out and intertwines her arm with Landens saying I would much rather discuss you and how you have been?  I can see that you have been taking care of yourself quite well.  So tell me how's the music business treating you?  Instantly identifying what she's doing he says I like how you changed the subject.  Landen says correction you are pressed for time.  I have all the time in the world for you.  That's fine with me but please know if and or when you need to talk I'm here for you always.  Landen then says as far as the business it's just that business.  I am honestly thinking of changing careers or taking a well over due break very soon.  Malays says wow I would have assumed that you have a dream career come true.  Landen says maybe ten years ago, but music just isn’t what it used to be.  There's a disconnection from the artist , the root purpose , and origination of our music.  It's so  sad, and sort of a slap in the face.  I recently merged with another company that has put out pointless hit after another with one talent-less act after another.  Don’t get me wrong I have definitely made a lot of money with them but it is just the old supply and demand rule.  Ignorance is in demand, and now I reluctantly supply it.  Most of the music is degrading, violent, offensive, and at times down right ignorant.  People now can get deals because of their looks and connection instead of a God given gift of talent.  I understand completely how an artist performs what they’ve lived.  But once they have achieved success they should try to dissuade the youth from making their mistakes.  Instead of glorifying their unfortunate history song after song.  It has been an up hill battle from day one with that company.  I’m not ashamed to admit it.  I'm trying to lay the path for the next young people in my situation.  That way those aspiring for a successful career in the music/distribution world don't experience the difficulties most do.  Don't get me wrong thanks to you I am aware of the truly beautifully, soulful music out there thats widely ignored or down played.  Landen says do you remember the first Jazz show we went to in Hampton?  That show case opened my eyes forever more and we have gone together every year since.  In the beginning it was all about the money, but it's not about the money anymore.  I have more money than I could ever spend.  I'm ready to start giving back more of myself and my money.  These scholarship programs, charity donations, and apprenticeships aren't enough in my eyes anymore.  I have to start changing lives in real time with a more hands on approach.  As a result I can slowly pump life back into the neglected element of the music industry.  You know as well as I do that music has it hands in everything now.  From sports, to fashion, to liquor and almost anything else you could imagine.  The harsh handling of this industry has had a trickle down effect on our everyday lives.  We have had this conversation so many times before.  The difference now is I see your point of discussion.  I had to wake up and look deeper into my own surroundings for examples.  I took into account how women or better yet these young ladies have changed.  Not young in age, but young in life's experience.  Yes I am a man.  I'd be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy looking at and being around beautiful women, but when is enough enough?  When will women begin to leave things to the imagination again, and honor their value?  That is one of the most fulfilling steps in courtship that men, and hear me when I speak not boys, but men enjoy most.  The wondering and pondering over that sweet surprise your queen has hidden to all but her mate of choice and as she simultaneously maintains high standards.  That’s a beautiful example of true elegance.  Now a days all a male has to do is act somewhat interested and more females than not will grant entrance into their hearts, lives, home, souls and bodies without a second thought.  I see it on a day to day base at the office.  There are always less than half dressed women sprinkled throughout the building looking for who ever is looking for them.  Not realizing how degrading their actions can come across overpowering the good traits they may possibly posses.  Don't get me wrong they are more times than not very attractive,  but that's done without effort.  A gift they were blessed with from above if you will.   I couldn't put my finger on it for a longtime, but now I know.  I know how, why, and in what ways you are so special to me!  You are naturally beautiful with a natural body that won’t quit, but you choose to challenge yourself and others with your creative mind, unique style of dress, and engaging conversation.  If I may ; you have succeeded quite graciously.  Finding a women like you Laya whether you know it not is like finding a four leaf clover or better yet a needle in a hay stack.  You are so gorgeous, extremely intelligent, independent, sexy, holding a heart of gold, and your vibe is as sweet and as addictive as candy.  I often wonder how any man could ever go wrong with you.  Maybe it's because you scare them because you are so real and honest, and a lot of females just aren’t.  I get it that most women if not all start out like you but get hurt and change along the way.  You’ve been hurt and you still fall back on your heart in almost every situation.  I myself can clearly see one immature boys lose as the next smart mans gain.  I know I am probably talking your ear off about me, my view points, and work so tell me how is work treating you?  Malaya is thrown for a loop due to Landen's sincere nature of conversation unlike his usual carefree and jovial nature of speech.  Landen has never expressed any true interest in Malaya and she didn't want to misunderstand his words.  She is confused because they have always been able to talk to one another about anything from money, to family issues, down to current/previous mates.  Landen had never once introduced any real interest in her verbally.  So now she's trying to figure out why he was so heavily complementing her instead of just saying what was on his mind?  Then she quickly dismisses her questions as her own over thinking of his elegantly spoken words.  Landen says talk to me Laya.  Quickly she regroups and answers his question still trying to understand what just took place.  
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